Change is bad and this upsets me.
Change is bad and this upsets me
Other urls found in this thread:
just use windows 7
>Snip & Sketch
It's noticeably slower.
The new one has a hotkey assigned to it. [Win]+[Shift]+[S]
And it auto copies to clipboard.
Okay fuck that isn't bad.
Is Greenshot still better?
Snipping tool has that already.
I'll just make a Snipping Tool Classic, like MPC-HC
I just don't understand what the fucking point is. The software works and works great why replace it?
microsoft take things that work fine,
add new features that break and bloat,
then rebrand and try and charge a subscription for it.
One of my reasons I bailed years ago.
Same thing they did to fucking solitaire yeah.
What's the hotkey for snipping tool?
Win + Shift + S
people trying to justify their jobs. I see it a lot in my company
No, for Snipping Tool.
It is Snipping Tool.
Mmm is there a way to preserve Snipping Tool from being shoaed by M$ on an existing installation?
I use it 10s of times per day
that isn't showing to me
What does that have to do with what i asked
also thanks I hate it very much
Are you fucking retarded?
fUUUUUUCk i opened it again and gave me the message
screw you Op you made my snippet run away
Just make a copy of the EXE and keep it in your personal files.
Copy the locale file as well, probably in en-US unless you use another language.
I'm not getting that on 8.1, haha
just get sharex
stop using win 10
why can't microshart make a good fucking os that doesnt fucking spy on me jesus christ.
someone post the meme image about ms
never used it
what's the use case? like reporting errors to microsoft?
how is your screenshot so fucking HQ.
You have never used snipping tool?
That's crazy. I have been using it since the first day I got Windows 7.
Does LTSB/C even have snipping tool?
> actually still updating win10 past the 1708 update
Brainlet i et you install the newest bios on your laptop too
The new snipping tool is okay. It combines the screen grabbing shortcut keys to the snipping tool functionalities.