VSCode is a good piece of software, but why did they have to use electron? Just fuck my software up family

VSCode is a good piece of software, but why did they have to use electron? Just fuck my software up family.

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vscode should be the only electron app allowed to be installed. And even then you should be shot in the kneecaps for installing it

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Needs more elisp

Because Electron itself is a fucking amazing idea

>uses CSS the best tool for a GUI Design around and JS a very fast and easy language to learn that is also incredibly versatile
>Runs on everything without too much of a hassle to do so

The only problem is RAM Usage but honestly if you have a 16GB atleast and most people do then this shit is non-existent in the memory

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You are trolling, right?

How so

>vscode is good
>C++ syntax highlighting still broken

i only use vscode when merging branches

Install the Better C++ Syntax extension

I wrote an ffmpeg frontend in electron because the alternative was using java

what else would they use to make it crossplatform? Qt?

he's right, name a better GUI programming platform than css/js. xaml and qt want to be them. yeah, electron has a bunch of shitty overhead but you know what? that overhead would be fuck all if the world wasnt being held hostage by RAM oligarchy - we could have 1TB+ as a bare minimum if the price didn't stagnant in the last 10 years.
People that hate on electron are just repeating the same autistic shit as autists of generations past - go hate on C for wasting cycles you'd save by handcrafting your asm.

Oh boo hoo something is actually using your memory, in the real world people want software that works not software that is autistically programmed to be as lean as possible, people use Visual Studio as their main IDE and that shit is 20GB+

The only people moaning about Electron are people who don't understand development in the slightest.

They can move soon to .net-core 3

Jow Forums doesn't care if ram prices drop - their 10 year old thinkpads would still be at 2gbs of ram anyway

i don't really mind developer tools being made using this but they are making fucking chat applications and shit using it. that's bullshit. while my development rig is quite beefy (and power consuming) while my parents system was built for browsing web in mind. you don't need a particularly powerful system for that but if every single fucking program is chrome clone then you need a fucking xeon and 30gb of ram to run everything without an issue. if you do decide to use that steaming pile of shit at least provide some kind of api so i can make a non-shitty clone.

VSCode on linux
>Instant bootup time
>Good performance overall
>Tons of dumb shit like not tracking my file changes or saving my files
VSCode on windows
>15 sec bootup time
>Shit performance
>very stable

Electron apps scale Ram usage, on a weak rig they ain't going to use 1+GB

they slow those computers down regardless

.net core 3 won't have crossplatform gui frameworks, it will merely allow you to write winforms and wpf, you still won't be able to run them on anything other than windows.

Electron is the perfect platform for IDEs and CAD or even drawing programs. The meme is tired. Chat programs like skype or email clients have no excuse though.

sublime text is written in C++ and python for plugins

what's your excuse?

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you have an argument, right?

I'm a fucking god at windows forms. I will become the next lulzsec with this fancy technology.
winforms is the most intuitive gui to implement if you think otherwise you're a communist.

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i lived long enough to see this un ironically posted on the internet. just because your tranny learn to code teacher parrots something doesn't mean it's true.

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Someone could write a adapter library for windows forms with the same interfaces but using linux controls instead.

I think MS's endgame is turning WPF/UWP into a multiplatform UI toolkit, because a lot of their frameworks' development suggests they want to run the hell away from Win32 API and other older stuff, but legacy support is what's making them mad bucks. I mean, they still support fucking ActiveX through an emulation layer in Win10, because there are still retards that actually pump out new software using it.
Just look at all the butthurt that ensued when MS announced that starting with 3.0, ASP.NET Core will not run on ye olde .NET Framework: github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore/issues/3753
There are some valid points about this effectively killing .netstandard though, which is a shame.

If they didn't use Electron they probably would have used something Windows specific and you probably wouldn't be able to use it

>uses CSS the best tool for a GUI Design
I don't even know if they're trolling at this stage...

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>Electron is the perfect platform for CAD
This is has retarded as saying that wood is the best material to design passenger airplanes.
I swear, this fucking board.

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Please provide a better one, i unironically can't think of one

please be bait

absolutely proprietary

It's not easy to learn...unless you're a brainlet hack and don't give a shit about code quality anyhow. It's a fucking ghetto.

glad to know this and the other GET are both great

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CSS sucks

in my opinion free software > proprietary shit > electron garbage (including free software stuff)

nice pents


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If you're using vs code you may as well just use IntelliJ

>but it costs money
Use the free education one
>but I don't have a student email
Then get an education, NEET.

Windows forms doesn't look pretty, but it's legitimately far, far easier to make things with. If you've never used it then you have no idea how not-frustrating GUI dev can be. Try making Paint.NET in fucking CSS/HTML/js and good luck with the suicide.
WPF is absolutely legendary and it's a damn shame it was hobbled by being tied into Windows like winforms are.
Java FX isn't bad at all, it just suffers from looking like Java.

I use VSCode on linux, because I don't have any choice. Most of them time, I use the real Visual Studio

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It's still better than atom and other trash electron garbage

IntelliJ = IDE
VSCode = Text editor on steroids

Vscode is a castrated IDE.

i use emacs on windows

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>be me
>have a minimal Debian install
>write minimal software mostly in C/Motif
>can't be fucked to learn Vim/Emacs
>do my programming in VS Code because it actually works, it's open source, costs nothing, and has nice themes

Qt, GTK, FLTK, and Motif would work on Windows and *nix. I like Motif the best personally, since it has god tier docs and examples for all the widgets. The look is outdated but it's rock solid for GUI building.

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>winforms is the most intuitive gui to implement
This but unironically.

Nothing, stop using bloated abstraction bullshit.
Write a highly optimized, targeted program for each platform using:
Direct2D on Windows
X11/Wayland on Linux
Quartz on Mac

I'm not sure about Quartz, but the other two are guaranteed to lead to madness.