Jow Forums's favorite search engine?

Jow Forums's favorite search engine?

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searx is the only correct answer

Attached: logo_searx_a.png (631x237, 9K)

startpage & yandex are great because they're fast

searx for privacy

Are you still using Google? Because I have something really cool to show you.

Attached: ecosia.jpg (1000x562, 54K)

How could Google be any slower compared to them?


Bing for porn
Yandex for hidden shit
And Google for everything else

pic related has been really good lately.

I haven’t used in about a year because it was just so painfully slow. I used DDG in the interim, but startpage is just so much faster and accurate now


You already posted it


What, is duckduckgo terrible now?

What makes bing good for porn?
And yandex for hidden shit? I'm guessing you're a fucking pedophile user? Because last time I used yandex, I saw cp shit in images.You degenerate.

No. It's still the best. Jow Forums just doesn't like to settle on something. Same reason they can't stop distro hopping.

iirc it's US-based and hosted on Amazon servers. Also the owner is a jew who may or may not have done some shady things in the past.

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I don't like Startpage because it gives me less results than Google despite supposedly using Google as the backend.


Searx' search results SUCK, even jewgle and jewjewgo give better results than this piece of garbage even though searx gets its results directly from jewgle and bing
why is this trashfire shilled here so much

I became very used to the ! operators on duckduckgo, nice that searx also has the same feature, and they are mostly the same.
I use searx, startpage, yandex, qwant, swisscows and rarely duckduckgo though. DDG just giving random blank responses so often, sometimes several times in a row after hitting enter would make me not use it if it's shadiness didn't.

Startpage mostly.
But I discovered that duckduck gives better results regarding torrents and porn so it have its uses.

Google is fine. It does it's work.


i coded my own using rust and emacs on riced arch

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google for most shit
ddg for stuff censored by google

>its the jooos

Mein tavorishi

unlike google, bing shows you what you want to see instead of what they think you should see, and this is specially noticeable when looking for porn.

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Searching for images sucks on here
Google images never seems to connect on any instance I use and for once I don't want to look at porn. Fuck you bing images

unironically bing

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This, he was selling peoples emails in the past

The results page looks kind of primitive and the results are less relevant to what I searched. I think I'll go back to Google.


bing bing bong

no thanks.

you mean vim?

I dislike that you have to enable cookies or use a custom link to disable the default adult filter.

I use qwant

Attached: 1200px-Qwant_new_logo_2018.svg.png (391x380, 40K)

I would love to use searx but trying to search google results with it ends up with errir 100% now, also when it didn't get errors the image search wouldn't work anyway. Startpage doesn't show everything google does. I have no idea what the fuck am I supposed to use

i set qwant as default, with some search plugins for other sites (imdb/tpb/etc)
occassionally i'll jump on for a quick search, but qwant and bing are better for more detailed image searches
every now and then i'll use the !g search on qwant if i need to specify search limits greater than a month