>102 kg
>185 cm
Technology for losing weight?
102 kg
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just stop eating
It's really easy. Change your eating habbits. Reduce calorie or more importantly sugar intake. Start doing sport.
Also step one is to fuck off to
Ketogenic diet.
Anybody want a soda or something?
I'm going to one of the machines because I had all these sweets so I thought I'd get something salty.
Oh and I finished debugging the phones, I know you wan- you asked me t- s- so I debugged the phones and I thought I should tell you that the system is gonna be compiling for about 15-20 minutes so some of the minor systems might go on and off but it's nothing to worry about, it's just a simple thing.
It's easy, eat less you fat piece of shit
Learn machine learning with python. Use the opencv vision library. Buy a camera from ebay for $5. Use that camera and program in python to detect when you're eating. Easy way is when you detect the movement of your hands near your mouth. Now you have the software side down. Then buy a gun and a trigger mechanism that activates with arduino or whatever. Set it up so that whenever your program detects you're eating, have it shoot your 12 caliber to your head. Right in the skull. That will fix solve your weight problem.
Losing weight is 99.9999% a problem of overeating.
Holy shit user how can you be that based and redpilled?
That's a good weight. Just get swole and it'll look good.
Intermittent fasting is pretty easy to do if you're too stupid to stop eating after 7pm.
You're guaranteed to lose a pound a week if you eat 500cal or less twice a week, that's like one meal.
Technology to gain weight?
Thats at least 20kg overweight
I've been fat all my life and that always pissed me off. 2 years ago I was about 69-72 kg, nowadays I'm 58-60. Here's what I did: I eat 3 times a day (I noticed that if I skip breakfast I'll compensate later on and/or have headaches. So I eat lighly in the morning (some bread and/or cereal bars (1-2) then, I drink almost 2 liters of water (I heard that you should drink 1 liter for each 20kg on your body. Next, I take a shower, wait a couple of hours (1-2) and have a moderate to small lunch (I also avoid drinking @ lunch since I've noticed that makes me feel heavier). Then during the evening I drink another liter of water and wait until night when I finally have a small dinner. Usually, I find that eating dinner/lunch in small portions (small plates) is a good strategy. I also try eating early (7AM breakfast 12:00AM lunch 6-7PM dinner) and sleeping before 11PM aswell.
Calorie counting app
And here's some technology you can buy to help you get started.
Go to Jow Forums and get ready to work hard for a good body. Weight isn't something you should care about, it's fat percentage, size and how strong you are.
If you only do weight loss shit without building muscles, you'll look like shit. May as well just starve yourself.
Smartwatch and a set of weights.
It helped me a lot. I lost 30 kg in 6 months.
I stopped eating breakfast and dinner and any kind of snacking between. Everything I eat is at lunch. I have a decent buffet at my cafeteria, so I can eat a wide variety of stuff there and that is enough for the rest of the day.
Then I use the watch to keep track of how active I am during the day and plan my evening activities from that. Normally, I bike 20min each way to work, workout for about 45 minutes when I get home from work and then walk for 45 min in the evening before I go to sleep.
The watch help me keep track of it all and it helps me feel guilty for slacking off.
Stop eating more than you need. Cardio everyday to adjust you body and burn those fat stocks.
permanently replace juice with water and sweets with fruit. this should be enough. lower you daily calorie intake by 20% for faster results.
i spied you on /fat/. you not being a fat shit anymore jordon
weights and myfitnesspal.com
Lift weights. Start with bodyweight exercises. Do 2h walking a day.
>2h of walking a day
>in a city full of smog
>while having thights so fat that they rub against each other
yeah. listen to this brah
Eat less, literally requires you to do nothing to reach your goal.
eat less
work out
take stimulants
Okay? And? They wouldn't be that fat if you lifted and walked.
This. Starving yourself is unironically the best way to lose weight.
>what is metabolism
>what is starvation mode
Honestly, eat well, replace many of the sugary drinks with water and just take long walks outside. It's not the best method but hey, it won't make you suffer either. And you get to walk outside. Fuck the treadmill. Eventually you're more likely to stop using that shit.
Also I must say, before anyone says shit, it did contribute to me losing weight (amongst other factors like starving at one point and losing 10kg, but still). I went from 120kg to 75.
Also don't lose weight fast, no way. Loose skin is trouble.
Yeah, like, quit drinking fucking soda all day, and do some exercise.
Not every city is "full of smog" and honestly if you can't even walk you're in real trouble. I used to be shorter and fatter than that and go for long walks, fuck off with that "tights so fat they rub against each other" excuse, go take a fucking walk. Change routes not to make it boring if you want. Go the fuck outside.
Depends on bf%
its good if you got muscle
some phone app that tracks your stats and etc. just for motivation.
as for the actual losing weight bit, don't eat shit. Eat stuff that is very satiating but low in calories, for example potatoes. By that I mean actual potatoes, not chips or whatever.
Eat less.
Hurr durr. The amount of mussel is negligible. Unless he's on roids. Go to the super market and buy 10kg of lean meat and think about how that would look on you.
Fuck me that's complicated. I just drink a couple of coffees in the morning, maybe a sandwich or two for lunch and then eat fucking non stop when I get home from work. Never had a weight problem. Probably gonna have a stroke or heart attack problem later, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.
That's not even that bad.
It's a simple as not stuffing your maw too much
Eat less calories than you burn.
Drink more water, eat more fruit and add veggies to your lunch, the gym could work but if you can go with a friend or start practicing a sport with a friend it helps much more than being alone on the gym
Those are some faggy shoes you fag