Are Arch Linux users quite literally the vegans of the Linux world?

Are Arch Linux users quite literally the vegans of the Linux world?

Not with converting people, but the fact they fucking brag about it constantly.

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Install gentoo

Lol you’re thinking of Linux users alltogether

Any linux evangelist are the vegans of the linux world. Archfags and to a less extent Jow Forumsentooman are just more vocal about their distros than others. This is a very retarded behavior since distros for the most part are all the fucking same and it more often than not drive people away from what you are preaching about.

>arch user btw

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>same as the others
Gentoo is the most different from the others

Gentoo niggers do that too.Just use Weenblows 10

Or Windows Server 2019 and join the bloat-free master race. Pic related.

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They have to compensate for the lack of Office, videogames and Adobe, anything beyond a web browser and some shitty text editor really.

Especially Gentoo niggers.

Arch is cool if you use openrc instead of systemd, my laptops just don't have the power to compile every little thing, and arch makes it easy with a binary package manager, other than that I try to update rarely and always read patch notes extensively before updating the whole system to maintain stability. Debian might have a big repo and lots of support, but I always feel like it just does too many useless things that I don't want or need to have to get the job I need done, done.

Are Antergos users the pescatarians of the Linux world?

alternatively, stock Xubuntu.

I use arch btw

I use arch btw.

I use arch btw

Linux is a server OS, if you are using Linux for a desktop experience you need to get your head checked.

I stopped using arch because of pic related

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that's gentoo but yes

Linux is a bad desktop experience, but every other operating system is worse.

So Manjaro users are vegetarians?

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General Linux users are vegetarians, Arch users are vegans, and LFS users are breatharians

seething arch faggots

What's a good desktop experience then?

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>install gentoo
>I use arch btw

fucking retarded OP doesn't understand memes.
You probably think SSDs are a meme too right? faggot.

You’re thinking of freetards

what do you use now. yea hes a huge faggot


What's the appeal?

Yeah, arch is kind of an epic fail.
Distro is mostly deprecated if you take only use cases into consideration.
Also, take into consideration this distro was shilled and cultivated on subreddits like r/unixporn. Shit was entirely artificial. The distro must have been a kind of a memetic experiment.
That said, if arch users are vegans, gentoo users must be those carnivore diet people. Carnivore diet isn't for everyone but it has clear advantages - unlike veganism, which is basically just an annoying teenage girl cult.

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Then there's those regular distros like Debian or Ubuntu. Yeah, they're cool. Maybe one requires a little more knowledge to use in the long term than the other. But really, the differences are negligible for people using them for everyday living. It's not like systemd is really going to impact how you actually use the machine. Things like minimalism and software efficiency doesn't really appeal to everyone either, especially when you remember that both of these don't always have ease of use in mind. And really, there's nothing wrong with wanting simple software. Computers may have been made for smart people but in the modern day the differences between distributions are basically unimportant to the average taxpayer.
Manchildren, hobbyists, and retards will get into debate about what software is better, but most people just want what works. And the fact of the matter is, the differences between distributions really aren't that important anyways. That said, Fedora will soon deprecate most binary distros by reason of being simple, reliable, and in general just by being holistically better.

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Honest question: Why does ≥ half of Jow Forums hate Luke? Are there any objective reasons?



He uses Jow Forums memes outside the sekrit club. That's it.

Yeah every distro Ive tried runs like shit on a VM on my machine. Installed gentoo and it runs like silk. Its only ~650 packages with xfce. Debian has around 1600+ packages out the box idk wtf thats all about

how much bloat does Xubuntu have?

>server OS
shit meme. It's based directly on UNIX, which means it is a PDP minicomputer OS.

He's the very definition of an NPC.

>It's another Arch users do this, that, and the other, but I can't post a single example thread

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Explain your reasoning.

Window 10 ltsb users are the same

>Literally a non-meme distro

>non-meme distro

>other than that I try to update rarely and always read patch notes extensively before updating the whole system to maintain stability.

Wow its like you learned nothing from the Arch community. You update frequently because a regression is easier to pick out the second it breaks because you only updated 3 packages that day. You're purposefully slamming yourself with 300+ packages and have no fucking idea where to start the triage process outside of general Linux knowledge.

I'll take it back.
SUSE is a meme.

it's a meme, bud

Not a bad thing, though.
Here's more:

If i wasnt using a meme distro i would be using debian. Why opensuse

Just watched this:
and I REALLY feel the meme magick now.

There is no real reasons. He shows some cool stuff off and guides you towards shit you should already be doing. The minimalism isn't just a meme ideology, there is very little chance that vim or mutt is going to go through massive changes any time soon. Mutt has looked the same since 1995, even Neomutt is almost identical to it's predecessor and the same could be said with neovim, vim and vi. Now look at Sublime, Visual Studio or Atom. Do you expect those to last 20 years? I disagree with his adoption of suckless tools because all of them are hard coded for Xorg and nonfunctional outside of that environment. I made the switch from i3 to Sway recently and I had absolutely no problems at all because I already used terminal programs heavily, had I bought in to the suckless tools I'd be fucked, particularly right when toolsets for Wayland are coming to prominence like wlroots that help slap a windowing manager or desktop environment together. I could pick up my dotfiles and drop them onto MacOS, a BSD or any other unix clone and these programs wouldn't flinch in the slightest. Hell, I could probably operate entirely from ssh using a computer from the year 2000 without issue. So I tend to agree with Luke on that bit and you should take his advice to switch to minimalism programs. His advocacy and mindset is old Jow Forums to the core, draped in some fucking zoomer memes to get kids to buy into the videos in the first place. I'd actually recommend going a step further and checking out gotbletu's youtube channel. He is the guy Luke originally got the ideas from, gotbletu only does a livestream of him using the program and how it functions. Hell, in one of the videos you can Luke commenting though I will admit gotbletu has a fucking dope workflow that I've been working for.

Just because you cannot be fucking bothered to get those working, doesn't mean we don't have those installed and some nice things as alternatives.

Any lightweight distro + basic WM uses 200mb at most.

>arch linux

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Nobody brags about their fucking distro, kid. You see people mentioning what distro they use all the goddamn time regardless of distro. This isn't "bragging", it's STATING FACT. It's just that you see a lot of people who use Arch and you notice it more because you're buttmad that you are so pathetic at using a fucking computer that you can't install Arch and every time you see someone mention it, it seems to you like it gets mentioned more than it should.

Dumbest Generation once again showing its stupidity.

Pen, paper, desk, binder.

I didn't think much about suckless and other tools' reliance on Xorg, good point that I will take into consideration.

I am am indeed trying to move to CLI/minimal applications, but as a Linux newbie it is taking some time and I'm not sure if I am happy with my current workflow... so I might switch it up a bit and try new things. I'm sure this time investment into learning everything will pay off, though, as I've been thinking about switching to Linux for years and I really do want to get proficient at using it.

Also, I have seen gotebletu's channel before and loved some of the videos, so I made sure to subscribe now so I don't forget about it.

I appreciate the insight, user. Good stuff.

Fuck off Luke

arch is the best distro,you mad cause you cant install it :::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;

don't be mean to old lukey dukey