Convince me that Windows software isn't head and shoulders above Linux software

Convince me that Windows software isn't head and shoulders above Linux software

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who cares
both winshit and lunix are shit
apel is also shit
everything is shit
iw ant to die fuck


Windows updates vs any package system, that alones prevents me from considering Windows as a serious OS.
NTFS vs any proper filesystem, it's 2019 and Windows still has problems with long file paths, pathetic.
Windows desktop lacks basic window management features such as window on top, set a window on every workspace or subset.

Anyhow the only areas Windows is viable is media production if you are too poor for a Mac and gayms, if you haven't grown out of it yet Linux is getting better games support every passing day.
>muh Windows for muh werks
If you need Windows you are probably a wageslave typing numbers into Excel all day so your opinion doesn't matter.

Windows is King whether you like it or not! Mac is second way above linux, like it or not. And Linux comes in last on the consumer desktop market. Linux is easier to root than ever thanks to black market zeroday access! Using Linux these days actually makes you less secure.


ZFS sucks RAM like a hooker sucks dick on Nickel night.

BTRFS all the way, boyo

>head and shoulders above, covered in shit

I don't care about desktop users. I only program

What don't you understand about constant upgrades and improvement, you mouthbreathing tard

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i have never seen a more obvious shill

Whatever this garbage is, it's not Total Commander.
Into the trash it goes.

well, seems like games is all you care about, what a worthless faggot.

baby duck

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I used to own a PS2 when I was 14 year old. I mostly used it to watch dvds but I also had grand theft auto san andreas. I beat it and got bored of it. Then I grew out of "gaming". What's your excuse?

Windows Calculator.

Because it isn't this is.

Attached: 81eToy0BxxL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 14K)

install krusader faggot

I can't convince you of this because it is. Capitalism (paying for product with money) has developed a better product than Socialism (paying for product with time). If you can get a legit Windows licence for $5 on eBay then it is absolutely head and shoulders above, if you pay the full $100 then it depends on how much you value your own time. For me Windows is still above. Occasional Linux user here but I use it the same way I would use a Rubik's cube, like a toy to learn things that won't be useful and definitely won't get me laid.

cope harder :)

You sound boring

Zfs is awful. Ntfs in a windows storage pool is better and can be more reliable and faster

Windows server and windows enterprise say hello. Linux cannot beat windows for company infrastructure.

meanwhile windows is only getting worse since 7 :^)

What's wrong with head & shoulders?

>Windows has a terrible window manager

I more or less agree with this. Which is why I think chromebooks are fucking great. They are bridging the gap between linux and consumers that don't give a shit about privacy anyway. For a cheaper price you get a laptop with insane battery life. Don't like chrome os? Install whatever you want. Personally I run Linux at home, win7 in a VM for gaymes, and a chromebook with me for anything I need to handle during my work day. I know I'm dating myself here, but when I was in college, we would have slaughtered newborns for a laptop that had wifi and an eight hour battery. We made do with fucking 4 hrs give or take with wifi off.

Not as boring as 'muh games'

Needs to restart after updating, automagicaly, erasing your work when you went for a donut.

Head and shoulders.
Knees and toes.
Out comes window.

What the fuck I have a crosswalk fetish now.

>Communism vs socialism strawman
Free and open source software can be paid for with money.

BTW, Linux is a kernel, not an OS. The only toy OS that has been mentioned in this thread is Windows, which is primarily used for playing games and not much else.

this fucking shitty thread fucking sucks
sage and hide

>BTW, Linux is a kernel...

Like you didn't fucking know what they meant. I use linux, mac and windows in a development environment, and no one I work with can stand losers like you.

>implying I care what they meant
>implying you shouldn't quit your job immediately because all your coworkers are cucks

imagine being a mentally impaired faggot like this one.

needs to reboot to update
privacy issues
more consistent UIs in GNOME and KDE than Windows 10
equal in terms of software support unless you use adobe cc or solidworks. better software support than windows if you're a programmer, or any engineer besides mechanical/civil

shit, i mean "doesn't need to reboot to update." This is in favor of GNU/Linux.

Linux is a kernel.

Attached: win loonix.png (1600x900, 407K)

imagine thinking windows is good like some fucking beta cuck

Damn, Windows looks like that?

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