Live in a shitty third world country with shitty internet and everything

>live in a shitty third world country with shitty internet and everything
>still have a small business of my own and make good enough money

I can't believe there are first world NEETs in here. You guys are fucking lazy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

First world NEET here.
Can confirm that I am lazy.
Also mentally ill though, so I'll use that excuse

First world NEET here.
Can confirm that I am lazy.
Also mentally ill though, so I'll use that excuse

What's your mental illness? Autism?

its actually much easier to make money to live on in 3rd world counties (not that the us is very 1st worldy). you probably started selling shit from your house one day and dont even have to worry about jumping through all the bullshit government small business hoops

>Literally using the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps meme
What i'm trying to say OP, fucking end yourself, you supreme brainlet.

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your business probably fills a need over there, here in the first world we have solutions for everything already

Why have some random tech guy repair my stuff when I could just go to Staples or Best Buy?
Besides, all the ads for Staples or Best Buy tech repair are the first ones to pop up when I google it

oh but in my third world shithole you have to worry about getting extorted by gangs, or killed, and minimum wage is $230 a month.

good luck with that fag

No, it's not. All my work in online and I don't even have a stable internet connection. I am 10mbps/0.5mbps connection. My clients are all from Europe. And no, I charge more than they do in Europe but still come to me.

just talking about wage is meaningless. its cost of living that matters. but yes extortion is bad. a lot of people i see just run a little business out of their home in their gated community. like you could easily get a liquor license and then just sell beer out of your house for the neighborhood

anyway there is always something to do for a little cash in those counties. in the us laws prevent you from doing anything but wage slaving

What do you do?

is Jow Forums your blog?

>mentally ill
Let me guess, you have "anxiety" which really just means you're a cowardly manchild cuckold who can't cope with the real world, so you spend all your time immersed in autistic beta male video games and other nerdy bullshit like gay ass card games.
Get help and get a fucking life.

kys retard

Nice excuses faggot.

>putting all your energy into finding excuses to continue being a betabeard faggot NEET

but i live in a shit hole and im talking about how its nice

Web Development :3

It's not laziness
It's a number of issues
Social anxiety, depression, etc etc

>Why have some random TECH guy repair my stuff when I could just go to Staples or Best Buy and have an underpaid NEET repair my stuff?

Can relate to the issues but I don't really let them get in the way of things that I want to do. You shouldn't either desu.

>Get help and get a fucking life.
Wow, so helpful, thanks.
Speaking of which, what are you doing here, Mr. Successful Person? I think managing corporate page of Facebook and having an intelligent discussion on Reddit will suit you better.

fuck off Pajeet

Dude, I'm nearly a NEET
I'm a NET (I am in education) constantly stuck at home

It fucking sucks like hell, but you gotta force yourself to take the bus out to places and explore
Talk to old friends you're comfortable around and hang out with them
Do exercise and eat healthy

And yeah, it feels impossible, but you just gotta keep pushing to improve yourself and your life

Does something as a company for NEETs only exist?
I mean, business that obligates you to never move from your house, uncommunicated boss, pay shit wages, no promotion chances and deadline-only driven
Is this just inviable?
Preferably all employees must be lolicons

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Remote work is becoming more and more popular
So possibly

I'm a NET too

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you have to be reasonably talented though, and you'll probably be the first person to be fired.

As someone who was a NEET for 2 years while figuring out what degree I wanted to do next and what I wanted from life, I don't really see an issue with it. It can be good to just go out and explore yourself for a while. I went and lived in Japan and Thailand for a year each on working holiday visas, was a good experience.

Sounds like a good deal

Its easy if you have a sugar daddy

Go back to discord

>Implying you need a sugar daddy to live in Japan and Thailand for a year each

You're no different then the rest of us lazy ass holes. Your laziness has contributed to your mental illness.

>parents getting more impatient about me staying home 24/7
>can feel my dad's disdain and angry sighs when Im out of my room
>mom has grown considerably anxious over the years and I can tell by her face she is aging rapidly from all the worrying
>little brother 2 years younger than me getting married 2 months from today while i write this blog on 4channel
>parents continue to work 8 to 6 to pay for my college debt which i didnt finish and dropped out with no degree
>27 years old now
>got used to this lifestyle

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>fewer players, more opportunity

Third world countries have far fewer conveniences that have been monopolized by big corporations. Any shitter with an IQ above 80 can find a profitable service to provide.

In first world countries, the only products and services that aren't monopolized by big players are illegal. So unless your idea of starting a small business is being a drug dealer or a pimp, good luck finding a product or service you can offer where you won't be outclassed by some jew corporation or undercut by juans or chinks

how can you even feel happy and post anime when you are such a failure?

I didnt ask to be born
I have never felt true happiness once in my life

>thinking anime poster necessarily are happy

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They are NEET because they can afford to be a NEET in the first world.

Passive aggressive is not an argument, nigger

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By your logic, there should very few unemployed people in third world countries.

Just be yourself, lads ;^)

yeah, web dev doesnt count

I am in east europe and its pretty much impossible to run a small business (that is not just do some labour work and be self employed) and make money from local population, everyone is starved for cash.

>>live in a shitty third world country
>>still have a small business

Scamming is not a business, and stop calling my house saying youre from microsoft.

Getting rejected for a minimum wage job is not life.

I make a living by mailing fake TV licence payment requests
One day I'll buy a one way ticket to japan and live innawoods

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how many letters do you have to send until someone actually pays?


I got my first (You) today.

>.t autistic sperglord edgy teeenager

I send out around 800 a month in terrace housing zones, I make them quarterly payments only and I switch zones in time for when the quarter ends.
I make around 1.2k a month, so a roughly 4% success rate is standard from those 800. Lowest had been 2%, once I had 8.5%.

fucking kek i had a letter for tv licence come through asking for a quarterly payment only, which now that i think about it is odd since they usually have monthly and yearly options too and they ask for direct debit where as this one didnt. fucking cheeky bastard i cant believe that shit would actually work but it did look legit

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I come here to make fun of you pathetic fucks. I literally feed off of your pain and laugh at how fucking cringey you neckbeard faggots are. But sometimes I try to help motivate.

is this how failed normies get their kicks?

>bullshit internet toughguy response
I know youre actually contemplating suicide because you know you're a morbidly obese, autistic video game playing NEET failure. Just kys already and stop stealing air and welfare money

imagine actually making this thread just to shit on NEETs

lol not sure which is worse

Is that really the best you've got? Just more stale Le internet hate machine replies to hide the truth that you're a neckbeard beta faggot loser? I come here to get you fags all riled up in the hopes you'll either change your life and become a normal person, or just fucking kill yourself.

awful lot of seethe going on in here

Advantage corrupts.
Same thing happened to me.
I have learnt to read a lot earlier than my peers. While everyone around me had trouble combining letters, I have already read a bunch of children's encyclopedias and knew all the basic stuff. So most of the time I didn't care about studying and learning, knowledge would just appear naturally. And in 7th grade I lost that advantage, especially with more precise, bureaucratic stuff.
>Wow, studying is hard.
>I finally know how my peers felt about this all the time.
Except my peers were already proficient with writing reports, laying out tasks in a proper way and memorising the proper definitions and I was playing the autistic guessing game. They learned how to study and I didn't.
I still finished the school properly and entered the university, but it was painful af. It's a lot easier now, but I'm still having trouble properly laying out my courseworks, always forget some details.
So, being a careless chad at something has it's own consequences.

Btw, I don't think that living in a first- world country is necessarily an advantage.
See and .

how do you guys deal with chronic nihilism?
I am intelligent enough to do anything in this world if I tried, but nothing seems worth putting the time and effort

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you are doing the lords work

>I am intelligent enough to do anything in this world
I really doubt this

look up drive and ambition in the dictionary . Then get them.

Not him, but when you are 130iq+ it really all comes down to the discipline.
"Being intelligent enough" doesn't equal to "being able to" thou.

you think im trolling but i learn things incredibly well. there is nothing I cannot understand. i can look at the wave functions of a quantum particle and interpret every piece of it. i look at multivariable equations and can visualize how it looks in my mind
i have found out that there is nothing i cannot fathom

u wot m8
It's actually way easier to start a small business in the US. The paperwork in most third world countries is insane. At least lawyers don't cost American prices.

Jesus Christ this is fucking sad. Reminds me of this autistic pseudo intellectual I had the misfortune of having a class with. He thought he was going to be the next bill gates or some shit, yet constantly yelled about how Linux was the best and he was smart because he used it. He told e he could "feel electromagnetic fields" with his hands. Then I learned he was obsessed with autistic superhero shit, so I guess he was getting delusions from that. Fucking weirdo

>In third world countries you have more oopurtunities... I'm just unlucky I can't find a job

Well, no. I'm from a rich country but I lived and worked in poor countries as well: life's not easy.
Maybe it's true that anything you do can get you some money but that doesn't mean you are living well.
I've seen people working hard all day to earn maybe 400$ per month, and that's often not enough to live decently; not mentioning all those people that actually don't earn anything.
In rich countries you may even be an idiot who doesn't ever leave his house but you'll still have a house to live in and your parents heritage.
Even homeless can live quite well if they want as there are places to sleep at, places where they give you food and places where they help you to find a job...

Do not forget how lucky you are for being born in a rich country and try to remember that if you are able to do nothing worthwhile the fault is all on you as you had thr best chances available

t. teenager from american suburbs

Wrong. Starting a simple LLC costs between $25 and $100 depending on your state. No lawyer required. Just fill out the forms.

>mom took me to america as a kid from our shithole 3rd world country so I can be something in life
>21 years old and a friendless NEET living in the suburbs doing nothing
I think most people from where I'm from want to kill me for blowing this opportunity

Why not just get a part time job flipping burgers, running a register, driving fork, or working in a warehouse? You could also just learn to code.

Also don't forget to vote for Yang 2020 for the $1000 /m UBI.

>I have never felt true happiness once in my life
So why not seek I out what you desire? Isn't giving up the least desirable option?

Being born in first world country is shit. You get everything easy at the start so as you age your willpower dies and laziness just prevails. You're not motivated to go for an higher level because you've always more or less lived a comfy life. Being born in a third world country or living a shitty life in the beginning makes you hungry for success and improvement.

what if you go blind from vitamin a deficiency and die

Did you have a wicked sense of humour?


I call bullshit.
what's the bussiness?

Maikrosofto tech support, sir.

Kindly do the needful, sir.

this is the funniest thing I read all day
>fake tv loicense
do you go around pretending to be the inspector aswell?


>gets auditioned because the irs knows all small businesses fuck up their taxes intentionally or not
>gets auditioned because of political beliefs like what happened to white guys under obama and the female irs head
>loan gets denied because no trannies or niggers work for you
>get absolutely ground out of business by all the monopolies

>get audited due to not paying off corrupt politicians
>get fined for tax mistakes
>investment offers don't even give $50k
Not that different then.

What a stupid modern cosmopolitan mindset. You can still die in the US, you know. Trying to live your life with zero risk is a wasted effort.
Living in a third world country doesn't automatically mean you're a sickly favela monkey. If you have any sense for business and aren't born in a slum you will do very well, just like in "developed" countries.
My family in Colombia for example all have lived historically long and healthy lives (70-90+ yrs/old). They grew up poorer but were much happier (thanks to a strong circle of friends and family, and a strong culture) than I am in the states..

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>Not that different then.

yes now you get it. the main difference is in a 3rd would country everyones bank account is in the black instead of swimming in debt. besides its not like the us doesnt have crime

>be rich white guy
>dont pay protection money in the form of living in a white gated community
>nigger burns your entire family alive after being paid his random money

>Daron Wint held the Savopoulos family and their housekeeper hostage, then killed them anyway even after the $40,000 ransom was paid.
>All the victims had been beaten, stabbed, strangled, and possibly burnt alive in northwest Washington D.C. on May 14, 2015. Wint was arrested a week after the killings.

Thank you. It started as something fun to do for a few minutes on the shitter, but damn is it fun.

I sure hope they hate you. You fucked up. Try to make something of yourself user.

>On a computer connected to the internet

I think you need to reevaluate your assessment there bob.

not that guy, but if it was just flipping burgers I would do that I hate dealing with the public. I'm learning to code at community college right now but I don't know if I have what it takes, when it comes to coding I'm a very slow learner. OOP was brutal

>Faux Nihilism for faggots: There is no inherent meaning for anything
>Real Nihilism for chads: There is no inherent meaning for anything, so we must make it ourselves

Git gud and grow up retard

at least I'm not a minority

I'm a lazy fuck who does literally nothing but browse Jow Forums 95% of my "work" day and I earn $70k. life is unfair OP, learn to accept it

First world NEET

I blame cost of property/living
I'm not an actual NEET but my parents would say I am as I still live with them and don't make money through a traditional w2
If I could by a plot of land with nothing on it, I would live there and build my own shit, but I can't because it costs an ass ton for the property.
The basic concrete, septic tank, and water collection system I could pay for now.

Fuck inflation, fuck minimum wage. Also why isn't this in Jow Forums?

Dude housing bubbles are not exclusive to first world countries. In my city you'd need like 40 years to buy a house with average wage without even factoring interest in.