Essential safety features are sold by Boeing as DLC

>essential safety features are sold by Boeing as DLC
>additional sensor was paid DLC which airlines didn't buy
>Boeing was happy to sell these planes with a system that would crash the plane into the ground based on a single sensor with no failsafes
Fucking hell we live in a clown world

Attached: boeing dlc.png (1043x1048, 691K)

yes goyim, profit is more important than you

Pilots disabled the MCAS shit and it still reactivated and killed them

holy fuck did microsoft write this code?

kys zoomer

no, they cut off the auto trim motors. MCAS had already trimmed the plane down and they couldn't manually trim the plane. when they reactivated the trim motors to trim back up MCAS kicked in again and trimmed the plane into a nosedive. there is no direct way to selectively deactivate MCAS.

Dlc became popular in 06 long before zoomers

>you're flying on the plane
>your movie freezes and a voice comes over
>would you like to purchase the Survival DLC?

>zoomer terminology
Zoomers wouldn't know what dlc is, retard

> plane begins nose dive
> oxygen mask pops down, requires credit card tap
> seatbelt / parachute bundle is 59.99
> 1/200 chance for exclusive shiny life jacket

They should just scrap this POS all together. If this dumb plane can't fly without MCAS it shouldn't be in the air.

>If this dumb plane can't fly without MCAS it shouldn't be in the air.
Suddenly almost every modern plane currently flying is grounded because they all require some fly-by-wire system for stability.

Zoomers know what dlc is but the word doesn't really mean the same thing these days as used to before.
Most of the time the """"downloadable"""" content is already there but you just have to pay to unlock it.

Wrong, it shouldn't be flying without designated fuse.

Is that true, that RyanAir charges for oxygen masks?

>b-b-b-but muh pajeets
>muh H1B
>muh diversity hires

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Only Europoors manage to get so triggered by Boeing.
They resort to using false information to shitpost due to their Airbuss insecurities.
Conveniently forgetting Airbus at the exact same problem and relies on a similar system.

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I think I'd make this better, than diversity hired... They selected wrong diversity. They needed nips, ruskies, europoors and such

The plane flies fine, the problem comes when airlines neglect their responsibility for pilot training

Shareholders were a mistake.

>literal whataboutism
>hurr durr Europoor weak Americuck strong

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fuck i wanted to make the ryanair joke

>Blocks ur path

Attached: Airbuss.png (1003x1436, 823K)

Look up Qantas flight 72. Airbus A330 was going nose down. Except this time the flight was saved by competent white pilots.

The proper boomer term would be "expansion pack" actually

Ah yes, I believe I still have this somewhere.

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Most of the time you pay for the ""disc"" but half the game is downloaded via updates.

>Unblocks your path

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What possesses mongoloids like you to post shit like this?

>They're selling death planes, surely it's the minorities' fault!
>facebook frog.png
Every time.

More HQ version

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This. Allowing the public to hold stake in a company was a huge mistake.
Back when we had elitist capitalist guardians (a la Plato's Republic) this wouldn't have happened.
Allowing the public to enter just infuses the market with greed.

t. nigger lover

this is the correct answer

the system only exists because Boeing shoehorned bigger engines onto an old airframe to cut costs and it unbalanced the entire airframe
MCAS is only on the MAX8 because of this, no other Boeing plane has or needs this system

Pretty much every model has a version of it.
Even Airbus has a similar system.
You keyboard Engineers make me laugh.
Do you really think the current 737 NG is the same as every other past 737 models?
-Triggered Aerospace fag.


>The Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) flight control law was designed and certified for the 737 MAX to enhance the pitch stability of the airplane – so that it feels and flies like other 737s.

Shooo shill shoo

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not the blacks of europe

jokes on us though, they are rolling in it

>long before zoomers
kek zoomers were 6 at least 2006. Who the hell did you think mindlessly supported that cancer because they had no prior knowledge to how things used to be?

>hundreds of those planes flying daily without issue
>2 of those crash
>both in 3rd world shit countries nobody can find on a map

makes you think, maybe it's not the plane?

Ethiopia airlines had one of the best safety records in the world at the time of the crash.

wait are you saying companies only exist to profit and the only reason they don't tie us all up and milk us like cows is because the goverment spooks the shit out of them?

The faulty part in that flight was a unit made by Northrop Grumann actually. And unlike Boeing, Airbus had designed it so pilots could assume manual control.

Just don't buy it. Pay full price or buy an older model.

isn't the whole point that these were/are older model planes that no longer meat the current standards and airlines are pressuring boing to do hacky upgrades instead of buying new planes?

The fundamental drive of capitalism is profit which cannot be untangled from reckless greed leading to abuse like this. Muh free markut cracknuts never want to acknowledge this but is a recurrent problem.

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>airbus: Crew recovered uneventfully
>Boeing: 600 and counting
Top shill friendino

boeing has discovered the virtues of planned obsolescence.

Lion Air is Asian RyanAir, because chinks pronouce R as L

The real problem isn't that. It's the tip of the iceberg. Instead, it's the fact that the FAA essentially allowed Boeing to self-regulate and design the standard by which the 737 Max8 planet was "certified" into the market.

Imagine you bought a normal sedan. Standard features, safety features, etc. Then one day you took it into the shop and the mechanic there took out the engine and replaced it with a super car engine hooked it all up in a couple of hours and then basically told no one they did this. On top of that, the mechanic then told the shop manager that "it's the same car, don't worry; just more efficient now."

And the shop manager was like "cool, thumbs up; less paperwork for me."

Car is returned to the owner, on the bill it basically just shows "oil change and swapping out of transmission fluid for engine work." Person pays, gets into the car, starts it and presses down the accelerator to pull out of the shop. The acceleration of the engine sends the car roaring forward, bucking the curb into oncoming traffic resulting in a 10 car pileup that kills 30 people.

An investigation into this is revealed that the mechanic basically changed the fundamental behavior of the car, told no one, and the person who was supposed to have oversight on it allowed the mechanic to self-regulate and allowed it to happen because he didn't want to deal with the paperwork.

It's obviously not a perfect analogy, but its equivalent enough to get the point across. The MCAS sensor thing IS bad. But what's worse is that the FAA allowed Boeing to basically create a NEW variant of a plane, that was more powerful and capable than the original, while defining it under the standards of the original because neither party wanted to deal with the logistical overhead--as doing so would increase time to market and ultimately impact profitability of both. Cause you know; regulatory capture and all that.

Wait so what’s gonna happen? Are they suing Boeing ? People are dead

6-year-olds are able to buy things on their own?

>Airbus at the exact same problem and relies on a similar system.
You must be right because I keep hearing about all those Airbus planes that keep crashing.

You forgot about the part where Boeing didn't tell them about this new feature *in the Boeing training material*.

here a pajeet, there a pajeet, everywhere a pajeet!

If airlines are dedicated to safety why didn't they buy the optional enhanced safety features?

Is there a good app for the PC or Android that will back up everything (pics, app data, sms etc.) And restore that doesn't need root? Trying to trade my phone with a relative and would like to swap data between phones as simple as possible

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Just saying this would not have happened if the man of steel hadn't stopped at Berlin

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this is probably a good time to be a lawyer right now. probably 8 figures paycheck incoming

Grandpa, I...

>what's going to happen

Well, the world at large doesn't want to deal with Boeing anymore. So they're gearing up for a massive class action suit since Boeing basically lied to everyone on what the 737 Max8 actually is--and two crashes under the same circumstances a few months apart, on the same plane variant + all the investigations so far has basically made the public realize that until the MCAS shit is permanently fixed (a software patch isn't good enough), these planes are basically a death trap that can fall out of the sky without warning. So no one wants to fly.

In other words, the ~$300Bn in future orders that Boeing was betting on, is most likely going to go down the toilet. The companies world over are going to try and sue Boeing for lost revenue because they're forced to ground tens of planes for indefinite periods; then likely use that money to either sell off the planes, and then combine the income to get Airbus 320neos instead.

Whether that lawsuit goes through or not will depend on FAA and FTC, the former of which is in bed with Boeing, so they're basically not going to do anything. Plus given Boeing's importance in the US defense industry and the fact that they make up 50% of ULA, it's almost guaranteed that the US government won't do anything against them short of a slap on the wrist, a finger waive and a "don't do it again." Which is going to further neuter the confidence in the company for any company that doesn't work in the US, looking at Boeing planes.

The long and short of it is that things are going down, but no one knows whether it will have any consequence on the party(ies) responsible.

Eh, I don't think that's really the case here. Sustainable growth still satisfies shareholders. Unsustainable, exponential growth requirements is what are problematic. The idea that you didn't double or triple your growth YoY = failure is bad. It's a consequence, a symptom of a bigger flaw; wealth inequality. The 0.1% aren't happy with their billions, they want trillions. So they pull that from the 1%. Thus the 1% aren't happy with their tens to hundreds of millions, they want billions; so they pull from the 10-15%. The 10-15% aren't happy with their hundreds of thousands to millions, so they want tens to hundreds of billions; and pull from the those below them--all the way down to the masses who are poor.

Each step of the way, large portions of money sits in banks which then loan that money out to companies for building technologies, doing research, hiring people, all feeding back in the system. Simultaneously, they themselves invest in funds of all types to grow that money for their own clients. To satisfy this constant need for greater and greater amounts, businesses hire people who are able to deliver those unsustainable growth metrics QoQ and YoY, at ANY cost. It's a vicious circle and the consequence of that is, inevitably, you get events like this where safety and regulation is set aside in favor of this growth requirement and a lot of people die. Especially over dumb fucking mistakes that could have been easily avoided, but were ignored because money was on the line--enough money to impact that entire aforementioned chain from top to bottom.

You're right, Stalin would have gotten nuked and it would have stopped the cold war.

>boeing will get away with this whole shitshow without a scratch because the us government needs them to make weapons
Living in a dystopia is shit desu.

Friendly reminder: these cunts wanted to -keep flying- these pieces of shit, right up until not even Canada would allow the frankenflyer deathtraps into their airspace. If you are going to fly? INISIST on Not Going via Boeing. This might just save your life because, sure as fuck, you cannot depend upon negligent and incompetent manufacturers or corrupt American 'regulatory authorities' to give a shit if or when they kill you
>'We (now) wont charge extra for (one of) safety feature(s)..'

would sooner step into a 1980s aeroflot than a boeing at this stage
