Yo ppl, why so much hate on this boi

Yo ppl, why so much hate on this boi

Attached: node.jpg (230x230, 23K)

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it's literally the most popular backend framework, what the hell are you talking about


Javascript is a cancer and a mistake

There are people out there with a firm belief that JavaScript does not belong outside of the browser.
Also, npm and dependency resolution is a clusterfuck.

> Javascript bad

The culture of grab any and every thing from npm is a big, big, big problem if security is essential. Other than that, it's pretty good.

>culture of npm
That's not unique to JavaScript that's literally every language with a dependency system

nodejs alone doesn't have a standard structure.
go anguilar or react

>node doesn't relate to frontend at all
>mention frontend alternatives


Those examples of JavaScript make perfect sense if you understand how JavaScript's typecasting and operators work. For example, a + following a string (or array) is turned into concatenation, but a - following one is not. I will admit it is rather unintuitive, but it's far from cancerous. Meaningful whitespace is cancerous, though.

.net core going to replace it fast

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah pajeet .NET shills in 3...2....1..

.NET core won't even replace Java

My first language was C/C++ and afterwards I learned PHP and eventually Python. Now I'm absolutely in love with Node and it's what I mainly use at my current job

Because the concept of running a language with a crowdsourced standard library on your server is not very appealing.
JS belongs to the browser and that's it. I heard ppl saying "b-but it's great, node allows frontend devs to do backend stuff!". Well, it's a little bit like saying "we will now use cheese as a construction material, so cheesemakers can build houses".

Note to everyone else on this board: This guy is a moron

>There are people out there with a firm belief that JavaScript does not belong outside of the browser.
I am one of them

Fucking this

t. pajeet calls other rajesh

Nodejs is powered by (((Google V8))). Botnet.

Because autists like to hate on JavaScript and blame the language for the failings of its users.

> npm install -g typescript

Also brainlets refuse to use JS' supersets, opting to bitch instead of actually solving problems. Evidence that they lack fundamental problem solving skills and shouldn't be let anywhere near a codebase.

This. People like to blame npm because it's one of the few package managers that works smoothly. Pip installs shit globally unless in a virtualenv, gems r stupid that require compiling and patches all the time, maven fucking sucks (pain to configure and run), and the list goes on. Just because npm is good doesn't mean it started the culture of "take packages from everywhere", it just allows that culture.

What about nuget? Just works

You know that Node has versions with other JS cores as well, right? Want to use firefox or edge's js engine, because those are available too


For the life of me, I can't understand why absolutely everything in that language has to be a listener/event. Why does node even need to be single threaded

It's not, you can easily make it multi threaded with workers or clusters. Stop spreading that shit.

The reason why simple node code is single threaded is because JS has been designed as a single threaded language. That means so have the JS engines that are executing your node code.
Also, listeners/events are comfy, what else are you asking for? We also have promises, callbacks and synchronous code

Ever since I found out about async/await, I've been ignoring the Jow Forums hate.
It's so comfy

They're not comfy at all, they obfuscate your code and there's often no reason for them, but every library uses them at every turn. Promises/callbacks are part of the problem


Attached: Screenshot_20190321-075710.png (1536x2048, 102K)

See Async/Await are comfy as all hell. Try it out sometime

>needing another language to solve problem with language
why not just use a sane language in the first place?

just use C# if you really like async/await stuff.


>what are compiled native node modules written in c++
>what is writing your own code and sticking it to the man
>what is not including npm packages

I'm writing my own custom socket backend and I'm doing this. I can't imagine how many lines this would take in c++ and I came from there. Rolling my own native modules helps alot too. Asyc/wait is awesome once you get the syntax.

Who cares if crowsourced code runs a server this happens all day long. It's when it's possible to inject code into a running server that makes me queasy.

It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.

It's so comfy in the latest version of C#. I saw Kotlin also has some good stuff.

C people don't understand event loops.
They prefer just blocking the entire program or wasting resources by using threads.

This tbqh senpai

>his event loops aren't even multithreaded

I like using node, but the package managment is straight cancer sometimes.

Why the fuck is node_modules a million gigs? Why does a simple package have a dozen dependencies?

Also Javascript's type juggling is kinda dumb. Like, just throw a damn error, and I'll cast. No need to hide it from me.

try writing something complex. it's absolute dogshit with its nonexisting type system

Because it's js

node_modules filesystem bloat
That's pretty much the main complaint

Didn't know that. Spidernode looks promising.

I always used mainline node, so I can't say how well the other JS engines work, vut from what I heard they are drop in replacements and work just fine

you must have been looking somewhere I'm not, because the mozilla/spidernode project on github looks dead as a doornail