Go vs Rust

I'm planning which language to use for my next big web project and want to take on a debate to help me decide.

In general, what would make you choose one over the other?

Attached: gorust.png (1600x694, 1.62M)

I would choose Go. I say this as somebody who has written a decent amount of Rustlang and no Go.
Rust is too slow to compile and extremely difficult to write clean code with. You'll also be much less productive with it.

>Go is written by some of the C big braned ppl
>Rust is tranny lang


Go , it will scale far better and is best suited for the web(libs and what not).

java honestly, though cloudflare and discord have endorses rust recently

For a web project it would clearly be Go, it's the 'bread and butter' of the language together with containers.

>no generics
>big brained


If its a web project then you should use Go

Just use Go and Buffalo or Elixir and Phoenix


Use this instead

Attached: 1200px-Julia_prog_language.svg.png (1200x811, 43K)

Rust isn't quite ready for big web projects yet. Go.

I've rolled a dice and am gonna learn Go as my first language, wish me luck Jow Forums

Go is great for server projects but it's very slow compared to rust. Sure user here says the compile time isn't fast, but why does that matter if runtime is blazing fast? I'd still recommend Go for a web thing, however, it works out of the box really well for microservices.

tl;dr both are worth learning, if web probably golang

Nim is unuronically better than both of them for your use case. Go doesn't scale well because it's so slow and its concurrency model is sluggish and dated. Nim has the fastest GC you can get in an actively-developed language, and its concurrency model is more modern and robust. Rust is just impractical from start to finish due to its horrendous compile times and schizophrenic static analysis. What it gains in performance only brings it about equal with Nim, not ahead of it in any meaningful way.

They both have terrible drawbacks.
Just suck up the cost of using a runtime.
I recommend using kotlin+jvm or typescript+notejs.
Webshit is almost all IO bound anyway,

>GC is better than memory management

Use jai instead :^)

* Lisp

>big web project
>Go or Rust
>... for a big web project

You want to get nothing done or what?