Linux is a piece of shit made by a bunch of sjw faggots who are so angry at the humanity because of their mental...

Linux is a piece of shit made by a bunch of sjw faggots who are so angry at the humanity because of their mental problems they find the joy in watching normal people like us suffer using their shit os

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-31 21-02-55.png (1920x1080, 250K)

lmao gnu/linux more like ganoo/laxative am i right

>Use Fedora
>Use Gnome
>Not use mpv
>Watch Jew Hollywood movies
Sounds like a personal problem.

Nailed it.

It's like if op got rekt riding a shitty bike into a brick wall and declared bikes are terrible and he's going back to his tricycle.

linux is for faggots

>install ubuntu
>everything just works

instead you install some random piece of shit mandriva lindows crap

Not OP but Fedora is really good and GNOME is nice. Still, OP is a fag and shouldngo back to windows or use Ubuntu

Found the problem foot faggot

Sounds like I better spread my asshole open for Microsoft, Apple, or Google.

>get the tar
>run ./popcorn
wew that was hard

>hurdur why am i too retarded to use this

pop corn . sh

mkdir popcorn
mv popcorn...tar.xz popcorn/
cd popcorn/
tar -xvf popcorn...tar.xz

there you go
it has a player in it
it's chromium and they still haven't updated after that SCARY bug

make your own OS then. using other people’s code is computer cuckoldry

GNOME is actually terrible software. They took everything that was perfectly fine on the desktop and crippled it just for the sake of being different and diverging from conventions like the Windows Start Menu. The desktop shell even runs on Electron now for Christ's sake.

If you find other distros too hard, use Ubuntu. It's essential just like any distro but Jow Forums hates it because it's mainstream.
>prove me wrong

Attached: gnu-slash-cringe.jpg (640x480, 293K)

>GNOME is nice
It's the worst DE in existence. It looks pretty but looks are irrelevant when it takes 2x more RAM, 4x more CPU and GPU power to render itself than KDE and Xfce combined. When you move windows on integrated graphics it literally dips below 15 fps. There's no fucking reason a DE would need more resources to run at 60fps than vanilla WoW did.


Attached: 1521758570806.jpg (250x241, 7K)

>Uncapable of figuring out how to play a fucking video file
zoomers never cease to amaze me

fedora is free betatesting for rhel
redhat has billions of dollars in bank, I won't play their guinea pig for free
>GNOME is nice
from a technical pov, gome is a disaster.
if you want to see C with oop, check the monstrosity that is gtk
gnome shell is(was?) based on a old version of the firefox js rendering engine which was utter crap. See what happens when you give dog shit to toddlers? The same thing happens with js and gnome devs.
Also they remove features because they don't use them and they don't give a shit even if 99% of the community use them.
evolution as an hard coded dependency is the pinacle of retardness, this fucking trash of a software is not modular at all.
NetworkManager was for a long time a shitty piece of software, redhat had to do something because it was so bad even first year cs students could have done better in two weeks.
also tablet ui
still a ressource hog in 2k19

Don't use anything made by redhat if it's managed by redhat, they only have crappy ideas and the devs they choose are shit.

>needs to anything but open the file to play it
The absolute state of Linux.

>There's no fucking reason a DE would need more resources to run at 60fps than vanilla WoW did.
We in the web development community like to call this "progress". Sure it may seem bad now, and it will also be bad later, but at least we're going somewhere, right?

Linux has it's shortcomings.
Fortunately, the awsomeness of GNU more than makes up for it.

Oh, little one, if only you how bad things really were on Windows during the days of QuickTime and AVI.

You sound like the angry faggot

Whoever encoded this video has no dignity or shame, or has no idea what they are doing.

We are not in those times anymore, well... maybe Linux is.

are these linux hate threads a meme at this point?

probably wants a gstreamer package

give it up already, gnome, nobody wants to use gstreamer

it entirely depends on the distribution of your choice, that's fedora's fault, ubuntu does not have this problem

just gnome shit
anything else just pulls in ffmpeg, which plays everything
or those distros which are super anal about free software, which compile things with non-free/patent-encountered codecs disabled

tl;dr install mpv

do your research first, retard. if you want a player that just werks install mpv or vlc if you want a (bloated) gui.

Attached: vlc.png (800x450, 176K)

>we're going somewhere

> faggots who are so angry at the humanity because of their mental problems
And why did you make this thread, exactly, being a well-adjusted Windows user like yourself?