>finally lost virginity at 21 to virgin Asian gf who loves me for who I am
>PhD going smoothly
>10 BTC
>Eating healthy and getting fitter
>Started using Apple products
>5 years ago was suicidal autist broke virgin turbo loser
Who turning it around?
Other urls found in this thread:
And yet you are still here.
Your point? I love this place and will stay here until I die even just to spam it with frogs
same thread every day faggot?
The Apple products are the only thing you need to leave behind. They are overpriced and not as functional as a Microsoft device.
>I love this place and will stay here until I die even just to spam it with frogs
I withdraw my scepticism. Godspeed.
I lost my virginity last year at 24. I went from being poor to making 10s of thousands of dollars each year.
nobody cares that you fucked an ugly asian girl you stupid incel
can you please stop posting your gay and retarded comics on this board? thanks and fuck off
you only make 10.000 a year?
Fuck off normie. You were always a normalfaggot.
>10s of thousands
Though even if it was just 10k I'd still be happy for user starting to get his life together.
Wrong board faggot
>I lost my virginity last year at 24. I went from being poor to making 10s of thousands of dollars each year.
I'm 22. Any advice?
just b urself
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard this I'd be richer than user.
>nobody cares that you fucked
>you stupid incel
Say that whole sentence again but slowly.
this is bait and not technology, sage
>027 (1).png
how much apple pays for shitpost?
incel isn't about having sex, incel is a state of mind
>incel isn't about having sex, incel is a state of mind
I'll take linguistic revisionism for $400, Alex.
whatever you say incel
>phd at 21
He said phd going well meaning hes probably working towards it meaning he probably is in his first or second year thinking about where he will be in 5 years. Hope he enjoys his debt.
My name is not Incel, my name is Anonymous. I thought we started teaching black people to read?
Sex is for degenerates which is why the left has recently gone on a massive psyops push to get everyone to have sex as much as possible, and if you know the left then you know anything they tell you to do is the opposite of what you should be doing.
why would you even think about a phd if you haven't even finished a bachelor's yet
even then I wouldn't count that as progress of it
>the left has recently gone on a massive psyops push to get everyone to have sex as much as possible
the modern left are all fucking prudish incels who never get laid
They're degenerates who are constantly fucking.
t. Tranny
>5 years ago
youre supposed to be a turbo loser at 16
Join the 40%
So you stupid trannies are misusing incel a lot
No, you are.
they're not mine, but since they are gay and retarded you closet-enjoy them, so have another one, friend.
Do you guys realize this is exactly what The Jews want?
literally building a moral panic strawman like christian moms in the 90s
male feminists are all thirsty virgins just like you poltards
it's a shame you can't get along on that common bonding point
So happy for you user. We're all gonna mak...
>Started using Apple products
Actually, kys
What are you talking about?
They're degenerates who fuck all the time.
>not waiting another 9 years for your wizard powers
>that would get me arrested
>They're degenerates who fuck all the time.
The exact difference between you and them is that you don't fuck all the time.
repeating an incorrect statement doesn't make it true
>Turning it around
>Only 21
user, you're so young you never fell off the rails to begin with.
years ago was suicidal autist broke virgin turbo loser
thats g material..
if your not like that anymore, your transform into an apple product normie user..
you do not belong here anymore op.. get yourself out please thank you.
Keep going OP, Im proud of you buddy
>started using apple products
end yourself virgin
>>Started using Apple products
worst piece of advice you could ever give to a man
>ad hominem
Congrats, now return to your normie /b/oard.