Nvidia AI turns sketches into photorealistic landscapes
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yes I know but that's not what it is though
check out
>doesn't look like trees
>at all
what a joke
draw boobies
t. city fag
it looks like a dense temperate forest a from a view of a few hundred feet up.
Why does nvidia keep stealing other people’s A.I. Work and try and pass if off as their own? This is the third time and people don’t notice what the fuck.
Fuck nvidia and their shittily made cards and brainlet engineers
Thanks doc
>it looks like a dense temperate forest a from a view of a few hundred feet up.
Sure, but then the perspective is all kinds of fucked up. Holy shit.
>gets called out on his bullshit
>change rhetoric and attacks the user
Oh wow I still have to specify what I'm drawing? That's just slightly faster than photoshopping things myself.
I want AI that figures out things on its own.
Id agree the perspectives are fucked up in the sense that a mountain and waterfall that big would be very rare, but pic related is angel falls and its a very real place. It is large enough that you can get the broccoli-moss distortion you see on the trees while still having the waterfall be an impressive size due to the distance the picture had to be taken.
Do you live in a flatter area of the world?
It's pretty neat
> Nvidia AI
I'm sure I've seen this tech before, about a year ago.
yeah, its still training
Why is "AI" slapped on literally everything these days?
people think it makes them look smart
Muh ayy eye
>Those reflections in the water.
pretty fuckin neato
Thanks for the link user, some of those videos look insane