
Is it difficult to program a script that automaticly presses number keys from 0000 to 9999?

Attached: 7wcFjde.jpg (1920x1080, 478K)

Not if you're a human with a functional brain. Even the lowest denominator pajeet scammer could do that

This. It's so fucking easy and trivial you can literally do it by hand. Get a brain op...

Newfag here can I get some help on bypassing my school firewall? Zscaler

So it seems to be pretty easy. But how?

I made a painting for you

Attached: Barbados Bermudabob.png (941x1051, 112K)

That's sweet, user.
Thank you for sharing.

you cant have my PIN number Jamal

I suspect you intend to do something malicious with this script and therefore am not inclined to help you make it.

Literally just 4 for loops.

>4 loops for one sequence
I hope you're just pretending.

Attached: 1545729194166.png (303x150, 93K)

He wants to brute-force a keypad by trying every possible combination.

Trying to crack rust doors?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Is there a way to write a script that automatically prints the sum of two numbers?

Literally only 1 while loop
t0 = time(); // Time in seconds
while(true) {
t1 = time();
pressNumberKeys(t1 - t0);
if (t1 - t0 > 9999) {

I hope this is a joke. This takes minimum 10,000 seconds, whereas the 4 loop solution runs 10,000 iterations total, which will finish much faster than that "clever" solution.

Looplets btfo

t0 = time(); // Time in nanoseconds
while(true) {
t1 = time();
pressNumberKeys(t1 - t0);
sleep(0.000000001); // Sleep 1 nanosecond
if (t1 - t0 > 9999) {

>its so easy
>no one actually mention the interesting part which is generating the event
guess its not so easy huh

>implying your CPU timer is accurate to the nanosecond
just give up

Attached: 1516115685086.jpg (2544x4000, 906K)

t0 = time(); // Time in nanoseconds
if (!cpuAccurateToTheNanosecond) {
t0 += 10;

while(true) {
t1 = time();
if (!cpuAccurateToTheNanosecond) {
t0 += 9;

pressNumberKeys(t1 - t0);
sleep(0.000000001); // Sleep 1 nanosecond

if (!cpuAccurateToTheNanosecond) {
sleep(0.00000001); // Sleep 1 nanosecond
sleep(0.000000001); // Sleep 10 nanosecond

if (t1 - t0 > 9999) {

You just need to check msdn (assuming Windows) for the relevant winapi function and write a few lines of code to implement it. You don't even need to be a competent developer, you could literally just paste example code from some random blog, tweak it a bit, and wrap it in that for loop.

But nobody wants to spoonfeed the OP with exact details because he's probably trying to hack or steal something.

>program a script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# - bruteforce 4 digits with xdotool
for n in `seq -w 0000 9999`
do echo "n is $n"
for digit in `echo $n | sed 's/\(.\{1\}\)/\1 /g'`
do echo "xdotool key $digit"
echo "xdotool key Return"

>using xdotool instead of libxdo
Enjoy your overhead

>But nobody wants to spoonfeed the OP with exact details because he's probably trying to hack or steal something.
not really. if we spoonfeed op he will learn nothing.

do{press_key(rand() % 10000));}while(true);