>rolling release
Rolling release
>stable yearly release
Only $99 for an update!
>help improve our software by submitting anonymous statistics and data
>i use arch btw
>operating systems
>anything slightly popular
>the chiclet keyboards on newer Thinkpads are garbage
>CRT monitor
>Stax headphones
>tiling wm
He didnt bought Apple care
>bleeding edge
>Donate to our Patreon!
Yaourt is dead nice larp
>all these people that cannot into arch,gentoo might make you kill yourself.
>I need a mechanical keyboard without numlock
>follow me on twitter
Wasn't this onionboy actually cucked irl?
>daily driver
Just use the windows tool
>just buy a mac bro
>windows 7
>anime is fine on all Jow Forums boards
>Everything I don't like is onions
Stop ruining memes.
>Stop ruining memes.
Explain to me how the onions meme was funny to begin with. Same shit with botnet. If I don't like it it's botnet. Welcome to Jow Forums.
>OS X is a UNIX
>gaming racer chair WITH wheels
kek one of my friends is like this, recently came out as a fag too
>liking nuThinkpad
Rolling release is the only proper release method for desktop operating systems. Arch Linux is rock stable, never had it break in the past 6 months I've been using it. Heck, even Windows 10 is rolling release.
Fuck Debian and its old libraries
"Debian stable has libraries that are so old that anything compiled in the last century, doesn't work" - Linus Torvalds
He seems like a really nice person who is genuinely interested in the things he talks about.
Can't really put that into the same box of autists, that only talk about the latest capeshit garbage.
wait he wearing a Kippa
That's the fucking microphone filter
(picture of an idiot)
(text of thing I don't like)
great content guys
archfag spotted
>momiji ruined by ironic weeaboos
she never deserved this
And Jow Forumstards
t. jaypeepee
Sorry, meant to post this instead
>Jow Forumstards
Jow Forums doesn't actually exist
Still ships
>yfw Yaourt - S pacaur
It was funny because it was true, but like many memes, it goes from observational humor to a generic insult, and it seems to happen faster each time.
Shit wasn't even true.
It never was.