Why does Jow Forums hate this guy so much?

Just because he uses your private data to sell some Coke to zoomers does not mean he's not a Chad.

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the answer is clearly in the picture you posted, it's because his brain is written in javascript

He ruined the internet completely with his real name policy.

switches only work on integral types

it's an enum dummy

>switch statement with one case


Not in single quotes it's not.

what he said

That's obviously JavaScript, where switch does work on strings.

just kidding... ha ha ha

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user wanna date

nobody hates him here, but msm surely does.
if i had to guess, it would be because traditional media still has no absolute control over facebook news

Is this an actual magazine cover? Poor zuckbot. Imagine getting compared to a robot running on JavaScript. Low key sad

"Jow Forums trusts me. Dumb fucks. Heh."

> Low key
But you love javascript.

He's literally the virgin. Watch The Social Network.

He brought more normies onto the internet. Fuck Zuckerberg and the cuck-a-doodle-doo edgelord normiefaggot scum who think it's cool to be a contrarian and polish Zucks cock.

it isn't, design is too shitty

And to imagine that the creator of the world wide web wants facebook and google of all people to fix the internet

He is doing more harm to humanity than terrorists, pedophiles and feminists combined.
Fuck that guy.

fb is a nsa tool

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