What's actually wrong with it? It's a great aggregator of images and video...

What's actually wrong with it? It's a great aggregator of images and video, as well as a quality platform for civilised discussion of various topics.
>inb4 you have to go back
>inb4 paid shill

Attached: Screenshot_20190423-023712_Opera Touch.jpg (1075x788, 98K)

You have to go back, paid reddit shill.

Attached: 7m3H8Tl.png (600x2644, 766K)

Your post reads like a shill so don't get surprised when people call you a shill.
Other than that it's got the same problems as everywhere else just turned up to 12 because of it's size and mainstream appeal.
And implying civilised discussion happens on reddit is JUST

The users

The upvote/downvote system. Also fuck Markdown.

it gameifies conversation. everything stems from that single fatal flaw in the system.

usernames means people can be like 'oh look its fuckoxyz lets upboat him' and ignore content

not like here where you have to prove yourself every damn post *cracks open a bear* *sips*

Their entire system is based on upvotes/downvotes, and not actual discussion.

If we disagree on Jow Forums, we actually have to EXPLAIN why we disagree. On Reddit, however, you simply click a down arrow and move on, with no further information as to why you're downvoted.

I don't think it's a better or worse system, personally. But I can understand why people dislike it.

Your opinions are attached to a name.

The hivemind problem is hard to avoid. Going against the grain will just put your comment at the bottom or outright hide it, so why bother?

The karma system makes it so the most popular opinion is always viewed, which causes brigading and people to use bots to mass-upvote comments that they want people to see.

Jow Forums is not a perfect site by any means, but at least you will see all posts, even if they happen to be complete garbage.


Attached: 2016-05-03-836-Breaking-Bread.png (1020x375, 431K)

it's digital North Korea where certain opinions aren't allowed.

>If we disagree on Jow Forums, we actually have to EXPLAIN why we disagree.
Now that's bullshit.

Like in very non anonymous media, gang take power and fight any new ideas.

Le upvote format is good for stackoverflow, not a discussion site.
PS fuck off normie nigger retards

AskHistorians is pretty good
t.Jow Forums '07, reddit '10

The people who use it and the faggot admins.

That being said, it is useful for finding support in niche subreddits

have sex

>be me
>need a mac or winshit machine for work
>would rather be gay than shit in a street
>looking for hackintoshing resources as a beginner
>go to r*ddit to ask for help picking wlan card and getting trim enabled on my disk
>"just google it, you don't know this already? n00b!"
It's a platform for pretentious toddlers. R*dditards are absolutely insufferable. The site itself is also an unusable dumpster fire, as described by

Attached: 1550959026944.png (720x589, 58K)

sounds like you like it. why do you care so much about others opinions on this subject?
why don't you go there and stay there, sweetie?

>i disagree cause youre a fag
oh yeah major arguments are thrown around Jow Forums

>can't connect to [video game] servers
>look up subreddit to ask if others experience the same problem
>make a thread detailing my problem asking why the servers are down if they are and when will they be online again
>immediately deleted by mod for no reason
>make a new one and try to word it better
>get banned because apparently you can't say anything negative about [video game] company
defend this OP

what game

Jackie Chan

>needs help answering questions as simple as those
Not going to make it

whole subreddit is overtaken by Riot employees and heavily moderated
that's why you see 50%+ esport threads on the front page

dumb frogposter


The LE UPBOAT XD system is hot garbage. Being able to vote on posts wouldn't be bad if it was just a number, but it instead allows users to hide content they don't like from other users. This isn't bad on small communities, but on large ones it turns everything into mob-rule where only certain opinions can be seen because anything else will be downvoted into oblivion. Add onto this that the Reddit staff have never actually been able to stop downvote bots, or downvote brigades, and you've got a recipe for malicious users simply eradicating communities they don't like. People have stopped talking about the deleterious effects SRS has on reddit not because they went away, but because everyone just accepted that it's their website now; a gang of spammers ruining the website is simply accepted as the status quo.

The whole "organizing posts by thread instead of chronology" is novel and I like the idea, but reddit's design is garbage. Every update they put out just makes the interface increasingly worse, and some threads are so long that posts end up being just a few characters wide but thousands deep. This is obnoxious.

The fact that it's the single largest advertising platform in the world, and something like 25% of all reddit posts are made by bots and another 25% are made by (for lack of a better term) shills, is both hilarious and saddening. The realization that if you step outside of very specific, small, subreddits every other post you see will be made with the intention of getting you to buy something is very offputting.

Bait thread, but I'm bored
>Upvote/Downvote system that encourages circlejerking
>Karma system that encourages dicksuckers and defense squads
>Obnoxious UI
>Most subreddits aren't even properly configured or have a clusterfuck of unneeded shit
And I don't mean censorship as in not being able to spam a thousand variants of nigger till the cows go home, but rather not being able to express your opinion or give your two cents, no matter how shitty they are, and getting downvoted to the abyss that is the bottom of the page, which the average redditor never reads, or just downright get your post removed because the mods don't like your guts
Sure, imageboards might be frowned upon thanks to the 4chinkz and whitesupremacychan, but it's a better format for discussion, because everyone can say whatever the fuck they want, and the only filters are client-side (well, besides the censored words like onions or for example shit on lainchan, which turns into basedkaf for whatever reason)

Whether or not the discussion and user behaviour are civilised is extremely subjective to what specific subreddit you're in. The same applies to specific boards on Jow Forums.

If you don't like the voting system, just don't participate in it; sort by new or controversial and don't vote on posts.
read this and also the paragraph above

>no argument

>extremely one-sided for political discussion
>shills buy upvotes and the mods don't do much about it

>The whole "organizing posts by thread instead of chronology" is novel
no it's fucking not, that idea is ancient. it was around for decades before reddit was a thing

what about the criticism of moderation team on reddit you have ignored

I said defend what I posted, not reply with some vague inane bullshit


>If you don't like the voting system, just don't participate in it; sort by new or controversial and don't vote on posts.
that doesn't solve the problem at all. even if I never participate in the voting system, other people are composing posts knowing they will be voted on. it poisons the well from the jump

40MB js frontend
Mechanics that amplifies stupidity

>If you don't like the voting system, just don't participate in it
That doesn't change the exposure threads/posts get from people, who use the default settings (including people without accounts).

thats kind of like saying 'come to america but if you dont like donald trump, just dont bother voting (since you believe politics are lame!)'

their mobile app is completely busted
you know you fucked up when pretty much every unofficial app is better

>>no argument
correct, it wasn't meant to be an argument. i was just stating how salty you are about how you care about what others think about this thing you love so much that it compels you to make a thread on another system about it. this reply of yours just proves my point. thanks sweetie, it's time for you to return to the platform you love so much.

its decent to use as a pit stop for info (especially if all you can find from a quick google search is tabloid bullshit) but most SRs focused around actual discussion either have nazi mods, are complete circlejerks, or both.

reddit isn't for gamers

Attached: o74Dbg9d_400x400.jpg (380x380, 41K)

the ONLY good subs are the ones with less than 10 users hyper-focused on some hobby or topic

Second post best post

Even if I don't partake on the cocksucking and circlejerking, that doesn't mean shit when a larger population does, so your point is moot
Not being a part of the problem doesn't magically make it disappear

still waiting for OP to defend this

But literally just ignore it. Even posts downvoted below the threshold can be viewed, they're just collapsed and at the bottom of the page. Anyone can sort by controversial, it's user specific whether they choose to seek out contradictory opinions or not.

If you don't like their official app, use the website on desktop or, as you said yourself, use a better unofficial app.

Are you hearing yourself right now? Take a step back and compare what you've said to what I've said. You are actually the one who sounds extremely S E E T H I N G.

It does matter when you don't have to see or interact with it, thus it doesn't affect your user experience. Stop caring about attention so much.

I won't defend it but I will say that judging an entire platform based on the actions of a few shitty subreddits is extremely stupid.


it is fine from an information point of view, since there are lots of guides made on the site that get archived and can be referenced later in the future.
But from a discussion point of view, it's terrible. The upvote/downvote system, inline replies, ability to create and moderate your own forum, and general userbase attitude make it a terrible place to actually have disagreements.

That sounds like something someone would have compiled on a wiki or forum already.

>ability to create and moderate your own forum
Literally how is that a bad thing? If there was no moderation in any community on the internet, it would be literally impossible to stick to a subject or generally keep any sort of sanity on lockdown. Pretty much /b/.
Also see
regarding upvotes

>But literally just ignore it. Even posts downvoted below the threshold can be viewed, they're just collapsed and at the bottom of the page. Anyone can sort by controversial, it's user specific whether they choose to seek out contradictory opinions or not.
i don't think you really understand my objection. the whole voting system rewards low-effort, low-engagement content. submissions that are easier to digest have an inherently easier time getting to the top of queue. posts that are funnier or follow popular opinions rise to the top of the queue for default ordering. everyone is fighting for votes, and complex or long questions are disadvantaged, so fewer people submit them. everyone wants their comment top of the page, so they write short comments rather than spend time writing thought out ones. or worse, they just make a couple dumb jokes and you end up with a thirty post long chain full of puns everyone has seen a thousand times.

it's not about me choosing whether i can vote or whether i have to click a button to see posts. it's about the posts being low-quality from the start. the whole system incentivizes people to write bad posts.

>how is that a bad thing?
because, when coupled with the upvote/downvote system, it discourages any form of disagreement. Lets talk about climate change for example. If I make a subreddit discussing climate change I will undoubtedly start to see comments posted by climate change deniers. Now, of course they're going to get downvoted because the purpose of my forum is to talk about climate change, and so instead of attempting to argue they will simply go away and make their own subreddit about how climate change is fake.
If there was just one forum per topic (not position on a topic) and users could not create their own, that would really help significantly since it would push people to actually have a dialogue about the topic.

SJW company with a matching userbase.

Attached: 1525133498079.jpg (622x415, 44K)

>If we disagree on Jow Forums, we actually have to EXPLAIN why we disagree.
Shut the fuck up, faggot.

Jesus fucking Christ, are you really this fucking dense or are you just pretending?
If you just go there for information (for example, best loadouts for a FPS or best party for a gacha RPG) it's perfectly fine to ignore the whole up/down boat shenanigans, but if you want any kind of actual discussion (I repeat, actual fucking discussion with opinions from any side and not just one-sided bullshit), you will get downvoted to all hell or get your post deleted by the mod team, and not only that, but on occasion you will also have to deal with GenericUser6969's defense squads because God forbid anyone dares to defy the hivemind.

Hard circlejerking and incessant off-topic blogging when I'm just trying to read an informational thread about something. I avoid most of the trash by only clicking reddit links from search pages as opposed to actually going to the site but even then it's obnoxious

Go look at any top rated thread and it's either a thot looking for an excuse to take a selfie or "look at this shit drawing my wife's son drew XD". The site layout is also retarded and actively encourages said circlejerking

>What's actually wrong with it?
Users calling it a "great aggregator of images and video"

>But literally just ignore it.
Again, that doesn't change how other people see it. I can make a post, get downvoted and at least 90% of people won't see it, because they use the default settings.

Such quality posts like this however are improving Jow Forums, I suppose

go back to plebbit, niggerfaggot

Attached: 1537932018110.jpg (480x640, 42K)

Once again... extremely subjective from subreddit to subreddit. Judging an entire platform based on a few specific communities within it is dumb.

But this can also be a good thing for the same reasons. For example, if there is overwhelming toxicity towards a certain group or viewpoint in a specific subreddit, create a new subreddit where only civil discussion surrounding that topic is allowed, and toxicity on either side is downvoted and deleted.

Zero effort. Cringe.

Why do you care so much about attention?

>But this can also be a good thing for the same reasons
yes, I see it as more of a double edged sword. I happen to be thick skinned and am fine ignoring "toxic" behavior, so to me it makes more sense not to separate discussion rather than just filtering through it.

>You are actually the one who made thread about others opinions on thing, but only opinions similar to mine.
no, i am not. don't worry sweetie, you can take your bad damage control back there now, you'll feel better about yourself and your opinion on this various subjects, i guarantee it.

>Why do you care so much about attention?
It doesn't have anything to do with wanting attention. How can you discuss something, if your voice isn't heard?

>Once again... extremely subjective from subreddit to subreddit. Judging an entire platform based on a few specific communities within it is dumb.
I spent three or four years on reddit in the early 2010s. It was a consistent problem in every sub I looked at, not something isolated to just a few bad subs. in my experience, if your community has more than about 50 users, your posts go down in quality very quickly.

once you become aware of the problem and start looking for it, you see it everywhere. hell, just look at the default submission ranking system. the default system gives ENORMOUS rank boosts to posts with net positive votes in the first few seconds to minutes of its life. unless nearly everyone in a community switched off the default ranking algorithm, people are going to make posts that game that system, whether they realize it or not. if your content that you linked takes more than about a minute to process, you're inherently disadvantaged by the system.

>inb4 you have to go back
but you have to go back though.

we told you what's wrong with it as a platform, you inane shill.

it's almost like OP never meant this thread as a serious inquiry and just wanted something he could repost on reddit later

go back to plebbit, nigger

ill share an actual example
>forza horizon ships with no functional lobby system, only way to get into online races is 1 of two modes, cant select car TYPE or CLASS, 5 minute wait in-between races, freeroam rush in all playlists, including RWD sportscars
>no racing game has ever shipped without a functional pvp mode before, considering its always online requirement
>google search for support, 1 of two places pop up: official Reddit and dev's actual website

So the developer website forum consists of: Admins deleting all negative criticism and telling people to "post suggestions in a ticket :-)". Threads get 100's of replies and there is one moderators who works on the social media team (Retrokrystal, using her job to springboard a twitch career)

which leaves the only other site to discuss the game being: the subreddit: so I made an account dedicated to talking about the negatives of this game and why the developers have ignored feedback for 6+ months

I got actual shadowbanned after my third post, where I cited official forum posts from months back and how the state of censorship I switched browsers and used a vpn and literally could not find my account's posts. The entire website is an advertisement platform and has gotten atrociously bad in the last couple of years

You could go to another subreddit whose rules are more complimentary to your personal opinions. Alternatively, you could still discuss it, but only with people who will tend to agree more with you and act less toxic to those of your opinion type, which usually are the same people who would scroll down to the downvoted posts anyway.


If you want to make sure you capture the attention of those who don't like to read long posts, use tl;dr


>Judging an entire platform based on a few specific communities within it is dumb
When those communities are the most populated ones on your platform, then it's not surprising that the average Joe judges the whole thing based on the behavior of the most mainstream groups within it. It's like in here, there are people that still believe that this is a website of supremacist bigots that plot against society and seek world domination; hell, there are still idiots that think that the very moment they enter /b/, their devices will violently explode or something.
And how is anybody encouraged to discuss anything with the looming fear of getting banned just for outing a shitty yet harmless opinion?
>Why do you care about attention
It's not about attention, it's about arguing with other randoms about why the sky is blue instead of burgundy or whatever. If I wanted attention, I would create another thread like this one and provide no counter arguments at all.

>If you want to make sure you capture the attention of those who don't like to read long posts, use tl;dr
that's a band-aid, not a true fix, and it only works for comments, not submissions.

>It's like in here, there are people that still believe that this is a website of supremacist bigots that plot against society and seek world domination;
that's actually true though, Jow Forums has ruined this site

This user disagrees because he thinks the other one is a faggot. It works.

The user base circa 2010 gave it a bad rep.

The defaults subs are full of dumb normies.

The karma/namefag system causes leads to people grinding for karma and being autisticly verbose and pedantic. Also, it in debates it inevitably leads to going through posting history and trying score e-debate points by pointing out their opponent's post to Jow Forumsniggergonewild or whatever.

Bottom line, If you want to make a comment or post something, just make a new account each time.

But that doesn't make that average Joe any less of a naive idiot for doing so.


>You could go to another subreddit whose rules are more complimentary to your personal opinions.
I don't want to circlejerk. I want to discuss.

>Only my opinion matters. All others are S E E T H I N G, even thou I asked for it.
ok sweetie, your can go back to where you belong. and take your pointless thread with you on the way out please

>Your opinions are attached to a name.
I think this is good as long as it is not your real name, its nice to have a bit of continuity between posts over time where you know Person X said X, Y and Z but you don't know who Person X is, not having any names like on Jow Forums leads to constant prefacing of posts with stuff like 'I am the guy who said X or did X' or 'Im not him but...' when replying. I like how traditional forums work desu.


Yea a Bunch of self-centered passive-aggressive idiots

Nothing. It's a great place. Why don't you just browse that great site instead of browsing here?

>browsing r/india
>someone posts "modi is showing nazi like tendencies, and this worries me"
>i reply and say "yeah that might be too far"
>shadow banned globally
fyi shadow bans can only be handed out by admins

Attached: file.png (518x270, 157K)

If your submission is a text submission, it does in fact work.
If your submission is a long form video, providing a list of time stamps as a comment below the post would help.
You should also but in the title: (timestamps in comment).

If someone makes a comment trying to use your previous post history against you, just downvote them and reply calling out their non-argument.

Yes, indeed it's true that only logical and constructive opinions matter. Simple, sweetie. *pats your little head*

Subreddit subjective.


i think per thread continuity is enough, anything more you start diminishing free speech because what you say is permanently associated to your account

that still only works for my own submissions. the problem isn't my own posts, it's everyone's posts as a whole. until a large majority of the userbase does what you suggest, reddit's content will always be predisposed to being low-effort garbage.

They ban everything interesting. They have subs like unpopularopinion or changemyview where you get banned if you don't have the correct view to begin with. Go to that sub and post "I hate niggers, change my view". One might say that such a post must obviously be trolling, but they extend their intuition of trolling to everything they disagree with. It is for these reasons Reddit is a boring shithole and everybody cool stopped using it at least 5+ years ago.

>anything more you start diminishing free speech because what you say is permanently associated to your account
Having actual freedom of speech would mean you could have all your posts tied to your account and not have to worry about it.

that wont work because there will always be a controversial opinion that needs to be talked about but no one wants to be that guy arguing for that thing
i love anonymous sites for that reason you can say whatever, you can still have a discussion because you know your own post history but the discussion stays contained and is never brought up again unless you want to bring it up

the official reddit discords are just as bad, i got banned from one because i had a pepe profile picture
pepe profile picture == troll from Jow Forums

It starts with you. Spread awareness if you care.

Subreddit specific

No, having free speech means that you have the right to speak at all without being jailed, not whether or not a website decides to platform you.

that's also pretty much true. you're either a Jow Forums troll or worse

I use pepe but ironically.

nah it's easier to just go to websites where the core systems aren't fundamentally flawed.

one i realized reddit was rotten at its core and there was no fixing it, i deleted every acount and comment i'd ever made (including reddit's own backups) and wiped it from my browser history.

worst part of all of this is that in pretty much all subreddits, redditors act like a hivemind, where each post has a sinking point, i had a script that could upvote comments so i experimented
there was a comment about how race should be accurate in r/movies (i think) but it got downvoted to -50, i took it up to 20, and it soon went up to 70 without me doing anything
i also tried experimenting in r/india cause it was their independence day at the time, there was a post about muslims, it was -70, upvoted it to 30, went up to 90 on its own

in conclusion if a redditor sees something with a lot of upvotes, they upvote it because if its upvoted it deserves my upvotes

this problem also leads to a view that only represents say 60% of redditors in a subreddit to dominate that subreddit, because it gets a disproportionate amount of votes

Free speech means you're allowed to say whatever you want without getting banned for hate-think or whatever.
If you say something retarded, and you get called a retard, that's just how communication works.

same, redditors cant understand sarcasm if it doesnt have a /s at the end though

If someone makes a comment trying to use your previous post history against you, just downvote them and reply calling out their non-argument.

Ok, Ben Shapiro.

>You could go to another subreddit whose rules are more complimentary to your personal opinions. Alternatively, you could still discuss it, but only with people who will tend to agree more with you and act less toxic to those of your opinion type, which usually are the same people who would scroll down to the downvoted posts anyway.
so basically, go off to your own little corner where everyone agrees with you and you never have anyone to challenge your thinking? or someone does, but because they're in the wrong hive, they get downvoted to hell and everyone circlejerks around them making stupid ass jokes about their opinion? nice