I'm going to write my own operating system in pure assembly. Wish me luck

I'm going to write my own operating system in pure assembly. Wish me luck.

Attached: BvGb8z_IIAASP5L.png (600x1068, 594K)

Bump for interest

I'll make the logo

good luck

Real mode or Protected mode?
Making it in assembly with real mode would be easier since you can just do bios calls. The bad part is that it is limited to like 4MiB of RAM if I recall correctly.

How do you write Hello World in assembly?

You're a retard.


.dw $48 ....

sudo rm -rf /*


I'm going to call it GNU Turd.

>not using the de facto syntax of most 8bit assemblers
get out zoomer

Do all programs written in assembly count as open source?

Do all programs written in python count as open source?

Make sure to follow god rules

Attached: Me101115c.jpg (418x438, 24K)

No, because disassembling python bytecode is not as straightforward as disassembling machine code into assembly.

If you write your own operating system in assembly, you don't have to bow down to no gods. It's in the bible.

Do NOT go near train tracks.
Do NOT let african-american fellows tail gate you.
Do NOT engage with humans that are bio-luminescent.
Follow these simple rules and you should be alright, unless you got birds or a drum set.

Did we ever find out whether it was an accident or if Terry took his own life?

global _start

section .text

mov rax, 1 ; write(
mov rdi, 1 ; STDOUT_FILENO,
mov rsi, msg ; "Hello, world!\n",
mov rdx, msglen ; sizeof("Hello, world!\n")
syscall ; );

mov rax, 60 ; exit(
mov rdi, 0 ; EXIT_SUCCESS
syscall ; );

section .rodata
msg: db "Hello, world!", 10
msglen: equ $ - msg


He accidently took his own life.

No, you won't.

What would one be able to achieve with a homebrew OS? Make your own programming language? Have direct hardware access to make your programs run faster?

If you build some sort of encryption from the start you might be more resistant to glowniggers. Not because you will have done things 'right' but because no way is a glownigger going to do anything except plug in some sort of commercial forensics tool, and you would have the ultimate sort of security through obscurity.

>Intel syntax

Attached: fugg.jpg (600x450, 78K)

you can use use flat or unreal mode to access 4gb of memory and still use interrupts

has there been any project that you know of that has attempted to write any non-trivial binaries whose code is comprised only of 1-byte opcodes?

What defines an operating system? Is a bootable hello world an OS?

64 MB actually, though the upper 1MB of that is disabled.
Good. Now do the same without using someone else's kernel.
>you can use use flat or unreal mode to access 4gb
Flat mode is only available in protected mode, and 4GB is only available when switching out of real mode.
>and still use interrupts
You need to drop into real mode to service interrupts or service them in virtual 8086 mode.


Have fun debugging problems actually caused by obscure undocumented features from the hardware to enforce Windows ‘compatibility’

>not knowing it was CIA niggers who murdered our prophet

>Have fun debugging problems actually caused by obscure undocumented features from the hardware to enforce Windows ‘compatibility’
This is literally not a thing, I have no idea where you picked this shit up from.
t. someone that does various low level assembly including manipulating the low pin count interface.


No, that would be machine code.

Does it count if you don't program your own editor?


But first you'll have to write a assembler and linker in order to create the boot loader.
You can probably throw in disassembler too.
>LARPing thread I know but I don't care, assembler is pure and god-tier.

Attached: stupid-fuck.jpg (474x260, 24K)

choose a fast train