Void linux cons

what is wrong with this?

Attached: images.png (224x224, 3K)

I've only used it for about a month and the only thing I found 'wrong' with how confusing it was to use the second package manager (i might just be a brainlet tho)

they have some packages in their repo that are marked as deleted or dummy packages in their description and they're not deleted to "not break end user's pcs" or some shit like that
i find that very annoying because i don't want non functional packages bloating up my package list file(s)
other than that it's pretty based desu

It's a useless unnecessary distro for retards to be increasingly retarded, literally no reason to use it over Arch if you want to build your own system

it's not useless since it suits my needs and other people's needs. just because you consider it useless it doesn't mean that it doesn't have a use for someone else, "another man's garbage is another man's treasure"
also >for retards to be increasingly retarded
why do you think that?
>literally no reason to use it over Arch if you want to build your own system
what does this have to do with void?
arch has a command line way of installing it while void has a installer made using dialog iirc but you still have to configure your window manager and other shit manually

Didn’t the main dev kill himself and lock out all the other contributors since he was the only one who could access the build?

Also it’s not Debian.

Besides a few quirks here and there caused by it being rolling release and the fact that it still has a fairly small community, it's a great little distro.
>btw i use void

Small community, especially now that they have shut down their forum. No libglvnd support.
Otherwise it's a pretty decent non-systemd distro.

seems pretty much alive to me

Attached: undead.png (1022x685, 70K)

>retarded xbps-src restrictions, therefore
> No wine-64, no wine-staging, no Panasonic printer drivers, no terminals based on the fork.
> No forums

It's a mediocre distro maintained by trannies with a worse implementation of pacman and the absence of systemd is the only reason anyone pays attention to it.

he came back

it wasn't official, they just linked to it on their website
if you want you can use mailing list

>worse implementation of pacman
in which way is xbps worse than pacman?

Yeah nah
Void's better in every way

>no reason to use it over Arch

Attached: 1496218714681.jpg (720x400, 51K)

>Build your own system
You meant to say gentoo or slackware.
There's no reason to use Arch over those two.

Nothing. Installed it yesterday. I love it so far. It's minimal but doesn't take hours to setup

My dream distro would be Void but with a real AUR equivalent. Other than that's it's perfectly fine. I use Void btw

what do you need AUR for when you can create pull request on github where team can review it
It's better in every way unless you want to post shitty templates

I don't need it. It would be nice to have that's all. You can't really compare te ease of use, convenience and number of packages available between the two as a normal user though.

I still don't know how to update source packages, because I'm a retard. I want a few more packages, and the forum off of reddit, and a proper AUR analog.


>No wine-64
Oh, for what specific reasons do they have to do this?


Void's whole repo is like the AUR

there are valid reasons why people might not like that, but I like it and have submitted packages and package fixes before

I think it would be easier to ask for its pros. What makes it better than the rest?

> Getting the sound to work is difficult.

> Their MATE package has a memory leak somewhere.

Otherwise, it's a solid distro.

No systemd

who names a linux distro after a houseplant

There's actually nothing wrong with it.
Holy retarded autism fuckers
Install gentoo (Or Manjaro :^)

But really. Fuck systemD

He realized that he was bloat.

No OpenJFX. There are a few things I literally cannot run unless I either setup and build the entirety of openjdk myself, or install oracle bloat.
Granted most of those things are themselves trash and it hasn't made me move off to a different distro, but you asked for flaws so.