Looking through my school curriculum, it seems like we'll be doing everything in C/C++ up til graduation...

Looking through my school curriculum, it seems like we'll be doing everything in C/C++ up til graduation. Can I find work specializing myself in C++? Or should I be picking up other skills in my free time?

Seems like whenever I do job searches everyone is looking to hire someone for web related work.

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Depends. C++ is mostly menial labour and every professional is expected to know the specs and gotchas of every standard, and predict the flow of the language in the future. If you care more about actually sitting down and solving problems instead of bickering about syntax, yeah learn javascript.

Its not bad to learn. Check out some books on OOP design patterns. Dont forget to try something higher level as well.

>ore about actually sitting down and solving problems instead of bickering about syntax, yeah learn javascript
what "problems" do you solve with javascript?

You will find most languages to relatively similar once you learn the common idioms. I would recommend taking a survey course on programming languages if your school offers it. Otherwise work through the parts of
coursera.org/learn/programming-languages on your own time. Finishing that course will make it easier to pickup any language you want in the future.

For coop/internship, it may be helpful to learn the web stack if that's what you are interested in. But you can also find plenty of work with just C/C++ in engineering and embedded. You will probably have less competition in the latter also, as most students don't have a strong background in those languages these days.

Do like. A c/++ job is rare as fuck and requires tons of experience

>But you can also find plenty of work with just C/C++ in engineering and embedded. You will probably have less competition in the latter also, as most students don't have a strong background in those languages these days.
Well that's good to know since I have no interest in web programming.

C++ has been deprecated by Rust.

Maybe where you are. Where I am there are plenty of small engineering companies hiring C/C++ developers without requiring a degree.

>Can I find work specializing myself in C++? Or should I be picking up other skills in my free time?
Yes and yes. There is plenty of C++ work, but much more work still that is not C++.

Where do you live?

It's a terrible language for beginners. python should be the mandatory beginner language for students, lots of teachers nationwide are changing to this. If you want to do something "fun" take a web design course. Absolutely blew my mind how easy my first web design classes were compared to the analysis of algorithms and theory of computing elective si was taking, I should go back and bash my counsellors' heads in

PNW. Lots of small electronics developers and large engineering firms (logging, mining, aerospace).

"Web design" and "fun" do not belong in the same sentence. Please delet this before OP sees this and decides to lock himself into the worst skill tree in the Bethesda game that is this industry.

It is fun, I got jQuery to work and fucking Bootstrap also a WEEK after playign with CSS/HTML for the first time

Web design is Indian tier retard garbage but the pay is great. It's way better for someone to take a small web design degree then a business major at a major campus. Web designers get paid more then the average banker.

This kind of stuff is only great if you want something that pays, not really a fulfilling work.

Your mind will rot pretty quickly as you do the same shit for the 100th time.

Attached: giphy (1).gif (467x356, 1.34M)

What bothers me is seeing how fast web development seems to adopt and discard things. I know most shops probably just stick with something for a long time, but I can imagine the value of experience with any framework or tool will still degrade rapidly.

Garbage syntax and few transferrable skills
Should be Java or C#

knowing C and C++ means you should absolutely no problem picking up most other languages.

It's not "indian tier retard garbage" Most web developers are, from what I can tell, high-IQ sadomasochists. They intentionally build the most complex things possible, hurting themselves, their users, their co-workers, their employer and the future maintainers of their software in the process. Much like C++ programmers, not only do they not see the pain they are inflicting on themselves and everyone else, they actually enjoy their so-called "work". The current web stacks everyone uses are bloated beyond all belief, insanely complex, impossible to understand and rife with bugs that will make you go insane. The fact that you can believe for even one second that web design is fun confirms that you have not worked on any professional web projects. My suggestion is that you avoid them like the plague - not only because they are both hard and unrewarding, but also because once you do professional web development, every company will pigeonhole you into the "professional web developer" role. You will be trapped in an endless cycle of JavaScript flavoured insanity and misery. I personally cannot think of a worse fate.

tl;dr just stick to python or something, I hear data science is hot now

You should be doing lots of shit in your free time. You should be trying C#, Java, Javascript. Website stuff, Database stuff. That's what school is for. Figure out what you like before you fall into something that you hate.

You have an entire lifetime to specialize. Now's your brief moment as a generalist.

Nice LARP retard.

I have very bad memory. Please remind me, what am I LARPing as?

it's okay, I actually like algorithms and I'm not interested in web development. I kinda dread the idea of getting into web development

So did I until I was forced to learn it because I have to take 1 mandatory web paper, learn css flex and css grid and it becomes bearable.

This, a strong OOP start is really helpful

>Depends. javascript is mostly menial labour and every professional is expected to know the specs and gotchas of every standard, and predict the flow of the language in the future. If you care more about actually sitting down and solving problems instead of bickering about APIs and frameworks, yeah learn C++

The Java object system is a disaster, and Java's OOP culture is cancer. I'd rant about it, but I'm not very good at rants. You can easily find some good ones.
Python is a much better place to start, all things considered. Not perfect, but it shouldn't leave you with any catastrophic bad habits either.

My advice is different from many others.
Start with C. Regular C. Preferably C89, then work up to C99/C11 (those two are pretty similar), then move to C++03 and finally C++11/C++14.

C will not teach you OOP. It will, however, teach you a lot about how things work "under the hood" and how to write *actually* efficient code.
C++ is good for larger projects and has high quality real OOP baked in. It can be a mindfuck, especially the harder stuff with templates (template templates, anyone?) that even I try and avoid, but it's worth it because it's very expressive.

why not start with machine code or assembly then?

Because it's not portable and for most of your programming career, assembly is the last thing you want to use. C is close enough that you can see most of the guts, but far enough that you can get work done, and port your code to other operating systems. I advise learning C first because if you learn C++ first, you will likely be told to stay away from some of the important parts of C that make programs more efficient in general and encourage deeper understanding. Also, then you also know C, and if you know C, learning C++ is much easier.