DNS servers

I've switched to Cloudflare from OpenNIC in a pinch, as it's unbearably slow, and I spent most of the time waiting for DNS lookups when loading websites.

I know Cloudflare is a botnet, but it's WAY faster (and I picked it because it has an IP which is easy to remember). Does anyone know of any good DNS servers?

Attached: gno.png (1000x669, 950K)

Other urls found in this thread:


quad nine

I switched back to cloudflare dns for the same reason
It's fast and better than google dns or any other dns

>Does anyone know of any good DNS servers?

ISP DNS, fastest and more privacy friendly than any shit logging everything.

1. choose two or more from opennic.org
2. pull up the big boy pants and set up one yourself

that's completely dependent on your ISP
not everyone has a good ISP

>1. choose two or more from opennic.org
I had 3 of their servers set up, it was awfully slow.
as fast as OpenDNS on my side

Quad 9

>not logging everything and hoarding it for when the government comes knocking
nice try moron

Why the fuck aren't you running your own resolver?

Why would I? I sometimes have to go outside of my room and use my computer on the go.

OpenNIC + dnsmasq

No botnet or censorship and it's only slow the first time you lookup a domain
>muh botnet
cloudflare is the cdn of everyone in this planet, this won't change much

If I desktop can I set dns on my tray applet or do I need to go into my router?


thank you for saving this thread
why the fuck do people care about dns server speed when you can, and should, cache requests
even if you're a retard, windows does this by defaut ffs

right now I'm using since I'm too lazy to finish setting up DNScrypt, I guess it's not ideal but sure beats cloudflare botnet.
No, it's fast even if there's higher latency it's still negligible since we are still talking about fractions of second.

What about cache poisoning?

what about it? cache poisoning is an issue at dns level, local cache does not change that

>from cloudflare to google
Can it get any worse? Any NSA DNS server out there so you can just hand your data over to them?

I read a firejail howto that recommended specifying google dns on the command line for online banking.
Reason: Actively monitored by the NSA.
>really makes you think.

You could run your own DNS server like unbound and do your own DNS lookups. If that's not an alternative then you could use your ISPs DNS servers or Cloudflare or Google in that order performance-wise depending on your location.

Here I got 6 ms from Cloudflare, about 35ms for Google's and 111ms for quad nine The servers recommended to me by opennic on opennic.org/ give me about 90ms. If I were to recommend any DNS server based on this - at my location - then Cloudflare is the obvious choice. The speeds at your location will vary.

I personally don't trust Cloudflare all that much, and if something's free it usually means you're the product (somehow). Thus; I run unbound myself. But as I said, if I were to recommend something it'd be Cloudflare because it really is the fastest (here).

>The two DNS servers above belong to Google, and at least one national security agency has access to logging information. Don’t use them for anything else than banking.
Well, kinda makes sense, I mean, if you login to the bank... wait, it doesn't make sense at all, not all of us have banks in USA, I don't need the NSA to know each time I access the bank.

grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm might be of interest if you're after performance

You didn't think enough.

nah if you just want to see what the response-time is if a query's cached it's as simple as

while true; do dig @ www.google.com | grep time; sleep 2; done

that obviously doesn't say anything about the response-time when you hit domains that are not cached upstream - but it does tell you if a request for a cached query has a typical consistent response in the ballpark of 6 ms or 35 ms or 111 ms.

mmmh yeah, or you could use a dedicated software that yields more metrics on many server at once with on click, just saying

So, from what I've seen, majority of good DNS servers are a botnet ;_;

Attached: gillette.jpg (288x288, 39K)