Not asking for the best compiler because I don't want you retards to fight over it

Not asking for the best compiler because I don't want you retards to fight over it.
But what are the best options for C compilers? I can't stand CodeBlocks anymore.

Attached: codeblocks.png (1000x718, 609K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>calls us retards
>can't distinguish between a compiler and an IDE


Attached: 1556165708045.png (1200x1202, 106K)

are you retarded, where did he explicitly state that code blocks is an IDE

He uses windows, be nice with him

Hi user, you must be a beginner. Code::blocks is not a compiler, it’s an IDE. It’s a text editor that provides syntax highlighting, linting, auto-completion, and integration with tools such as debuggers or compilers.
In short, Code::blocks can use a compiler, but is not a compiler.

If you are looking for a new IDE or text editor, there are many. Visual Studio, Qt Creator, VS Code, Vim, Emacs…
If you are really looking for a new compiler, you have gcc or clang, which are cross-platform (they can work on Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.). Both are great free compilers. If you are using Windows, there is Microsoft’s own compiler, MSVC.

nowhere because he can't distinguish compiler from IDE


GCC and Clang are pretty much the standard options at this point outside of the Windows world, if you don't want the full Visual Studio IDE just for compiling basic C programs then Microsoft offers the command-line compiler by itself (just keep in mind they still don't support the latest revision of the C standard, their C++ support is more up-to-date):

>suggests MSVC
wtf user, there's plenty of better options.

You’re right, but I also talked about gcc and clang.

I already downloaded several text editors. I just want a compiler to work with them.


The options are:
>mingw-w64 (gcc)
>clang with mingw
>clang with vs_buildtools
cygwin compiles for cygwin, so you could have an issues to run it elsewhere
clang has sanitizers ported for Windows, not sure if GCC has
there are still missing some headers in clang+vs_buildtools, will probably be there with mingw+gcc
clang also provides clang-format and clang-tidy tools
my vote would be for clang+mingw (after any unix system or any other language)

The best compiler is piping std to a file using cat.

For small to medium projects, any difference between IDE/text editor/compiler are practically nonexistant.
I used to frequently change my development environment until I realised that I was just looking for an excuse to put off having to write and debug difficult code.

first off codeblocks is a (dead) ide and any text editor you like.

TinyC compiler just for compilation times
VSCode for text editor


dev c++

A good and accurate post in Jow Forums? Great job user

neovim with deoplete or other autocomplete is aight
vscode with a few plugins is good for larger projects
use clang or gcc, the speed is pretty much the same nowadays

what OS do you use, m8?