Say something nice about it

say something nice about it

Attached: csharp-e7b8fcd4ce.png (512x512, 13K)

it's not as shit as java but it's still shit

I earn a monthly beefy paycheck with it.

LINQ and Async/Await are pretty comfy, also

demonstrably incorrect

Attached: 1553111882447.jpg (326x223, 18K)

Indie game developer here.

I was autistic enough to try and code an entire game on Java, switched to Unity.

Works well as a scripting language, and is surely better than Java.

why am I not surprised that a Javafag contributed nothing of value



used in Bannerlord
replaces node

It's pretty fucking neat. Core makes is super speedy too.

c# is a scripting language since when?

Is there anything c# can't do?

AOT compile that doesn't take a million steps and have a million prerequisites

At least it is not cpp

>Implying c#fags did

Nah. It gets too much dick-sucking on here from the wintoddlers who don't know how to do anything without a 400GB install of Visual Studio.

Java master race here.
Your thread is shit and you are shit.
I'd rather write programs in Go than in C#

It's shit, stick to C++ Golang and Rust.

It's comfy. It doesn't get in your way quite as much as Java.

Attached: DivineShilling.png (430x533, 78K)

LINQ is a godsend, has all sorts of nice syntax sugar and built-in libraries that handle most tasks, everything else is a NuGet package away.

Huge Azure support and templates to get something built, hosted, and running in an afternoon.

Also, I get paid a lot of money for using it.

Since Unity started using it for that

i think aot compilation came in the last version?

lol, (((master race)))