How do i SSH into a VM from a VM i SSHd from my desktop?

How do i SSH into a VM from a VM i SSHd from my desktop?
Also, how do i configure a VM as a router? Needed for a college exercise but i really cant find that anywhere.

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I think you should drop out :)

You use SSH to connect


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Acess denied tough.
I am running them both on a internal network, they can communicate, ping is working, but SSH is not working.
It's probably something very dumb that i am missing since i just started on college.


- disable firewall on your pc and the VM's.
- make sure they are on the same network

Do you have the SSH daemon running on the one you're connecting to?

>SSH daemon
A what?
I tought ssh was something native i didnt know you had to have a plugin

It IS something native, but you might have to enable it.
What operating systems are these systems using? I'll assume a mainstream Linux distro.
You'll want to run systemctl status sshd. That will check whether sshd is running.
If it's not, run sudo systemctl start sshd. That will run it.
If you want it to be started at boot time for that system (which you probably do), run sudo systemctl enable sshd.

You are not allowed to look at lolis before you understand basic networking and service management.

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It's precise64, the OS from the vagrant creators.
I just find it strange cause i can ssh from my desktop but not from the VMs, but then again my desktop is windows so
This is not a loli

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cute 2d girls

enable sshd

>How do i SSH into a VM from a VM i SSHd from my desktop?
Depends on how your VM models networked access externally.

For instance muh docker-compose containers create virtual interfaces like br- that have an ipv4/ipv6 address. If something inside the container like a sshd at its typical port 22 is running there, you can just connect with ssh to aforementioned ipv4/ipv6 address .

PS: Most virtualization solutions in some configurations create variants of this.

Usually you have a "virtual" network interface of sorts, it has an ipv4 and/or ivp6 address, you connect through that.

If you do not have any virtual interface set up for your running VM/container, maybe this feature itself wasn't enabled, or you're using a less common trick such as it instead showing up as some software daemon that listens on port xy or something (rather than a full virtual network interface).

precise64 is ubuntu from what I can tell, so it's still Linux, and what I told you should still work.
It does appear to be an old ubuntu release though, so you might have to run stuff the old way, which I think is /etc/init.d/sshd start

oddly enough systemctl is a not found command.
What the fuck this linux?

This linux is getting me crazy
just now i ran a yum to install net-tools.
But just now i tried to yum systemd and it only accepted apt-get
fuck this shit i need to learn shell

That means that it's not an issue with ssh but with the network. The vm either can't find a route to the other one or a firewall is intervening. You probably can't ping the vm's from each other too of that's the case.

precise64 does appear to be linux, looking at the vagrant site, but it's old ubuntu, which doesn't use the systemctl commands.
You'll need to do sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start

Yes, it's apt-get. This is because precise64 is ubuntu-based, not redhat-based
And no, you don't need to 'learn shell' for this. It's really simple just calm down.

I want to procreate.

He said he could ping one VM to another

>It's precise64, the OS from the vagrant creators.
you're a fucking retard, seriously consider suicide

W-why? I am only using it because my teacher told me to use

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>college exercise
Please, exercise your need to perform independent research.

maybe his college requires that he use it. It's a weird requirement, but i've also seen courses require CentOS 6 and similarly-old releases of Fedora, so it's not totally out there

>equire CentOS 6 and similarly-old releases
How do they even enforce that?