TicTacToe homemade

Could a kind, generous, benevolent Jow Forumsuy please look at my tictactoe source code. I know it's not the best pls forgive my chimp sized brain.
doesn't even have to be a thorough overview just any feedback would be appreciated very much:))

btw this is like my first C program, it took me like 2 days to make this which is a lot I know. It's pretty much fully working but there are some other features that could be added (better input handling, opponent AI, 200 IQ algorithms etc > hard coding ) but I'm probably gonna move on to the next thing

Attached: Screenshot_20190320_233003.png (877x676, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/SEI CERT C Coding Standard

Seems fine. Compare it to other implementations, the language doesn't matter just look at how they break up the game logic and set up boards courses.ischool.berkeley.edu/i90/f11/resources/chapter06/tic-tac-toe.py

Before you move on to the next thing, audit your own code using the SEI Cert C standard recommendations to see if you can produce something that is compliant (they show you examples). wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/SEI CERT C Coding Standard

Yikes. Now I actually feel somewhat proud of myself, that my solution may not be perfect but at least it isn't that lol, thanks Sir user

and i have compared it but I came here specifically ya know

Attached: Screenshot_20190320_235609.png (509x295, 14K)

>chardigit function
just use itoa or since it's only one digit just subtract the character by 48

I get that but I'm trying to mainly write everything from scratch, to an extent of course. i couldn't come up with my own algorithm to convert a number to string so I just hard coded it. thx for the feedback though

Man, that is nostalgic. I remember writing tictactoe when i was just getting started in high school on a Commodore SuperPET. Good work, OP.

thanks old man. anyone look at the code yet?

your link is dead

REUP: ghostbin.com/paste/vkkom
my bad man: ghostbin.com/paste/vkkom

split your code into functions my dude

>split your code into functions my dude
you read it? there's plenty of functions lol

Upload your shit to a website that isn't garbage.

I just looked at the screenshot in op, and it def doesn't have enough functions

so read the code don't be a retard lmao. no offense

just read the code, you need to split it into more functions, look up single responsibility

Bump or should I just go to reddit

>opponent AI, 200 IQ algorithms etc
>for a fucking solved game that anyone can do in their heads.
What is wrong with you, user?

Your code is shit and you should feel bad. Take a look at this example and see how clean, readable and efficient it is:

This. When the customer changes their mind about what constitutes winning, you'll be sorry you didn't abstract the DidWin() algo behind an interface.

It's not good, everything should broke into functions as much as possible so you don't 400 lines of sphaghetti just for tictactoe.

Actually the OP's code is shit yours is even shittier

No you don't know shit about shit

go study kid

thanks for your input pajeet