Do you use it? Is it just meme software or is it actually good for my eyes?

Do you use it? Is it just meme software or is it actually good for my eyes?

Attached: flux_logo.png (1024x1024, 81K)

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built in shit on windows, osx, gnome, or redshift

Just wear sunglasses like all the pros, faggot.

I used it for a while, seems to help some. Used for years

My samsung phone has the same thing built in as a blue light filter

Yes it helps. But its built into windows now so i don’t use it anymore. Just don’t use your PC in the dark, keep a lamp on with the most orange light you can find. That will help your eyes more than flux itself

no, I use night shift like a normal human being.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 22.15.22.png (1560x1244, 465K)

My sleep cycle is so fucked up, this thing would only make it worse.

Attached: 3245234522.jpg (649x528, 14K)

I dunno, lets take a look at their privacy policy, shall we?

Attached: f.luxpp.png (769x1022, 101K)

Yes, it significantly reduces the strain on my eyes, they seem less sore when I use the Night Light on windows.

Also, never use your computer in utter darkness, use a fucking lamp if you wish to spare your eyesight.

Use the built in Night Light if you're on windows, or the night shift if on a mac.

It really works, when I'm on the computer in the moment it kicks in into the warmer tones I can pretty much feel my eyes close.

no i use redshift

I changed my monitor's brightness and color temperature settings. No software.

im a big fan of it. i have it basically on at varying shades all the time, not sure if this is any indicator but if it were to turn off its the same feeling of walking out of the movie theatre on a sunny day
you can set the schedule as you please.

They have a webpage dedicated to studies about effects of blue light.

I don’t know if it’s actually beneficial, but my eyeballs hurt less when looking at a shifted display.

I read all of it and now what? They get the location you tell them (i.e. that quarter in that city) now what? If you don't trust the apps (open source ones) you are just retarded. For proprietary software you just block their internet and manually enter the location.

It's like the people screaming Firefox is botnet because they want to know whether someone actually uses some functionality or not. Funnily enough what all those dumb teenagers don't understand is that blocking default telemetry makes you way easier to target since it creates unique network traffic patterns.

The science behind it is sound but it's not a miracle cure for aching eyes and bad sleep habits. If you're staying up til 3am every night you're still gonna feel fucked the every day.

I do but I wish it was more customizable

Also I wish it gave options to control screen brightness if it's applicable

everything is botnet according to Jow Forums don't fret

f.lux is botnet, cloudflare dns is botnet, etc

Well cloudflare dns is the literal definition of botnet though. An American for profit company with government ties that suggests privacy while offering one of the most privacy sensitive services? Yea cloudflare dns is more.than certainly botnet