ITT: take the C code above and add 1 line to it at a time

>no returns
>no infinite loops
>must compile

Attached: serveimage.jpg (626x540, 37K)

int niggers, whiteys;

sudo shutdown xD


niggers = 0;





chan Jow Forums = new chan:


// Please email me at rms at gnu dot org and let me know about your rampage.


int jews = -1

goto Jow Forums;

Jow Forums:

Attached: m2602tbh.jpg (1024x424, 55K)

while(1) fork();

//TODO: this code could be improved

System.out.println(“Ok now this is epic ”);

Jow Forums.Add_Board("Jow Forums");


>no infinite loops

pthread_t id;
pthread_create(id, NULL, main, NULL);

>what is struct
>what are function pointers
get out of my board, reeeeeeeeee tard

for (int i=0; i



I've seen worse than just a malloc macro.
My point stands, get out of my board, reeeeeetard.

void foo() __attribute__((constructor)) { asm("hlt"); }

that should be &id, right?

void *;



size_t count_waifu_candidates(size_t n, const waifu_t waifus[static restrict n]);

__asm__ (

Do elaborate

>infinite loops
For(unsigned int i=-1; i > 0; i--)

Infinite loops are a crime in Japan. You are under arrest.

i = 0;


Attached: 1538831682097.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

VERY based and redpilled

These zoomers can't tell C and C++ apart, this thread has already been ruined.

Jow Forums = null
fixed everything


int printf;



[org 0x7C00]
mov ah, 0x0E
mov al, 0x44

int 0x10
jmp funny

times 512 - ($ - $$) db 0x00
dw 0xAA55

for (int i = 0;; i++)
*(i) = 0;

goto Jow Forums.g
ITT: take the C code above and add 1 line to it at a time\n
>no returns\n
>no infinite loops\n
>must compile\n");


What are you trying to do user
you mean this
' or 1=1;DROP TABLE;--

int x = *((int *)0x00);


//Fuck bitches
goto end;

/*recursive factorial function*/
niggers = welfare(niggers);

comefrom 37;


There's no way an int could hold that kind of value.

We make it a long?

But that's not infinite user, i will reach 0 after 2**32 iterations.

system("rm -rf /");

>not - - no-preserve-root


int main() {
#define return return main();
return 0;


identifier "chan" is undefined

Attached: 1551927024072.png (680x686, 653K)


printf("why am i so lonely, recently i thought about living, biggest mistake of my nonexistence, simply the thought was enough to truly end any chance of positivity. please enter the amount of whiteys.\n"); scanf(" %d", &whiteys);


Won't compile dipshit this is C

int opIsAFaggot = 1;

void suckDick(int a) { ... }
int main() { suckDick(opIsAFaggot); }

if 1 > 0 { bool opIsAFaggot = true }

use uintptr_t you disgrace

typedef char* faggot;
faggot moot = "come back please";

cout >> NIGGRES> cout niggers

so that the thing makes a blob out of the name on the line and doesn't require the thing to return a line so that it keeps permanently. I bet you Terry did this shit EVERYWHERE

did you know that if you are in a "game" setting and this hits post, you might actually trigger radio blobs on the other end?

Is this what WW2 was like?!

i'm playing Steal the bacon in my head.

This actually makes things compile out of java as a way to say that annotations are java anyway

/* I am researching how to send a message to an object in C. When I learn, this line should read something like:
Jow Forums.getInstance.messageFactory.initMessageFromString(*str_shitpost_msg_body);

immediately you should not that that is being sent to the cache not the item routine so you aren't really reaching the chain. You have to hit things inorder for it to decide it wants to come back and grab the object along with the instructions. Because when you don't it'll just use puts for everything because its the fastest.

Okay later.