So this is the power of technology, wow

so this is the power of technology, wow.

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Even if she is not fertile, the old hag can rent the woumb of a poor south asian 20something female.

>be sucessfull woman
>be cucked and raise another woman kid

You know that sinking feeling you get when you know you fucked up?
I can't even begin to imagine how that would have felt since her selfish hopes were built up over 15 YEARS.

My mum looks better and she's over 50
this hag belongs to the grave

>another woman kid
You can use the darkest most foul sheboon as a surrogacy mother and the baby will not have any traces of black genes if you use a donor egg.

except that it will be getting her nutrients

except that it wont be her genetical offspring.

literally being cucked.

>cucked by mother nature
Muh strong and independent women, muh career, don't need no men!

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>except that it wont be her genetical offspring.
If she pays they can do it.
Take her nucleus and put them into donor eggs and fertilice them, it you keep doing it, some survie and can become a fetus.

And then she'll realize she paid $100k in multiple procedures just to become a single mom

all her eggs died dumbass.

Women over the age of 25 without kids shouldn't exist.

Still single at 39.
Yeah no she was probably a massive cunt anyways. The career was just a excuse

The IVF and donor eggs and sperm cost less than € 4,672.
Does not matter, they can still transfer her nucleus into other females donor eggs.

it will be the nucleus of a 45 year old roastie, enjoy your rotten DNA.

>they can still transfer her nucleus into other females donor eggs.
incorrect. the major cause of cell death during unfreezing is irreparable DNA damage


>screaming like a wild animal

>Things didn't turn out the way she hoped

Huge surprise!

stress does that to you. mine is librarian and just turned 50. looks about the same as she did 10 years ago.

Use archive you dumb faggot

Shame, because she is hot. People shouldn't put this temporal, superficial delusion before nature. Mankind is a child holding the nuclear football.

>stress does that to you
Shit genes do that to you.

>she is hot

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Italians are hot, and real beauty is bone structure, features, and personality/character. Like wine and cheese women get better with age.

Her eggs fuckin faaiiiillleeddd bud.

Except for their dried up uterus

>Like wine and cheese women get better with age.
>this is what roasties actually believe


Attached: Ijgzwsk.png (1150x556, 52K)

>real beauty is bone structure
You can see her bone structure pretty clearly because of her thin as fuck wrinkly skin lol.

Baby making, nature wise, is teens and twenties. Hotness, subjective but cultured, is 30's and 40's.

For men maybe. Women no way. They peak at 22

mother nature saves us yet another thug fuckup bastard child from a single mother, sometimes she can be alright

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thank God the liberals are literally killing their bloodlines, praise be to Allah

>Hotness, subjective but cultured, is 30's and 40's.

The only hot 30 year olds are the ones that look 20.

>"James A. Grifo, a fertility specialist at NYU Langone Health who is one of the pioneers of the procedure, calls the whole notion of being able to “control” your fertility — perpetuated by the media and embraced by feminists — destructive."

knock me up daddy uwu

No. Most women hit the wall in their mid 20s. 'Cultural hotness' is just glorifying the women that made it through the wall better than their peers

By no means should anyone be sexually active before marriage, and we should be raising our children better both in character and skill. If we did that people should have their babies before 30. That being said, mature women should be appreciated, but the hottest thing about a women is her personality/character. Women come into themselves during their 30's and 40's, as long as they didn't believe the lie fed them by society, and, yes, frankly that is hot. The ripened fruit tastes the sweetest.

That pretty much eliminates the risk of her dying during pregnancy or birth, but it doesn't fix her rotten eggs giving easy to tards and autismos or worse

>but the hottest thing about a women is her personality/character
>pic related its me

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>The ripened fruit tastes the sweetest.
More like the worn-out cunt is the most desperate.

Women think they can have their cake and eat it too. Guess what, bitches, Mother Nature is the biggest bitch of 'm all.

i'm dead, cant make the picture of that creature screeching on the ground go away from my mind rofl

past 25 womens are at their end. only asian womens are good until 30-35.

why can't she fuck to get kids? what's the point of freezing some eggs in your 30s?

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women are sterile by 35.

bullshit, my aunt got pregnant at 56

>Late 30s
>Freezing eggs for later
Why would you want to raise your first child when you're 40+? I'm planning to have my first kid when I'm 25, and hopefully I'll have 3 or 4 by the time I'm 35. Even that feels a bit late.

> she remembers screaming like a wild animal
best ending

more like milk right?

>>except that it wont be her genetical offspring.
>If she pays they can do it.
>Take her nucleus and put them into donor eggs and fertilice them, it you keep doing it, some survie and can become a fetus.

How without her eggs moron? That works when the woman gives the egg to the other. She has no eggs because she's so successful she'll die a rotten empty shell of a woman.


getting pregnant after age 35 carries a muich higher risk of birth defects/retarded/autistic children, the goal of freezing ovum is to preserve healthy ones from when you are younger, but welp

just learn to code and adopt a black kid from Congo, lmao!

Bitches want to "discover themselves" (go on a world tour of riding the cock carousel) or "focus on their career" (suck their way to the top). And of course they *also* want the happy married mother life after they're bored with all that. And a pony, probably.

Basically, they want to cheat Nature. Turns out that doesn't work out.

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>yet another control freak properly fucked over by karma
this makes me happy

>Turns out that doesn't work out
works out for 0.1% of those biches, and that makes 50 more cunts try the same.

If she wants to get pregnant, she should just spread her legs. A man will come along and keep trying till she is. She needs to lower her expectations.

I have found older women hot since I was in kindergarten. Genetics is indeed important, and there is nothing wrong with marrying someone younger because she will come into her age. I don't see why our opinions have to differ, especially when you are bitching about character which is my whole point, because as far as I look at it is can be a best of both worlds scenario. Yes, men are visual creatures, so choose someone whom you are attracted to obviously (which is subjective), but at the same time if our society was a better place and people, including women, made better choices then your complaints about societal and life choices would be moot. Even if you married younger, which seems to be your preference and is also a cultural norm in since guys tend to be late bloomers and girls get their shit together earlier, it would then be on you to honor the woman like you expected her to honor herself if she did. Will you ditch your wife, if she waited for you and developed honorable character while also being your preference, just because she did what was natural and aged? I have news for you fellows: men love harder as time goes on not the other way around. Yes, physically, on average, women are at their physical prime younger, but there is more to a person than just the surface and the refined person will acknowledge that. I acknowledge my personal taste, I acknowledge it may also be acquired, but at the same time I can enjoy women young or old and they only go in one direction. So, frankly, I will be getting more out of this than you all, and do you live up to your own standards? This isn't a women versus men, right versus left, elite versus common, but a character, societal, and frankly darkness versus light problem. Don't hate the player, but hate the game, as the hip hop silicon valley does so seem to love, says.

>She needs to be reasonable and not full of greed.


Nigga she's 45. The 1% left of her eggs are all retarded by now.


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>I have found older women hot since I was in kindergarten.

Just because you are fucked in the head doesn't mesn that's how that works.

>She needs to lower her expectations
how can you tell that to a woman incel patriarchy misogyny REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

How old are you?


if you're a woman and over 30 and still single, you must have the worst personality ever.

Based schizo roastie.

Just because you can't read doesn't mean my statement is incorrect. I do believe I mentioned subjective, acquired, and differing points of views many times. I hate to break it to you, but older now is beginning to mean younger for myself more and more. It is all perspective.

Don't try to argue with Jow Forums, it's basically nu-Jow Forums at this point.

I hate that it's next to impossible to criticize women without being associated with whiny MRA faggots like and anyone who uses the phrase "hitting the wall" unironically.

Thanks guys.

What does it say about men over 30 and still virgin?

same thing, but nobody will ever write an article about a 45yo male whose frozen sperm failed to thaw.

They've reached Wizard status and should be revered for their self discipline

Good point. I always give someone the benefit of the doubt, because that is how I roll. We all need to learn something after all.

*because they ostensibly went through sterilization or some other selfish surgery

god i wish i didnt fall for le having sex meme

Truly the based of the based (just don't masturbate). Men or women. Better yourself, remember G-d, and find someone while pursing what you love if you're blessed there.

>4 kids.

Do you want your children to attend public schools or something?

Natural selection working as intended.

same, one mistake in high school and now i'm just a 34 yo incel instead of an enlightened spirit

You may not be able to change your past, but your future is yours. It's harder now for us, but if you want it and know better go for it. Be the better person, stronger person, you know you should be, because that is on you. If you need help I recommend the gospels of Jesus.

based and redpilled.

24. Just bought a house, getting married later this year.
Private school isn't that expensive. I have three brothers and we all went to private school.

no need, i was a real man whore from 15 to 22, now its been some years that i reverted to basement incel status, unable to become a wizard and unable to get the female attentions i used to receive. life sucks.



not at all. However the chances of getting a retard kid becomes fucking enormous.
I believe the recorded oldest mother was past 70 years old, and gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl). The girl ded, but boy strong.

if that money buys you the illusion of comfort in life it's not wasted money

Is she eligible for the Darwin's award?

Did you go last year? Because if you think you are going to pay in the future what your parents paid for that shit in the past you better get vasectomy instead.

What kind of job do you have that you can afford all that and still spend time here?

Most of these people bitch about women, but if every woman on the earth disappeared tomorrow there would be much mourning. They are the light of our light, after all. Sure, I agree with the current state of things along with you all, but to deny the former is to deny reality.

I find your statement both interesting and tragic. I feel inclined that I must tell you I'm finishing up the last of some $10 vodka currently. Society is a whore, but find the best path and pursuing it is on you. You were tricked in youth, but don't be content to remain there if you have to live in this life. Consider my words or not, your life is your own along with shit is universal and not evenly distributed, but remember Lincoln failed at being a post master, a coasting job, before becoming president and General Grant failed at managing a fucking general store before becoming the general who won the civil war. Success is not a straight line, but rather a wavy line. Society lies, and lies out of insecurity. I know someone who learned to paint in their 70's, had an education when most didn't, and traveled alone into a 3rd world country when they were old. You can regret yesterday, but don't regret today. The longest journey starts with a single step, and do you have something to prove to this world and yourself? In RPG's you have to grind to beat the boss, and finish the fantasy. You are in your grinding stage, and so don't give up. Grinding sin't fun. This drunk believer in Christ with eccentric views of women who likes tech believes in you and knows your story all too well. Do you?

probably a trap camwhore, HE's only pretending his bf can get him pregnant. dont ruin it for him.

He's a very important executive at Bullshit Corp.

Before someone blasts me I know pain, too.
"Give strong drink to one who is perishing, and wine to the bitter in soul.." proverbs 31:6

Based and hebepilled

nigger did you really highlight half the article
why do you dumb fucks keep doing this

thanks user very kind of you, i'm doing well if anything, atleast i am no more a druggy idiot who act like an ass, and i suspect that is strictly related to the decreasing of female attentions which is sad if you ask me kek.