Hey kid, wanna learn C++?

Admit it, this was you at one point

Attached: images(29).jpg (259x194, 10K)

actually started with visualg
google it

No because i never used windows

>Admit it, this was you at one point
I fucking wish, I've started with fucking Visual Studio T_T

code blocks был хopoшим инcтpyмeнтoм

Attached: code-blocks-4_800x691.jpg (800x691, 108K)

I've been programming for almost four years now, that's still me.

Attached: pepe-hands.png (979x748, 422K)

and then i dropped it a couple hours in and learned node and i actually make cool shit people use and enjoy a lot

i still feel like a retard for not using a "real" language though

>Code blocks
Is there one like this for [spoiler]C# [spoiler]in game engines[/spoiler][/spoiler]
spoilers dont work on Jow Forums haha

I feel this, I've made some cool stuff that works through the command line, that I'm proud of. None of my friends or family care.

I spend an afternoon making a seven segment display on a web page that displays the time. Everyone talks about how awesome it looks.


im a webdev so i dont have that problem, people really enjoy the stuff i make, ive made some cool software, but i still feel guilty that i use javascript instead of c++ or c#

its dumb and pointless but i cant help it

Good times, I remember using this IDE and a C++ for Dummies book to begin with.

A пo oнглeцки мoжнo?

my ide codeblocks is so cute

cкa cдec нa aнглeйcкoм aбщaютcя пидp

Not really, started programming in paper and then Linux + gedit + gcc.

Attached: BoomerAscended.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

I learned with Dev-C++.
Now give me that Monster can, sonny.

I use CodeBlocks because I'm too retarded to make a command line tools of GCC/clang toolchain to work on Windows.

Attached: turbo!.png (640x400, 9K)

>using namespace std for one cout
>no return 0
>no \n or std::endl
>hello world c++

This, me too. My old prof would fail anyone he caught using an IDE other than Dev C++ in class. God bless you Dennie, you fucking madman. If you're still alive I hope you're just as crazy as you were when I knew you.

is codeblocks the visual studio for loonix?

No. VS Code is the Visual Studio for Linux.

Code blocks is open source
Had it on Ubuntu and Kali

It's just a simple IDE

>go on youtube
>how to create chess game with C++ in ten minutes
>see some guy writing 100s of lines in seconds.
>he debugs and tests while he sets up chess computer and a 2d playing field
>realize, i will be writing android apps till the sun burns out instead of ever attaining the level of someone considered average by other programmers

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i really wanna leave bindows but i keep cumming back because of visual studio, i just love sln and working with opengl without a hassle (or any other lib)
anons can you help a brother out ?

Attached: nice book.jpg (824x1600, 125K)

I went straight into vim cause the prof shilled it but everyone else switched to visual studio or codeblocks

I still used vscode with the vim extension because I liked using the command line compiler.

Look up code bullet on youtube and see his channel banner

Dude, that's everyone
Computer are autistic little shits that don't communicate well and complain about everything to everyone and one speaks autismo

That shit runs anything popular

How the hell do you exit vim?

Use text examples then
Learning to use a bat with a major leage pitcher is a bad idea

You gotta start somewhere else

Attached: pressing-button-power-male-finger-footage-093241343_iconm.jpg (240x135, 11K)


exit, not prompt to save and exit

false. my first language was Fortran95 and the professor who taught me recommended emacs. I didn't learn C++ until about three years later.


>>no return 0
what did he mean by this

how the fuck did you do it?

Do you C++ bruh?
using namespace std;

int main()

violent flashbacks to C++ classes in high school.
the only thing I retained from the class was the jerk response to take the time to eject the USB from the desktop before pulling it out cause for some reason my programs would ALWAYS corrupt if I didn't.

Attached: 1552033722562.jpg (1080x1081, 69K)

also my teacher was a snarky smart ass who looked like dan schneider

Attached: 636577341989934766-D8-2ICARLY-04-35722147.jpg (3200x1680, 478K)

My community college professor just taught us to copy and paste
Super fun guy, made robots for shit and giggles, even made a BB8

lucky. was a CS major in college before I dropped out.
one of the many reasons was because my Java class was taught by this guy who I genuinely believe was on the autism spectrum, had some of the worst forward head posture, and was one of those young student teachers. He was a terrible teacher, really timid and basically mumbled all the time.
In the computer lab portion of the class everyone realized I knew what I was doing immediately which turned into me essentially teaching half the class just so we could get to the next step.
hated it. stopped showing up and failed the class.

That's how it was at Texas Tech for me
Most the professors are cheap grad students, people that studied themselves autistic

Wish I went for CS, but robots n shit got me into EE
I wanna teach myself cs, fuck school

im the opposite lol, graduating with a CS degree this semester but just started teaching myself electronics stuff, fun fun

Agreed, when you control your projects and what you learn you are free

Btw, what are some good websites to learn CS online?