>60hz with vga ports
What does Jow Forums think of companies taking advantage of tech illiterate parents? Is it scummy or for the greater good?

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The kids only play Fortnite so it's fine.

Anyone who doesn't base their purchasing decision on reviews is not worth considering anyway.

TFTCentral or bust - other monitor reviews are wothless in comparison.

For me, it's Lim's Cave.

it is not the big evil corporation's duty to educate dumbass fucking parents, their job is to sell cheap bad shit to dumbass fucking parents and they are good at it

I just oc my screens if I can (not losing image quality ofc) and leave it at that.
My shit gpu barely manages 75fps+ required for fast vsync anyway (gtx 1080 oc)

Actually, if you're German, is a really great resource, too. Recently, I've also been positively surprised by However, truth be told, I don't think there's any other product where vendor specifications are so full of bogus as displays. I'd never buy a display without a review or without seeing it in person. I've worked with professional displays in signage for a few years and feel that I am competent enough to judge at least for my own needs, if not objectively.

The GTX 1080 is not shit. Turn some settings down idgit

No point of pc gaming if I have to turn settings down at 2k 100fps+ m8
I had a few games run at 3-5k downsampled and can't go back I can't stand low resolution or effects never could.
Weird as the midrange is creeping downward but going up in price (1660ti/2060 are within 1fps+- of my 1080 but cost 1/2 as much meanwhile a 2080ti/2080 cost double-quadruple as much for only 30-40% better performance)
Fuck buying high end after pascal and Vega it's just pointess
Imma wait a year for 1080ti tier perf to trickle Down to reasonable prices

Based lim

You know, i use a 32" tv in 1080p
what's the problem? it works, so why bother?

I can't stand using TV's its the only time input lag and dpi is a issue for me
My 48" ips isnt bad but the dpi is a huge issue at native 1080p

My mom wanted me to help her buy a laptop and the best buy dude was absolutely a shitter.

>Without Office 365 the keyboard wont work
>I am a certified professional, antivirus installation is no joke, I guarantee my workmanship (he said workmanship like a built a couch haha).

Remember: out of all the parts thatg make up a PC the monitor is the one people upgrade the least often. Getting a high quality screen that is going to last you years is a wise choice.

I spent a shitload on a 4k 120hz freesync screen and its a magical experience when I pushing that for sort of fps. Hell even going down to 1440p in the latest and greatest so I can get high fps and all the IQ cranked is well worth it.

Also: never, EVER buy a PSU without reading reviews first - Jonnyguru is a great site for psu reviews.

Why are monitors still so expensive? A $100 monitor from 2 years ago has the same specs as a $100 from the present

I'm not sure why it's a problem.
I use 400 dpi and it works just fine.
About input lag, i'm not sure what's the big deal, i've never had such.

Niether but the ghosting on some panels is insane.
Thank fuck I switched to ips.
Va and tn look like garbage now.
Oled still shits on everything

I've recently started gaming on my HTPC connected to my new 55" TV. I have to admit that image quality is quite amazing. When you sit far enough away DPI is a nonissue, and gamut / reaction times are much better than I expected. It's a midrange Sony, so no high end TV.

Yeah a shame TV's dont really do 32:9 or 21:9 ultra wide flat otherwise I'd go to one in a instant

Don't lower resolutions look like ABSOLUTE ASS on higher res monitors?
My retarded mate's got a 4k monitor on a 1440p rig, and when he turns the resolution to 1440p it looks twice as bad as my native 1440p

It's techdarwinism.

It looks like taking a 1440p picture and resizing it to 4k in paint by selecting it and dragging it out, and then dragging it back to 1440p