double click to install software

> double click to install software
> progress bar loads from 0% to 99% in 10 seconds
> takes 10 minutes to load from 99% to 100%
> stays at 100% for 5 minutes
> then shows "finishing up" for 5 minutes
> actually finishes installing software

Why the fuck progress bars are so fucked?

Attached: 1548603728933.jpg (1280x1440, 210K)

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why the fuck are you double clicking to install software?

How else can you install software?

the current state of wincucks

Some Linuxtard will tell you to use the command line.

Return to /v/ or leddit

the ace

>type one command
>software installed/updated
wtf loonix is so complicated

Because most of the time you cant determine how long it will take to install so the progress bar is more of an indicator and not actually representing the progress.


>apt update
>apt upgrade
>apt install something
>black screen
>reinstall system

>type one command


normal people shutdown their pcs, oh wait, i get it now,.normal people dont use server os on their desktops, that was your point, right?

>OS that was made for server is more stable and doesn't need to reboot and is free
>uses an OS that is not stable and needs reboot after every keypress and costs money

>alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'

>shit updated
>don't reboot because that isn't necessary unless kernel update or something similarly important

you know why linux was designed to never need a reboot? because once you do it it wont boot up anymore lmao

wtf loonix is so complicated


No, it's because of the separation of user and kernel space. In windows you've UI elements in the kernel space.

>doesn't need to reboot
Of course it does, if you want to apply system and kernel updates you need to reboot.

Reminder that Windows users are literally afraid of computers.

Attached: how boomers see computers.jpg (381x668, 144K)

yes, and thanks to that linux still has no thumbnails in file picker

That rarely happens tho unless you use some bleeding edge distro. My server is up for several months now and I update that mofo every day.

linux has no thumbnails or file picker. it might be a monolithic kernel but it's not *that* bad.

As tech support drone, I wept.

Yeah, sure.

Attached: dowr6w.png (1088x691, 505K)

keep telling yourself that lmao

what? fuck off baitnigger

Single click, terminal commands

Shouldn't it be easy, to determine the proportion of time used to finish certain milestones in the installation process, and then use that as a measurement of progress?

I don’t get it. What is this, and why is it funny/cringy?

Wait, there's a patched GTK3 file picker now?

For quite some time.

>click on something twice in rapid succession
>software is installed
>software is proprietary so its updated automatically
wtf loonix is so overrated

the bait quality of this board has tanked hard in the last year, jesus.