Mingw or cygwin? I want to learn C on winblows

mingw or cygwin? I want to learn C on winblows

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Install GNU/Linux or BSD you tech illiterate brainlet.

If you're on windows 10 try WSL

MSYS2 w/ MinGW. Better shell environment than Cygwin, uses pacman for package management, and any EXEs you compile will run on normal Windows out of the box w/o a special runtime environment

> I want to learn C on winblows
No, you don't, trust me

should i learn it on linux then?

Yeah, just use MSYS2. It's low-bullshit, and you can actually install C libraries like glfw and ffmpeg with a package manager like you can on Linux.

is it still slow as fuck?
I hope when we switch at the company it has some decent performance

Just use the C/C++ compiler that comes with Visual Studio. Then cry because it's Visual Studio, on Windows. Then install *NIX on metal or in VM and use a normal toolchain on a normal OS.

It never was. Is this bait? Do people still think it's a emulator?

It's always been slow as fuck. It can be slow without being an emulator. It's actually slow because the Windows IO stack is poorly designed garbage, and also because Microsoft insists on inserting the Defender filter driver into the Linux filesystem (because Linux can get malware too, you guys.)

See: github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/873#issuecomment-391810696

If you want Linux, just fucking install Linux.

WSL desu

Did they fix the fuckery where you're not allowed to touch file X from Y, and vice versa? Anyways, msys2 works great, also pacman git for windows from there (after adding source in the config) and slap conemu ontop of it. Comfy. I haven't even tried WSL yet. What am I missing out on?

I heard MingW more often than Cygwin when cross-compiling from Linux to Windows, but try both! You might have a preference after some experience.

Attached: mingw2.png (774x532, 48K)

you have to use both. cygwin is GNU utilities for Windows, mingw is the gcc compiler for Windows.

iirc VS build tools and clang works without mingw

Just install Visual Studio you mongoloid, they even have a free Community version for NEETs like you.

>eh, why not lets try this visual studio
>start up installer
>klick this and that
>shit wants to install 100GB or what not
>nop the fuck out
close one

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You realize you can use gcc natively on Windows, right? You can download Code Blocks and just take the binary from the install and use gcc via commandline like you would on Linux.

just run a linux server headless and SSH into it

It downloads about 4-8GB if you just choose the C++ SDK, installs to about 10-20GB.

Are you that restrained by disk space. Once you get a real job and work in the Windows ecosystem, everything is Visual Studio. So get used to it, embrace it, and eventually you'll accept why all the vi/emacs/whatever editor pales in comparison to VS.

If that diskspace makes you worried, then you'll probably not want to look at my screenshot.

Attached: vs.png (1670x1223, 136K)

Sure, but why would you do that, and not just go ahead and install msys2. It comes with pacman, and plenty of nice packages prepared for you. Slap on conemu, and you're good to go.

It is best to learn it on Linux if you want to use GNU C. Doing it on Windows is a pain, and most C programming is done in the Unix world anyway. Even the people who maintain the NT kernel probably do so on Unix/Linux boxes. After all, there's no dedicated C compiler in Visual Studio...only C++.

I bet the NT kernel maintainers are pajeets who use HP computers from 2003

Yeah, but if you want your code to run natively on Windows, that's not a good solution. The binary won't be portable to other Windows machines.


True. Have you ever tried running a compiled program outside of the Cygwin folder? It don't worky... You were talking about mysys2 tho, never tried that one to confirm tbhh

I want to win her minge if you know what I mean

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I use WSL, it works exactly like linux (ubuntu particularly) would, no Visual Studio IDE bullshit.

What exactly is wrong with VS?

>outside of the Cygwin folder
msys2 is not cygwin
>You were talking about mysys2 tho, never tried that one to confirm tbhh
maybe you should

Attached: 1517421813902.png (449x493, 387K)

Just download one of the Borland C/C++ compilers for windows and use that.


Maybe I will, wise ass

Unironically linux

The I/O performance is pure garbage.

I choose just C/C++ SDK and then it proceeds to download and install Windows Phone images, and cannot be uninstalled without an internet connection.

It's for Windows. Once you get used to it it'll be difficult to move to other, free tools.