What does Jow Forums think of their suggestions?


Attached: 2019-04-22-200805_1032x885_scrot.png (1032x885, 205K)

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it is impossible to have privacy while also being connected to the internet


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debian is the white man's choice
qubes is the better choice but not made for everybody
trisquel is a fsf meme
now install gentoo

>debian is the white man's choice
are you sure about that?

Clearly the site hasn't been updated in years or something else is going on. It has misleading information, "firefox respects your privacy" mentioned on the browser page. It's disinformation or neglect. You should be cautious and not put too much weight on the likely flawed recommendations.

Qubes is a solid recommendation because of the access control. The other 2 aren't designed with privacy in mind so it might do shit like ping websites automatically for updates.

>White “”””””man”””””””

Debian anti-harassment team

>using "open source" to refer to free software

Attached: 1549883571025.jpg (420x280, 21K)


Clearly it hasn't been updated in quite some time. They took out the Amazon botnet from Ubuntu ages ago, and Trisquel obviously wouldn't have it.

Is there a browser today which actually respects your privacy?
The website has actually gone through a facelift recently, but I don't think the content changed

icecat. Just need to disable librejs to make it usable.

they will put anything on the list for money

..so you're saying that's a reason one should just disregard privacy altogether?

Useless shit.
*tips fedora

they probably just wanted to suggest debian, then randomly picked the rest

to a degree, but a good firewall, http proxy/vpn endpoint, and dns resolver eliminates 96% of all the best data they'd get from you

Qubesos is the only good choice on here. Opensuse and Fedora have way better security than Debian.

Tor browser is the closest you can get to a privacy respecting browser

Recommend dns

one that can send TLS/SSL requests to port 853, like unbound

linux cucks

openbsd is the only choice

Qubes isn't Linux tho.