How difficult is it to break into someone's Linux box?

How difficult is it to break into someone's Linux box?

Hard mode: the person trying to break in has zero knowledge of Linux and is not very computer savvy. Also let's say the OS doesn't use GRUB or systemd.

Attached: encryption_1.jpg (1620x1080, 184K)

Surprised that no-one's got anything to add, I would have thought this would be right up Jow Forums's street.

I think that's because the question doesn't really have enough details about the machine.

OK, what information would be useful?

With zero knowledge of linux its impossible unless you get lucky and their password is something like "admin".
How "hard" it is depends on the machiene. On what kind of software is running on it and secure or up to date that software is.

>let's say the OS doesn't use GRUB or systemd

>How difficult is it to break into someone's Linux box?

For a normal hacker, impossible unless security updates not applied. For a fantastic hacker, very difficult unless security updates not applied.

For a state sponsored hacker, if you're an important enough target they'll just pick a zero day off the shelf. They've got 0days for it all. SSH, RDP, HTTP servers. Look at the Microsoft SMB vulnerability. Stolen from the NSA stockpile.

You'd have to be a very bad person to have one of those used against you though, which you probably aren't.

well first youll need a box cutter, does your mommy allow you to play with sharp things?

Does it make a difference if someone has physical access to the machine?

Assuming he doesn't have the drive encrypted, put the hard drive into another PC and just copy the data you want.

yeah just boot into single user mode

if it’s encrypted then you’re not getting in at all. If not, then you can simply mount their disk and obtain all files.

No. Without tricking the user into doing something, it's almost impossible unless they are running a lot of services or have cheaply designed IOT devices unsecure on their network.

Do you have physical access to the box?

Herp, ignore, access vs address.

Access you can side load a live boot and modify whatever you want unless the drive is encrypted.

>walk up to linux box
>screen is locked oh no
>plug in external monitor
>i'm in

Attached: 1532141186569.jpg (500x339, 125K)


What's 0day?

If you imply that the average retard let alone Jow Forumstard could find a 0day even if their life depended on it I got some very bad news for you.

> Hard mode
If it's older than 10 years old, you may try armitage with Hail Mary mode on Kali Linux.

I'm just a lurker and am here for the keyboards.

Cpu, ram, net speed, net type, hardware port availablility, distro, HIDs, etc.

Fair enough but 0days are rare, usually highly dependant on circumstances (e.g. certain services running or being exposed) and so on. But in OPs case just take the hard drive and put it in another PC is more than good enough.

99.9% impossible given the criteria