Should I bother with Perl?

Python's syntax rules are annoying. I don't like being bugged about inconsistent indentation. I can't see a damn thing without curly braces either. What 90's scripting languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby share in common is their false pride in modern lisp adaptions. I haven't heard great things about Perl, but at least it's honest. It started in the late 80's as an Awk/Sed/Grep killer, and it's fantastic at just that. Of course no one in the industry seems to care about Perl which is why I ask, is it worth learning in 2019? Or should I just stick with Python because it has the best support. Did I mention I can't stand Python.

Attached: Larry_Wall_YAPC_2007.jpg (411x578, 47K)

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Forgot to mention, abstracting away data types doesn't always make users lives easier.

If indentation is a problem for you, I recommend using a text editor which uses 4 spaces when editing Python.

I learned Perl so I could be paid to teach it. I've forgotten it since.

Nobody really maintains Perl software, and nor does anyone really reach for it when doing quick-and-dirty processing tasks unless they know it anyway.

So, unless you want to work for LiveJournal... Don't bother with Perl?

My editor's set to 4 spaces. At work today, I was processing spreadsheet data. While xlrd is a great library, I just can't get over how awful the language feels. Not being able to tell if something is a string or not gets annoying really quickly. I find myself typing print(type(x)) a lot in order to fix something I wouldn't even have to bother with in C#. Of course C# is more suited as an applications language.

I've been coding over 5 years, and I just find compared to compiled languages, a lot of the mainstream scripting languages as flawed in so many ways.

What is the language of choice for quick-and-dirty processing? Because I found Python to be dirty, but not quick.

Perl is getting popularity again and is not just because of text processing. Its capabilities with maths are astounding. There are lost of stuff that can make make your work easier and are beyond IT. Biology, astronomy, you name it, Perl has a foot there.

>Nobody really maintains Perl software, and nor does anyone really reach for it when doing quick-and-dirty processing tasks unless they know it anyway.
Fake news.

Where are people claiming Perl is popular? Let alone useful in scientific applications.

There is a community around PDL and other Perl packages and there is more every year.

Perl 5 or 6 my brother?

I know one guy who specializes in perl and he gets paid a lot of money to maintain legacy systems. But everywhere I've worked has tried very hard to get away from perl. I might be biased because of that, but to me perl is a dirty word. If you really can't be assed to remember to indent, then I'd recommend ruby because it's really easy and imo extremely underrated.

No, perl is not worth learning. Stick with python and bash for scripting and learn a proper general-purpose programming language like Rust.

There is no such thing as Perl 6 brother.

Fuck off pythonisa, your shilling is not welcome.

Attached: perl.jpg (625x468, 89K)

Which ever is actually being used.
> like Rust
I've had enough with meme languages. I want something practical. I'd rather stick with C++ for general-purpose.

>I find myself typing print(type(x)) a lot in order to fix something I wouldn't even have to bother with in C#
Use this
It fixes Python

You seem like a reasonable man, and like a reasonable man you can use Perl with other languages, is perfect for prototyping bigger projects and quick solutions and it can interface with C. IIRC the guys at PDL use that to run fast math stuff with it thanks to the code they call from C and Fortran.

it's a deprecated language, only used by boomer EDA engineers

Attached: 6E93F6D9-86C2-4873-8449-B92DEA31FEE0.png (500x366, 35K)

What does Pearl do better than Python which can't be replicated with a library from pip?

Did you call reinforcements? What is this, python shitposting squad?

Found the brainlet

Attached: 15712D56-A828-4004-9B9C-0D0CB300EE1D.png (658x901, 64K)

It can do everything python does and more with one CPAN module ;^)

Attached: guidosicp.png (601x623, 100K)

I am EE and currently working in distributed systems and cloud stuff, never seen perl used anywhere except in my graduate school days in EDA scripting

Lads, do you prefer Dancer, Catalyst, or Mojolicious as a perl web framework?

Possibly from me redirecting this thread

Is your college (((Vanderbilt))) or something?

no, the biggest university i my country, something you can never get into, low IQ retard

the fact that you think that perl is used in anything professionally means you either 45+ yo laid off drunk boomer or some low IQ NEET

Learn2english first

perl is used in the financial industry quite a bit.

> low IQ retard
> low IQ NEET
Fellas, I think we found ourselves a py pseud.

we also use cobol and visual basic

no wonder banks are so shit at technology

They should really use javascript

We recently started updating some of our front end software from command line interfaces to java 7 swing applications.
2012 here we come!

listen amateur, big software never use one language since the era of big monoliths is over, modern architectures are based microservices to lower the technical debt, deploy faster, and enforce loose coupling between the different components, having siad that, using languages like perl, visual basic, and other boomer-tier languages today is a very bad indicator on the flexibility and capabilities of the software and the people behind it

t. sophomore cs student

Perl is an actual deadlang. There is no reason at all to bother with it.

Attached: 1542844397259.jpg (270x400, 104K)

Don’t prepone - kindly do the needful

sorry to see that merely simple facts of the software industry causes so much burn to NEET boomers, but remember McDonalds always needs people with your skills


What about go or Java? I want to have most in my toolset

Serious answer from someone who actually uses Perl here. I worked as a Perl developer while I was studying 15 years ago, and I absolutely love the language.

Whether you will like it is, in my experience, very much an individual thing. The syntax is designed around being more like a language for humans than a language for machines, with every complexity that goes with that. This makes it the complete opposite of Python.

The motto "There's more than one way to do it" means that you can articulate yourself in Perl just like in English, forming different sentence structure of varying complexity, but ultimately communicating the same message. There are parts of the syntax that can seem very obscure at first (like all the built in variables), but you don't actually have to use those unless you want to. Which you will once you learn how.

Overall it's a very enjoyable experience for me to work with Perl, and as I've recently become reacquainted with the language, I've taken to using it instead of Bash scripting, which highly improved my quality of life.

I recommend reading the introductory chapter of Programming Perl and forming your own opinion. It's an easy and quite entertaining read, and should give you most of the basics.

A quote from the book that I've found to be true:
"There are many other reasons why Perl is easy to use, but it would be pointless to list them all here, because that's what the rest of the book is for. The devil may be in the details, as they say, but Perl tries to help you out down there in the hot place too. At every level, Perl is about helping you get from here to there with minimum fuss and maximum enjoyment. That's why so many Perl programmers go around with a silly grin on their face."

Attached: Programming_Perl_4th_Ed_cover.png (276x361, 67K)

Honestly? It tends to be Python, not because it's better at it, but because a lot of people know it anyway. Keep writing Perl if it works better for you in cases where bash/sed/grep(/awk) is not enough.
>Fake news.
Not really? I'm using examples I can think of as a heuristic here.

There's one Perl codebase I've even considered touching which is for a programming training website, built in around 2006. It's being deprecated.

The only high-profile Perl code still in use is LiveJournal/Dreamwidth.

He's a genius but his language (including P6) is antiquated.
Perl was an artifact of not knowing what was supposed to go in the language as opposed to a library. The approach which ended up being popular, which we see with Python, is to keep the language tidy and ship a hefty standard library.
Also, Perl has funny keywords.

There's tons of other languages you don't need to pick between these two. If you don't like python don't use it. My knowledge of languages is limited to a few but I would suggest picking one with a decent library with normal non-meme names and reference documentation compared that's comparable to .net framework reference. Python doesn't meet those requirements.

While I'm not sure about perl these faggots are python shills/npc's, its why they lie so much and think "I haven't seen ..." should be taken as meaningful.

Go to sleep pythonisa.

Its great but there aren't many jobs and no one will care to hear why you prefer it.

Its innately useful in any field besides game development or classic GUI applications. You're right that it isn't popular though.

Perl is amazing. I still use it every day as a replacement for shell scripts

Yes it is and its great

Dancer all the time.

Simple and does not get in your way.

I've never used it, but what when you really dig into it, what Mojolicious claims to offer/do is pretty monumental. I'm using Kelp currently, which is as thin of a wrapper as you can get around Plack with Perl, and finding the right combination of async framework, application server, etc., and configuring them to work together perfectly has always makes me envious of Mojolicious. It does everything I'm trying to do out of the box. Maybe I've never really dug into what a web framework can be. Are all of the "big" ones like this? I feel like Mojolicious is literally catering to -me- sometimes.

Dumb, stupid and homo

Just yesterday I ran ps -fea | grep perl in a dev Machine for a new trading platform in the bank i work.
(one of the biggest BTW)
10 perl processes running. I was kind of surprised because "no one uses perl anymore" and the platform implementation is new. There are hundreds of developers working integrating stuff so it makes sense I guess.

Dead or not (tell me FORTRAN is dead and I'll call you illiterate, and FORTRAN is more dead than Perl), but one week messing with Perl will alter your mindset irreversibly.
It's like breaking out of prison, you'll feel like you know all the programming languages in the world, simultaneously. Because in fact they all are the same shit, just different syntax.
Downside is, it will hinder your ability to bootlick corporate jews and put up with their bullshit while wagecucking (they value those who are replaceable and think patterns, not those who are actually able to "think different").
Does not mean you'll become unemployable though. Just not for enterprise. Seek startups. Or create one yourself.

Why over Python though?

Unlike Python, it was purpose-made for text processing from the very beginning, which is why it has plenty of syntactic conveniences that let you accomplish in 1 line what it would take 12 lines + 2 imports in Python. Global variables like $", $, @F make it perfect for quick and dirty scripts on the command line. And no other language makes it as easy to work with regexes.

Perl is my favorite language and I haven't found another that lets me express myself so well. So yes you should 'bother with Perl'.

Because is a great duct tape language and also because even the minimal perl installation has amazing capabilities. And it's pretty portable.

All my perl scripts are basically glue among systems calls. I use qx() a lot and zero oo programming.

It is easy to write convoluted perl code but just make your code pretty and name your references $ref_something so is more understandable

Also add proper command line handling with getopts

Is is true that the trannies and the gays prefer Python?

> If you look at our butterfly mascot, you'll see we're thinking generationally. Camelia is designed to impress 7-year-old girls more than 47-year-old alpha geeks, and generally succeeds at that. :-)

Enjoy it for the fun it is:

BEFOREHAND: close door, each window & exit; wait until time.
open spellbook, study, read (scan, select, tell us);
write it, print the hex while each watches,
reverse its length, write again;
kill spiders, pop them, chop, split, kill them.
unlink arms, shift, wait & listen (listening, wait),
sort the flock (then, warn the "goats" & kill the "sheep");
kill them, dump qualms, shift moralities,
values aside, each one;
die sheep! die to reverse the system
you accept (reject, respect);
next step,
kill the next sacrifice, each sacrifice,
wait, redo ritual until "all the spirits are pleased";
do it ("as they say").
do it(*everyone***must***participate***in***forbidden**s*e*x*).
return last victim; package body;
exit crypt (time, times & "half a time") & close it,
select (quickly) & warn your next victim;
AFTERWORDS: tell nobody.
wait, wait until time;
wait until next year, next decade;
sleep, sleep, die yourself,
die at last

>tfw you refuse to use Perl 6 because of the retarded logo

Attached: 200.gif (220x220, 342K)

wait people still use perl? are people still using fortran, too?

>people still using fortran
Absolutely. It's one of two top-tier languages for Intel Xeon Phi development.

Wont let me post Perl code for some reason.

The Perl 6 branding (logo, name, etc) is awful but it's truly an amazing language. If they had picked any other name it would have been immensely popular

>are people still using fortran, too?
i'm a numericist and if i didn't know fortran i'd be out of a job. fortran is goat for numerical methods

for example, some turbotist wrote an obscure fortran package for solving systems of nth-order pdes that is incredibly robust. it's a rare day when i have to break out the pen and pad to give a difficult system some pre-processing with this guy's scripts and functions. i managed to find this unassuming folder buried deep, deep within the drive of an old mid-90s pc at the lab where i did my phd. i had to do a little vit of updating to the code to run in modern compilers but the base functions are largely unchanged. i've looked around and haven't found anything like it. i've shamelessly deleted it off the old drive it was on and have been debating using it as part of my portfolio. there are no authorship comments and the code was a bit of a jumbled mess when i found it. i could sell this shit to mathworks or wolfram if i were so inclined