Zoom Zoom love standing desk. Reddit man said it good for for Zoom Zoom

Zoom Zoom love standing desk. Reddit man said it good for for Zoom Zoom.
Zoom Zoom pay $400

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

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For $400 you get a desk with an electric motor so you can both sit and stand.

>monitors slightly tilted downward
>below eye height
Fucking god damn retards.

>Studio monitors not equal distance from each other and the person
>Studio monitors just facing forward
This is the part that fucks me up the most.

Attached: Home-Studio-Monitors-Placement.jpg (579x433, 72K)

Isn't the new thing stools?

He clearly doesn't even have the gift of autism, the pleb.
I like his headphone mount though.

They're actually facing outwards, look at the table edge

It's almost as bad as his claw hand on the keyboard.
There's so much dumb shit going on in this image.

I just noticed his phone in his back pocket.

My God, it’s even worse than I initially though

>keyboard at the edge of the table
dude carpal tunnel lmao

r u ok?

No, not yet. This, and the bitter coffee, almost ruined my whole morning.

the ikea standing desk is like $200 tops

Attached: false.png (1188x800, 215K)

Why the fuck would I want to stand up for 12 hours a day.

Reddit man say it good for Zoom Zoom health. Reddit man also say $140 particle board countertop not sag from weight, but me think lying

The idea is to get a motorized desk, so you sit for 5 hours, stand for 10 minutes and then sit for another 5 hours.

well that is the motorized one

clearly mr. saturns were the first zoomers

I have mount like this. Its by konig & meyer. Its actually quite cheap.