How would a suckless style IMAGEboard look like, anons?

How would a suckless style IMAGEboard look like, anons?

Attached: 1024px-Suckless_logo.svg.png (1024x668, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

something your mother hasn't seen yet

Like shit

This i guess

It already exists.

you have to compile it each time you post.


thanks for the moderate kek fren.

This is actually a great idea. I can imagine what it would have. Should be easy enough to make. Be right back in an hour or so, keep the thread alive.

Attached: bloat_free.png (500x500, 10K)

good post

Attached: 1436238679260.png (696x320, 336K)

requires a separate patch for image support, posting, and scrolling.


Make sure it has no webm support and no javascript


Attached: 1546519936259.gif (250x203, 136K)


a suckless imageboard is a textboard

rip textboards

Better not have any CSS styling

No. I fucking emphasized the word image in the OP asshole

actually now that i think about it, it shouldn't even be hosted on a HTTP server. i don't know if implementing something like that with 9P and have it be viable would work.

It needs some css you insufferable nigger. Gosh you're a bad troll. Javascript is the real cancer

>image with "bloat free" text and nothing else
oh the irony


25KB max file size, 20 word post length limit.

May not work in what I am thinking about, but maybe in version 2.

nothing wrong with javascript. i dont see why you're being such a faggot

It wouldn't "look". It would be a protocol.

Should I waste $10 buying domain for this

yes please

You'll probably regret it but go right ahead

No it has to have css. Make it asthetic
300 character is better 2bh

I'm thinking 20 words or 300 characters. Maintain brevity, allow for vocabulary.


2ch or Jow Forums back when it had text boards

Also, only one thread running at a time.

pinterest sucks

No. This is different. Fuck chans
300 is good enough. Try to limit javascript.

No. All Threads get purged automatically in an hour. This is bettter. 2bh

Don't like "chan", how about: ?

btw digital ocean shows picture related, get me some free credit:

Attached: working_on_bloat_free.png (1189x693, 44K)

I like something like this, but won't be able to do this in an hour

I think .org or .jp would be better.

Yea thats better but use DOT org

Wasted $12
Now Setting up DB and SSL

Attached: bought.png (259x192, 8K)

Do it without any js,css or captcha and I'll give you 200$

even as a dwm user... /thread

is this the birth of sucklesschan?

It needs css and captcha. No JS or very minimal JS.

Stop trolling and go suck a nigger cock user

iirc there's an imageboard written in C I don't remember how it's called it's german I think

should be a simple collection of web pages. each thread is just a text file.

posts/replies cannot be made from the website

it's up to the user to make the right http request for file uploads, replies, new threads etc.

i think this would lead to some cool clients for posting to sucklesschan and maybe less shitposting

die you retard nigger monkey glow in the dark

I'd unironically use something like this.

Not everything you disagree with is trolling

Attached: sad_pepe__feels_bad_man__vector_by_hirussai-d8uq43y.png (1092x1037, 65K)

OP, just build it as an api and let people figure the rest out on their own. front-ends are bloat

found it. no js no catalog, as god intended

Pretty much what I did. User should be able to use whatever client.

Status is forgot the ssh default password, now resetting stuff. I might need 15/30 minute more to finish up deployment, doing everything manually here.

a suckless imageboard would only consist of html. Otherwise you're just creating another Jow Forums clone

werchan at

no, a suckless board allows you to attach any arbitrary binary data, like usenet

an imageboard is not fucking twitter.
a MINIMUM of 500 characters should be required
~î‚°echo an imageboard is not fucking twitter. a MINIMUM of 500 characters should be required | wc -c

Brevity is the soul of wit.

suckless is the biggest cringe and yikes trend I've ever seen on Jow Forums

It'd just be multiple mailing lists, one about technology, another about literature, etc.

Status: fixing shenanigans

Attached: status1.png (986x436, 84K)

ideally all interactions would be through editing a file but xml (and subsequently html) is harmful software so perhaps a json file and would be best. suckless recommends gopher as a possible alternative to http and could be manipulated with each board, thread, and post being a gopher hole. Jow Forums is also full of aspiring logo designers, something else to keep in mind.

Attached: 1515261141163.png (853x621, 87K)


/* gcc -o slb slb.c */

typedef struct post_t {
unsigned no;
char *name;
char *message;
struct post_t *next;
} post_t;

typedef struct thread_t {
unsigned no;
char *topic;
post_t *op;
struct thread_t *next;
} thread_t;

static unsigned post_count = 1;
static thread_t *catalog = NULL;

thread_t *create_thread(char *topic, char *op_name, char *op_msg) {
thread_t *new = (thread_t *)malloc(sizeof(thread_t));
memset(new, 0, sizeof(thread_t));

post_t *op = (post_t *)malloc(sizeof(post_t));
memset(op, 0, sizeof(post_t));

op->no = post_count++;
op->name = op_name;
op->message = op_msg;
op->next = NULL;

new->no = op->no;
new->topic = topic;
new->op = op;

if (catalog == NULL) {
catalog = new;
return new;

thread_t *cur = catalog;
thread_t *prev = cur;

while (cur != NULL) {
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;

prev->next = new;
return new;

void reply_to_thread(thread_t *t, char *name, char *msg) {
post_t *new = (post_t *)malloc(sizeof(post_t));
memset(new, 0, sizeof(post_t));

new->no = post_count++;
new->name = name;
new->message = msg;

post_t *cur = t->op;
post_t *prev = cur;

while (cur != NULL) {
prev = cur;
cur = cur->next;

prev->next = new;

void init() {
thread_t *slg = create_thread("Suckless General /slg/", "Anonymous", "Discuss suckless products");
reply_to_thread(slg, "Anonymous", "First!");

int main() {
thread_t *t = catalog;
while (t != NULL) {
printf("Thread #%d: [%s] --%s-- %s\n", t->no, t->op->name, t->topic, t->op->message);

post_t *p = t->op->next;
while (p != NULL) {
printf("Reply #%d: [%s] %s\n", p->no, p->name, p->message);
p = p->next;

t = t->next;

return 0;

i think it problem is the opposite, really
we get swamped with too many shit threads and we just get too many new threads an hour
i regularly hide on Jow Forums about 100 threads, manually and through filters (which are totally useless due to a combination of false positives and from misspellings allowing kuso posts to escape) and by the time i've finished sorting out the mess, another 30 new posts have appeared.
taking this as an optimistic estimate, the ratio of signal to noise on this board is about 33%
the actual value is lower; in agreement with sturgeons law, probably only a tenth of posts (a further third of the "good" threads) are worth reading.
the rest isn't just innoculously inane - it is stultifyingly miserable.
bump algorithms are almost entirely incapable of handling Jow Forums's unadulterated suck.
higher value threads are more discover-able by sorting for most replies or by oldest first.

a quick and dirty fix might be to limit the creation of new threads to once every thirty minutes, like post timers, but shared among all users.
but this alone, would be insufficient due to the spam and difficulty of finding good threads, so this must be done in conjunction with a radical step such as limiting the total number of threads on the board to 50~75 with a 25 thread buffer to roll back when the board is hit with a fresh wave of spam.

that takes care of the catalog, but what of the threads?
i believe without any evidence, that large bump limits encourage poor, brief, and imbecilic posts, while conversely, tighter autosage limits encourage slower paced, but more thoughtful discussion.
at any rate it is easier to find the third of posts worth replying to in a shorter thread, than an immense one.
on that note, i believe that threads should be limited to ~250 posts before being bumplocked.

or you could forget about trying to design your way around the cleverness of idiots, and just have moderators that actually work and ban people for making abhorrent posts

Creating new imageboard software only adds more dispair to the world. Who would do something so cruel?

Did zero testing, but It's up and running: Let the roast begin.

First one to make a cURL or wget client wins one reddit upvote.

Attached: alpha.png (500x500, 7K)


Captcha is svg image btw.

this is beautiful, i don't even know how to post :DD

Attached: 559c01792315fc59188e403e2db7b051ef65dd2a39f303788c15b1f1ffff5065.gif (725x801, 448K)

Maybe I should make a default/example client. But you have to

1. make a GET request to it will give you a json with svg data (which is image) if you view the image it is a four letter scribble thing

2. to post make a POST request to where in the content of the body there should be a "content" value, "captcha" value which is the textual solution from what you saw in the image and if you are replying to someone "reply_to" value should be id of that person

Each time you post, it will assign a auto generated human name and if you reuse the session, it would show the same name in other posts. If you don't reuse session, it will get you a new name.

stealing this thanks

tfw complete brainlet

When you make get request like I said in #1, it will give you a session, make sure you send the session when posting so server knows who is solving what captcha

Thanks, but explanation will be helpful. My fingers are hurting from pressing buttons too fast for last hour or so.

I did GET /page/0 but a text file was served.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think html should be served or anything like that. But JSON would make it easier to write clients for it.

when I go to the captcha page I get a bunch of letters and no image

will return an JSON array of posts at page 0. Each page is cached for 30 seconds.

you can save the svg as a variable, unescape the quotes and output it onto a random web page if thats easier for you

It's a svg image, I am not sure if you are seeing any error or not. Can you show me a screenshot of what you are seeing ?

I can try to make a client, but I am not that great at cURL/bash foo which would probably be easier. Halp ?

>using POSIX .*_t namespace
>incorrect curly bracket placement for function definitions
>explicitly comparing with null
completely tasteless

can't seem to open the SVG with anything on Void Linux. Tried firefox, feh, sxiv. Feh for example gives me this:

feh WARNING: captcha.svg - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
feh: No loadable images specified.

which is weird because I do have Imlib2 installed.

>incorrect curly bracket placement for function definitions

GNU style can suck it, braces on newlines looks like ass.

I don't know what GNU style is and I don't care. I'm talking about K&R.

My POST attempt got a JSON response containing what the fields sent in addition to another svg.

:( linux doesn't seem to have anything that can easily parse json it seems, I will add a thing on the website to view image as a temporary solution, shouldn't take longer than 15 minute

s/what the fields/the fields I/

>user created a botnet
Dont join guys

This means the sent captcha solution was wrong. Or maybe the session cookie that was sent on GET /captcha was not sent back when posting

I put the response in a file and manually trimmed around the svg tags and replaced \" with " then opened the file in a browser.

Where is the botnet local user ?

with cflags

How do I cookie with curl?

dude almost every C programmer puts the brackets on a new line for function definitions

Reformatting the code to your personal desires is left as an exercise to the reader.