I changed one byte, try recovering the file

I changed one byte, try recovering the file.

Attached: 1556035838619 2.jpg (500x667, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:


no :)

how about you suck my balls faggot

Attached: 1545472465765.jpg (154x107, 17K)

she looks cute


Attached: Martian_face_viking.jpg (640x472, 97K)



I changed one letter, try recobering the shitpost.

op is a faggot

Attached: 1556035838619.jpg (500x667, 122K)

did you actually do it if so how?

>make a brute force script that changes a byte at random from the original file and feed it into a computer vision algorithm until it recognizes a full face

that's pretty clever, not gonna lie my dude

for i in a c w m cgl cm f n jp v vg vp vr co g tv k o an tg sp asp sci his int out toy i po p ck ic wg lit mu fa 3 gd diy wsg qst biz trv fit x adv lgbt mlp news wsr vip ; do wget i.4cdn.org/$i/1556035838619.jpg && break; done

Attached: hackerman.png (393x393, 203K)

So either one of you fucked up when you saved/uploaded it or OP is a faggot

Also you would have to be incredibly lucky because he didn't say he changed the byte by only one bit, so if a byte FF turned into [AB] you would almost certainly never find it. Not to mention that if you were doing it randomly you would need to remember past guesses to avoid repeating yourself.

I would argue on any other day that it's probably 4chin's stupid enforcement of sequential huffman causing a rewrap
But today, it's probably just OP being a faggot

lol rekt
liers and fags

Put .1 bitcoin in a wallet, snap a picture of the password, then corrupt it and ask someone to recover it.


You could probably simplify it quite a bit with some actual understanding of the JPEG format, so you only have to fuck around in (I assume) the Huffman tables.