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Redpill on STAX for newbies: STAX is an old Jap company with outdated tech that was considered high end back in the 1960s and 1970s but sounds like ass by today's standards, so they went nearly bankrupt. They were purchased by a Chinese company for just a million dollars who decided to market STAX to the audiophool "more expensive is better" demographic who buys those crappy $3000 vinyl players, they shill heavily on HeadFi and here on /hpg/, plus they pay Zeos to shill their crap just like Fostex does.
>In December 2011, Chinese loudspeaker manufacturer Edifier announced the acquisition of 100% equity in Stax
Oratory has measured the highest end STAX, the SR-009S.
It's worse than the HD600. HD600 scored 92 and SR-009S scored 76.
Recently Rtings rated STAX across various dimension, it's worse in terms of sound than mid-priced offerings from Hifiman and Audeze, and only got a 7.7 rating.
In a separate study:
>The very highest end STAX ($4000 SR-009) was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701
Download the PDF of the study at: mega.nz
To add insult to overpriced injury, they have shitty plastic build quality that you would expect on cheap chinkshit headphones:
Oratory (respected sound engineer) on the build:
Even best Stax headphones sound objectively worse than mid-fi. This is why they don't demo them in store, they rely on the internet to create a sense of mystique around STAX and shill it as the endgame because its expensive, Asian, rare and obscure. In reality its no bass sounding garbage, with shrill highs that appeal only to near-deaf boomers.
Stax incels are going to kill themselves after watching this video
My STAX addiction has gotten so bad I passed up sex with my girlfriend to listen to drum and bass
Any nostaxers here? I will kick your ass
Just copped brand new 1000XM3's for 200 eurobux
stop bullying us staxchads, I'll admit it we are incels please just leave us alone
jesus christ stax cunts are sad people
Who Yang Gang here?
You can buy new stax every month with yang 2020!
DT 990 600 ohm's came in today. Sound great, love the bass. They require significantly more power than HD 6XX and K702. O2 drives them easily though on low gain, windows sliders all up.
Are you using them at 9 o clock for them on the O2?
Oh and where do you usually listen to with the 6xx too?
So listening to Beasite Boys - Ch-check it out - at about 10 o clock is loud enough for me.
Using the same settings, HD6XX require about 8.5 o clock. But the difference in volume is significant.
Maybe closer to 10.5/11 for the DT 990 actually. Keep in mind too that I like to listen at safe levels, not a fan of really really loud. I'm going to test some quiet tracks next.
Staxpill me on yang
And I will say, the soundstage on these things is huge. Really big sounding. Orchestral sounds great. I feel like the stage is bigger than even K702, and obviously way bigger than HD6XX.
His platform is UBI. 1,000 neetbux a month my man.
Can i still get it as a wagie?
Yes, he is promising every Americans $1,000 a month regardless of income.
Stax/electrostats are best for classical and shit, but they're not made for rock, correct?
Let me tell you, I listen to a lot of both classical and rock, and I am absolutely floored by these DT 990 right now. You don't need to spend a fortune.
Holy shit, based. BHSE here i come.
I like rock better on more colored headphones but you can get that with EQ on stax.
>Maybe closer to 10.5/11 for the DT 990 actually. Keep in mind too that I like to listen at safe levels, not a fan of really really loud. I'm going to test some quiet tracks next.
You listen to about as loud as I do desu. I go to 7 o clock to 9 o clock on my 250 ohms.
9 o clock ish on my HD 600.
I never knew the soundstage felt bigger on the DT 990. I always thought the K702 was the bigger one even against the HD 598.
It's really impressing me. I've heard this track many times (Shostakovich Cello Concerto 1) and I've never heard it like this. It's like listening to speakers or something, it just sounds big. And classical needs bass too, which these headphones are incredible at. Maybe that's adding some depth? Super comfortable too, which I am very picky about.
These are the pro versions? I didn't know they could be so comfy I have the premiums. It seems like you basically have the mid-fi trio. Glad you like them.
Yea, I do have the mid-fi trio. I think I'll be selling one or two pairs now though. Back in the day this was the best stuff, always wanted a pair. They are the Preium 600 ohm versions.
How does one define a neutral headphone?
It sounds boring most likely.
>It sounds boring most likely.
HD 800 sounds boring but people say its not neutral.
There's no such thing as a completely neutral headphone. All headphones have variations in the frequency response.
What's the go to right now for the best sounding open back headphone under 300? My SHP9500s broke and I'm looking around.
>There's no such thing as a completely neutral headphone. All headphones have variations in the frequency response.
Why does everyone call the HD 600 neutral then when it has recessed bass, emphasized mids, and I guess close enough to neutral on the treble.
>HD 800 sounds boring
A meme.
Because they can't afford anything better.
I'm saying this in terms of bass. In terms of soundstage and imaging its decent. Although last time I tried them I couldn't tell apart the soundstage being widely different from other higher end models I tested (30+). Maybe because my ears were tired.
Why do audiophiles love neutral sound signature. I don't really like it and I feel they only chase after neutral just to say they don't like fun signature and want a "high fidelity" signature.
Make way for the king of mid-fi.
I mean if the headphone measures decently, it should be considered neutral, even though they all sound quite different. The idea is that nothing is colourized too much.
>I mean if the headphone measures decently, it should be considered neutral
What do you mean by measures decently? I feel like the HD 600 can be too undercolored in the bass especially. I guess you can say the mids are not too colored.
considering modding my HD800 with the SDR mod and AHG sheepskin leather pads
More like the king of all-fi.
>considering modding my HD800 with the SDR mod and AHG sheepskin leather pads
I heard HD 800s and it's very similar to HD 800 in terms of bass response, maybe a slight edge to HD 800s. I tried EQing and the bass does get better with sub bass. Not sure if I would try different pads after my experience with dekoni pads on my current headphone. It's boring though without EQ although at the same time I think I would prefer something that at least doesn't need a lot of EQ.
maybe cuck-fi
>Not sure if I would try different pads after my experience with dekoni pads on my current headphone.
what headphones
I was considering dekoni pads for my HD800 but they're expensive as heck
My Topping D30 just came in, how do I take off these white things on the ports? I can't pull it out
pull them slowly but firmly while wiggling / twisting them left and right
DT 990
I tried their hybrid and velour pads and some new pad they had avaliable that they were going to release in a few months. The velour sounded close to stock DT 990 but it was still a bit off making it slightly more recessed mids, which i didn't like. The hybrids were god awful, and messed up the whole sound signature making it seem like mids were extremely distant and recessed and the bass was just muddy and overflowing the already recessed mids.
The only one I would consider buying is the new one that will be releasing in a few months. No idea what it was called but I think they were going to sell them for $40 and OEM stock DT 990 I think is like $20 so I think I'm just going to go stock when I buy new pads.
I like this pic. Source known?
got it thanks
Nevermind. artist:uru
You know who doesn't like this picture? Go in peace.
I'm Atheist.
I'd vote for Yang Wen-li in a heartbeat.
I got AHG ones because the foam inside my earpads (and headband) was literally disintegrating. You picked them up and your hands would be stained from it. Not too angry about it since I got the HD800 for 400€.
Ordered the AHG pads and a stock headband. If I don't like the pads I'll just buy stock ones later, but I heard they were really good and changed some of the sound for the better, so I'll have to wait and see.
no problem
now go enjoy it
My D30 doesn't work, must I install drivers manually for this on Windows 7?
in the past only higher class Japanese equipment was having these protective caps on rca connectors
Never heard of AHG pads desu
>You picked them up and your hands would be stained from it.
ewww...... I heard the HD 598sr does this too after a while. Why are these pads doing this.
>HD800 for 400€
That's a good price though. The stock earpads are like $75. I only could find $140 headband padding for that, if you paid that much for it that seems jewish. Tell us how it sounds when it comes in.
Okay, I've installed the drivers and I can hear sound, but its disabled my PeaceGUI, APO equalizer. When I change the frequencies nothing happens. What do?
>Why are these pads doing this
foam does it due to age, the headphones are from 2010 (serial number is in the 4 thousands)
>The stock earpads are like $75
yeah it's stupid
>I only could find $140 headband padding for that
got it for 40€ off of Amazon DE
>Tell us how it sounds when it comes in.
if I can still find you in here, sure
they should arrive Wednesday
Don't you have to install APO for each device? It's a new device so it makes sense that wouldn't work.
do any of you what headphones this guy's using? youtube.com
gonheiser HE450
thanks it works now.
I used the HD600 for 2 months without a DAC or AMP. Today after using the JDS Atom and Topping D30 it sounds so much better, I can hear the Bass easier and boomier. I thought people said it won't make a difference?
>I thought people said it won't make a difference?
The bass is more noticeable if you up the volume.
What website?
Its the same volume as without the amp+dac though. I'm running the JDS Atom at max and windows at 100%.
>I'm running the JDS Atom at max and windows at 100%.
What? Are you saying the JDS atoms at max volume and windows max volumes is the same volume? The HD 600 doesn't even need max volume to be listenable either.
Why on God's green flat earth are you running the JDS Atom at max volume?
because it ain't loud enough if I don't do that
>because it ain't loud enough if I don't do that
>T. deaf boomer
Here we see another boomer overcompensating on sound to try to eak out bass on the HD 600.
Sorry bud, it was a brick and mortar-only deal
a local electronics chain opened a new location near me
>Deaf boomers giving you audio advice
Tell me all your settings. You have Windows 10 volume set to max. You have your music player (foobar?) set to max. And you have your JDS Atom set to max. Is this correct?
I also bought a DT990 to compare to my HD600. More comfortable and softer with less clamping force.
the AMP is at max, windows is at max, my winamp player though I set at 20%
The DT990 is definitely superior in every way to the HD600 and 650.
You are doing it wrong. Set your music player to 100%. Adjust the volume on the amp based on this.
Whats the difference?
Sundaras > beyershit > snapshit
When the amp is set to max like that you can get some weird things going on, like distortion etc. If you really don't want to touch that knob, set it to halfway and then adjust the music player volume slider accordingly.
On some music when I set winamp and windows to max, halfway on the amp it still isn't loud enough. I have turn it up a bit on the amp more
I tried Sundaras, DT 990, and HD 600
The best value imo is DT 990 then sundara, and then HD 600. Sundara felt to me like a DT 990 but more neutral, imaging wasn't as good as DT 990. But Sundara comes in at $500 or $350 so it's a rip off at that price.
sundara has serious qc issues and the sound is rather mediocre, at 500$ price point you're much better off with dt 1990
Alright man, well just make sure you aren't damaging your hearing. Do you have the amp set to high or low gain?
I tried them and concluded they weren't worth it to me at $500, even the lowest price I've seen $350 ish. Sundara if I were to compare it to the DT 1990 I would prefer the 1990 I guess only because it comes with analytical pads. I only tried balanced pads against my DT 990 and it wasn't worth it when the differences weren't that big for almost 4x-5x times what I paid for my dt 990 brand new. I did hear the Sundara is more of the well built hifimans though.
low gain
I'd recommend using high gain if you have to turn it up so much.
Its okay at the current volume, I got my big brother to try out the DT990 he said it was too loud so I'm putting it down
STAX L300 do not sound good. Listen this to this comparison with the Ananda:
Eww, I feel sorry for all those weeaboo incels who fell for this audiophool meme
ananda sounds like complete shit, wtf???!!!
It's really sad how far Nostax plebs go to try and convince others but mainly themselves that Stax are bad. I could only imagine the horror that would go through their face if someone tied them up and was going to make them listen to Glorious Stax, making them know exactly the orgasmic sound they will never afford.
Which one of you nostax incels want to sniff my feet?
And still better than Stax...
redpill me on Sony wh-1000xm Jow Forums
>the orgasmic sound