Why are there so few women in IT?

Why are there so few women in IT?

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they dont like my neckbeard

No there aren't. Especially if you count everyone that uses >she

Women are bad at problem solving

Stereotypes and fucking retarded expectations, this coming from a girl being a software engineer.

women prefer social interaction to interaction with machines

women are less intelligent than men.

Which way is it trending? There's been so many initiatives to get more women into IT but I'm not sure of the success rate

except your girlfriend it seems...

I can't blamer her

You don't need to be intelligent to work in IT.

It's definitely not for lack of encouragement. I have a CS degree and women there experienced practically no harassment or discouragement, and compared to the monumental push to get them in, and opportunities given to them specifically, it's objectively true that women have a lower barrier to entry.

Thing is, of the many women I met in the program (I'd eyeball about 10%-20% of my later classes being female, with first year classes being near 50/50) never once was a woman the standout performer. Some were alright, one went on to work in webdev, but most of them struggled and HARD even with simple concepts like OOP or recursion.

I believe there are likely 3 compounding reasons:

1) The genius theorem, so most of the 'exceptional' students were men. This is not unique to IT but the nature of the industry really allows those people to shine.

2) Women are less logical. I'm not gonna back this one up, but the science is there.

3) Women are generally less encouraged to explore tech when they are younger. As a young guy, I immediately fell in love with computers and gaming, which lead me to where I am now. I had friends who were gamers. Even before I went to school for compsci I spent hours a day on the computer, it gave me a leg up. I don't know a single woman who has ever had such a childhood, and if one did, I suspect she would make a great CS student.

show bobs or vagene

What are you implying? Do you want to force women against their will into tech in order to get a nice round 50% number or something? What's the motivation behind your question?

There are.

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IT departments typically hate it when people take vacation time. If you hire a woman, you have to deal with being short on staff while she's on maternity leave.

>Implying it is a bad thing
Women in tech was the absolute disaster for everything.

This isnt true. Intelligent women just use their youth and looks to marry someone rich so that they can be a housewife and get free money spending time in luxury while the maid cleans and cooks.

+100 xD

Empirical evidence says otherwise.

Go make me a sandvich now.

Because they're smart enough not to pick a job in one of the, if not the most boring field of work.

Generally women are better at the social and so like to do social things. Sitting on a computer all day or walking around fixing servers isn't social.
yes it but there's enough women that are that it means there's more men in """IT""" than women.
No amount of affirmative action is going to make it 50/50 without destroying the entire industry because you intentionally hire people that are less qualified to make up a quota
what expectations?

Men are less logical. They'll slave their lives away in front of a screen for some less-skilled boss while women choose more fulfilling lives, especially through creating families. A field so full of virgins can hardly be considered a logical bunch of people.

Another thing. Every women I've met in IT always does less technical roles because it isn't interesting to them, despite having the same job title.

Avoiding women is the most logical choice one can ever make. Having sex is animal shit.

We're animals retard. What're you? A reptilian? Jew?

because 99% of men are ugly.

Their function in life is to make babies. Being in tech doesn't help them do that.

>if you're not logical in one situation you're completely illogical
fuck off brainlet, we're not fucking Vulcan's.

tits or gtfo

>they scream and cry when they don't get what they want
>they smell bad
>they are incredibly prone to lying and manipulating people's emotions
>can only get mastery of things through someone else

basically overgrown babies

A celestial being.

you could make argument that avoiding women is logical because sex is fleeting pleasure and dealing with women is VERY, VERY bothersome.

Alright Kirouac, I meant formal propositional logic, but you keep fighting the system, man.

Same with me. I've only seen one actual software engineer girl write code and it was pretty ugly.

Part of the problem is that computing attracts some really weird people.

My computer science department has a Discord server that a good number of students are in.
There's a kid that constantly talks shit about women, how much he hates them for turning down his advances...
The dude is generally a weirdo which is why he gets shut down.

You don't see these kinds of people in nursing.

feet pics

A lot of women use their feminine attraction to get around having to do work or learn things.

Why are so few women car mechanics? how about construction workers? Why do so few women learn to weld, or ride a motorcycle, or fly an airplane? How many women that you know actually have advanced knowledge and skills about something?

I know a lot of women that will try to get somebody else to do all these things for them

I've met one girl who I could actually say was more technically focused. But she was very intelligent and an exception.
She also used to agree that most women are shit when it comes to their technically ability and their desire to learn more.

>The dude is generally a weirdo which is why he gets shut down.
lemme guess:
skinny fat or fat
weak chin
no sense of fashion
ugly hair or balding
bad frame
generally not attractive face

How many apply to him?

>computing attracts weird people
That's because it's become a subject where drooling retards go
>hurrr games me like games on computer me must be good at da computer coz me like games
>me go do computer degree
>hmmm what computer degree
>computer seanece
Computer Science should be a major that must be done along side a mathematics degree or have a decent amount of mathematics in it.

generally people with unchangeable ugly features is also low iq

funny how the only women I could see fit in tech jobs were ALL lesbians... not even joking

>while women choose more fulfilling lives

mm... im sure

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>skinny fat or fat
All but this one.
He's Mr. Skeletal.

It's always so funny to read posts saying we don't face any disadvantage/discrimination in between posts talking about our supposed inferiority. To join IT we have to enter a hostile environment that will NEVER have any self awareness.

lemme give you kids a redpill - most of men "get into" computers because they are ugly. Plain and simple. It's escapism.

There are many tech capable females in the sciences. But these are the exception. Most females don't have a natural affinity to mathematical logic and machine logic, and tend to not be mechanically or scientifically inclined.

Proof: Hallmark Channel.

can you give an example of those posts.
Because if you think even 1/2 of these posts are serious then you're clearly new.

more like just you

>>they smell bad
If you think so you're probably gay. Seriously with the pheromones and stuff...

I'd take people slagging on my gender if I had the scholarship opportunities to go along with it. But perhaps I'm the ubermensch because I'm willing to accept getting my feelings hurt in the pursuit of success.

The online world has never, and will never, be the same as the real world. If you take even a fraction of those posts seriously, you're already living in a fantasy world.

Wake up.

I come here to say stupid shit just like any gladiator would scribble stupid shit in a bathroom stall in ancient Rome. It's shitposting. Completely meaningless. And more importantly, not real.

Having the ability to say stupid shit is really freeing, and it's made me a more calm and empathetic person in the real world.

just like EVERY other job

>probably gay
Do you know where you are?

males tends to score better in standardized tests for mathematical problem solving computation and reasoning
inb4 hurr the gpas

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I couldn’t care less

hurr the gpas though.

Why would I make you a sandwich? It is only true that I should make you a sandwich if I have a good reason to do it. And any reason to do anything is only valid if it appeals to my desires.


don't put fucking mayo on it this time either, you know i hate that shit

Russian Doll

I'm teaching database modelling and php programming to my gf. Since I work from home I can show her with complete detail what i'm doing and I encourage her to join me. She now even questions her degree (psychology) and looks forward to join my webdev team.In my experience, some women are actually capable of doing technical but don't seem to have the self-learning skills required to get there. Also her dad is a fucking asshole and never lets her do anything technical because he's an insecure piece of shit, so he feels belittled when she shows some skill other than cooking or cleaning, which she does perfectly, btw.

consider that for higher tier development, where a few percentage points determine success or failure, males are significantly better

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gpas incorporate "social" aspects of performance like "trudy participated in class" and "since she's a girl ill promote her to make things more equitable" and "she had excellent attendance even though her scores aren't as good"

these things won't help on a raw test of cognitive skill or a problem that is difficult to solve

Who's that? What a qt. I want to lick her feet while she does her tech stuff.

If you count managers and stuff like that, there is actually many of them
There is not much of them in stem in general

shes taken

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They suck at being analitical.

Womens have lower IQ

Yeah. Definitely want to take her boots off. Any info?

because neckbeards are scary


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not by you though buddy

it looks like one of those shitty IT repair shops. I worked in one of those during high school for a bit

Most of them dont like computers

>work in health care
>90% of department is female
>no its not nursing
>video presentation using a macbook
>HDTV won't scale
>"does anyone know how to make the screen bigger"
>me: go into the screen preferences and select a different aspect ratio

>later that year
>"this computer's not working"
>me: you have to plug in the charger
>"the computer should really tell you when its not plugged in"

>later later that year
>"i can't get audio to work"
>me: you need an audio cable like a 3.5mm
>"what? can't it be wireless?"
>me: you'd need a wireless speaker
>"what? doesn't the computer have wireless?"
>me: that's a 10 year old monitor so it doesn't
>"why didn't they put wireless back then?"
>me: becaus-
and etc

Most of them don't like it. If they liked it, there would be more. Like with every other field.


Almost except there is definitely madness

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Women are typically more social than men. To invest a large amount of time to learn how to program etc. often causes (Or requires) a large amount of time being reclusive. It is a contradiction to their programming.

3 out of 4 people with autism are males. Computer scientists tend to have autism traits. Put 1 and 1 together.

If you increase the number of autist females, the number of females in the field will grow.

Programming is one way or another challenging and competitive. Men like it, women are afraid of it.

Solid observations. There's also the IQ bell curve, men are more competitive etc. Something like this wouldn't be controversial fifty years ago.

The hair gets in the way

This, I wish I had access to the scholarships my uni offers for women in return for having to “face stereotypes”. What a piss easy thing to do for cash.

>retarded expectations
do they expect you to accomplish something?

What the fuck is wrong with women anyway? I absolutely despise being forced to sit somewhere for 8 hours a day. Women were given the privilege to avoid this yet they voluntarily seem to want it. We should have women workingand give men their freedom. Women seem to enjoy wageslaving.

>As a woman, I...
Fuck off roastie. Show tits or gtfo

Doing God's work user, seen this lass before and couldn't let it slide again.
Only had to wade through 80 post by seething closet fags but it was worth it.

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They quite rightly have the perception it's a field only enjoyed by a very peculiar kind of person and full of guys who are either incredibly fat or really scrawny.

*tips fedora*
*takes fat rip from vape*
well said, /b/rother

>while women choose more fulfilling lives
The vast majority of women can't do shit nor live alone. That's why they fuck every good looking guys in their twenties and years later they "settle down" with someone.
This is really a fulfilling life after all...

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It is a difficult and anti-social activity for the most part.

Because most women prefer IT in them.
If I know what you mean.

what happened in 75-85?

i dont quite get what you are implying

A difference in interests
Its not that women are less intelligent, can't do IT, that the field is sexist or any of that bullshit.
It all boils down to the fact that women just DON'T GIVE A SHIT about IT

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