>cherry mx
>audio technica
All the rest are true, but those last two are reserved for piratechads and people with actual ergo issues, respectively.
>implying hipsters don't buy ergonomic for the sake of it
>arch / gentoo
>ibm model m
>white but it's actually yellow now because it's flame retardant plastic that ages
Fixed that for you.
he posted a onions wojack
damn he got us everyone
Söyniggers dont even know who gentop and gnu are.
Why the hate on cherry?
Poorfags probably, nothing wrong with it. At least I don't see how some hipster meme switch would be an improvement.
>optical mouse
They're bad switches. Simple as.
The bait is strong with this one.
Bugmen come in many varieties, all just as shallow no matter what particular buzzwords and fashion accessories they take an interest to.
So how are hipster meme switches any better?
Gateron and Kailh Box Switches are objectively better.
AT microphones are the cheapest for the sound quality where I live. The AT2020 is $60 USD at current exchange rates.
you forgot
Not objectively. They're definitely better
Shitty bait, but i'll bite. The herd mentality would imply that people used the same OS and love the same anime girl, which never happens.
Also not liking japanimation on 4chin
>cherry mx
>audio technica
the rest is true, you could debate on debian
>computers in general
Luke Smith btfo
Only with KDE
>cherry mx
Only browns and blues
Only if it's on the peripherals
3-4 ipads were good tho
Only m50x
>no discord
What's wrong with Vulkan?
>shitty cheap no name keyboard
>OEM PC without any ricing
>unironically rust
>never owned an apple product
>shitty cheap no brand headphones
>libretro ist gut, using it retroarch on droid phone
>got carpal tunnel and RSI
>The herd mentality would imply that people used the same OS and love the same anime girl, which never happens.
It does happen though. Not as much with people loving the same anime girl but a lot of people use the GNU/Linux operating system and there are a few distros like Arch (btw) that you will see a lot.
Desktop threads are a bad sample though because half of them is the same 20 or so guys posting theirs from thread to thread and the people who do post in desktop threads are very likely to be ricers who like putting chinese cartoons on their Arch GNU/Linux installation.
They have gotten too mainstream.
Still the most convenient and reliable GNU/Linux distribution
>cherry mx
I prefer buckling spring
idgaf. I don't program gayms.
No one cares
It's ok
>audio technica
I prefer Beyerdynamic
Shit hardware sold at shit prices
i don't even know what that is
ergonomic what?
It's called being productive and having a job, the day some idiot brings Arch into the server room outside their stupid laptop they are getting fired.
>cherry mx
I don't play games, same as above.
Who seriously cares? I see the use in lit keyboards for your laptop but eh
> Orange crab bad
Just use whatever programming language best gets the job done, evangelism is idiotic.
Gotta agree there, fuck them
>audio technica
what the fuck is this?
Chair? Well enjoy your back pain I guess