I wish suckless existed in the 90s...

I wish suckless existed in the 90s. The GNU project should have partnered with suckless and we wouldn't have the bloat linux kernel.

Attached: dwm-20180924.png (1920x1080, 223K)

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you're right, no one should have ever tried to make a program that was larger than 1000 lines and written in a language that isn't C

It existed, it was called Bell Labs and they created the ``masterpieces'' Plan 9 and Inferno.

suckless should have partnered with linux and we wouldn't have the bloat GNU tools desu

i'd argue that this is impossible because suckless was a reaction to the rise of bloated GNU/Linux in popularity

free software (gpl) + software minimalism = gold

Suckless should make their own OS so we don't need the bloated GNU clones of 1970s program or the bloated Linux kernel.

suckless should have partnered with Microsoft, Intel and IBM in the 70-80's so we wouldnt have bloat computers

Bill gates loves capitalism, so fuck him.
Suckless and richard stallman should have partnered with IBM and Intel

IBM and Intel don't? Also suckless is full of capitalist cocksuckers, uriel was a basic bitch lolbertarian

uriel was a stupid hippie. The suckless founder is a ubermensch chad.

name one suckless software worth using.

>suckless retards
>writing a kernel
There would be no drivers, cause they're bloat. Plus, recompiling everytime you want to (un)mute the sound or turn LAN on/off.



Just krank the xfps value in config.h to 6 gorillion and you get the same latency as xterm.
It won't affect cpu usage much but your "mplayer -vo aa" might flicker due to lack of vsync.

>minimalist software

Still less bloated than Wayland garbage!

>Scrolling speed
>st on par

I'm the one who optimized st's scrolling speed a few years back. Feels good. If you look at the comments in the article, you can see it's possible to get st's input latency down to around 5ms with some changes to the default config.

Nobody cares about scrolling speed and terminal throughput.
It is the least important metric for a terminal.
Latency is everything that counts and the defaults in st are really bad.
Kys Idiot. You are doing it all wrong. And you made st MORE complex as well.

>And you made st MORE complex as well.
I actually made it simpler. I merely organized the data into what libXft expects for efficient rendering. You may not care, but enough people did. Nigger.

he's right. Just shut the fuck up hoe.


How did you know?

Attached: 1554674473349.jpg (808x809, 104K)

does anybody actually comment like this? this is just a pain to read through. you can literally just make the variable name long enough & descriptive if you're just wanting to be able to ctrl+f the code in the future.
at the very worst if you need a comment, just do it on the side instead of on top, it wastes 3 whole lines because the retards are also



But you made latency worse.
Frame rate limiting should be abolished altogether in st.
I have a patch that reduces latency to pic related.
It removes many lines of codes and gets rid of some local variables and the xfps global variable.

Attached: Xterm vs st new 30 actionfps.png (440x307, 5K)

It's only commented like that in config.h because it's the one file every user should read and customize before compiling.

Attached: aria.png (491x369, 228K)

This is before the patch!
A real abomination of a terminal emulator!

Attached: Xterm vs st orig.png (440x308, 3K)

do you have a link to the patch somewhere? maybe a compromise could be had.

Attached: 1551094234390.png (1700x1080, 2.18M)


I have a dream of a minimal kernel written in a language that doesn't leak, with a small optional desktop system built on a window system so awesome that no one builds more desktop systems, and a clean, consistent userspace system interface with clear division of concerns between programs.
The sound system, daemon manager, window system, and more are all awesome and light.
It doesn't come with any spyware, and it comes with a browser that is extensible, small, complete, and will be supported forever.
It has a modal text editor that everyone knows how to use with the editing power of Kakoune, the extensibility of Emacs, and tons of amazing plugins.
It has *one* package manager, with repositories for stable or rolling-release, it allows you to build from source and has a large user repository.
The community is huge, with tons of help for customization and technical issues.
Because the community is so large and everyone understands the underlying philosophy, there's no chance of any of these programs taking a wrong turn or any of these programs ever losing support.
The mailing lists are peaceful, with everyone understanding that they have reached a state of complete operating system zen.
There are no flamewars on message boards about it, only complete productivity.

this but unironically

Your patch doesn't actually change the underlying rendering changes that I did, which was to utilize XftDrawGlyphFontSpec. Main problem with your patch getting accepted by default is people are going to complain about needless spinning of the CPU. Would be better to use epoll on the X11 socket I think, that way would get rid of the busy waiting. Good luck convincing the suckless old guard to use epoll though instead of select/pselect or poll/ppol.

So are you going to be the one to start such a project, or what?

My company is about to get bought out, once I get that money it's between that and starting a goat farm.

Why not both? Be the goat OS king.

Don't want to make the goats jealous

So what kind of company of yours is being bought out?

> needless spinning of the CPU
It is not needless. Also it is not really different when idle. If you do cat /dev/urandom or something you get 80% cpu usage instead of 1% but who really cares.
Latency is more important for doing actual work. Frame rate limiting should have no place in st

It is 2019. Energy efficiency trumps all else, don’t you know, goy?

I am a full-blooded hairy kike with a big nose, FYI.

Robotics research

Would you incorporate robotics in the goat farm?

>Suckless should make their own OS
Suckless is a community of blog writers who don't actually use computers except to complain about computers.

The goats are actually robots


Comments and manpages aren't bloat

No, I need to get away from computers at some point.

manpages are a defective feature

Xterm code is akin to dark magic spells, of course you'd have magical latency on it.

No, actually Xterm simply does not have any double buffering and frame rate limiting.
And "st" as a so called "simple terminal" shouldn't have those features too.
It makes it more complicated and it feels slower. Something suckless usually calls "Bloated".

t. larper

GNU and all Glibs are total bloat.

Is dwm + lightdm the least bloated combination possible for a minimalist distro?

Attached: 53e.png (600x600, 155K)

replace lightdm with slim
I'm not even a sucktard but slim just werks and isn't bloat at all

> lightdm
> slim
real men use autox the non bloated version of nodm.

no. GNU project enforces their licensing, which is unacceptable

If your terminal puts out so many lines that it has 80% cpu usage you won't be able to read it anyways.
It is simply idiotic to optimize for that edge case.

linux is actually lightweight
70% of linux are drivers and firmware

>ITT things newborn faggots truly believe
just shut the fuck up OP, it hurts to see that a fucking thread died for your lame ass comment.

More like: suck my dick!

Attached: Mung.png (1764x2779, 515K)

They already have. Plan 9. Or the suckless coreutils.

t. know nothing about either

/dev/fb0 all the way.
Just write to a file, BAM, graphics on sccreen right there.

st is such a retarded concept. imagine having to edit code and recompile it just to change your terminal appearance

Cat v minimalism is not the same as Suckless minimalism. Cat v revolves around Plan 9 where everything is extendible. Suckless thinks arbitrary limits means minimalism. Suckless people are retarded because they are scared of anything remotely complex, even when it's necessary.

Are you an r/unixporn ricer who's constantly changing the look of your terminal because you don't have work to do? Then use the Xresources patch.

So we could have both low latency and CPU usage by using a Linux specific system call?

Yes. Now go write a patch.
In the meantime I switched back to xterm enjoying my built in scrollback buffer and 100% flawless support for UTF-8 Rendering and superior latency.
Xterm also passes every "vttest" test like an ace.... st not so much.

>Now go write a patch.
I'm on xterm myself, sweetie. Just wish it would support font ligatures.
If someone wrote a patch, I'd be interested in switching back to st. But you don't want a patch written by me, believe me.