Text editors

Let's have a thread dedicated to our favourite text editors

Which one do you use? what do you like about it?

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Notepad because is simple and fast

I like Vim.

I use both VIM and Emacs. Why would you get stuck with a text editor? Are you a brainlet that can't easily use new keybinds?

>support niggers

Visual studio

busybox vi

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notepad++ on windows
kate on linux
but almost anything is fine as long as it's not some ultra-autistic shit like emacs or vs code

Vi users use their program to edit text; emacs users edit text to use their program.

>notepad++ on windows
also on GNU/Linux by using wine :^)
or just notepadqq

Sublime Text for actual web development

Notepad++ / Vim for editing some configuration files

Vim is for virgins


Vim because the I prefer permutations over combinations.

It's actually less bloated than the regular one.

Vscode because I'm not a neet. But I'm comfortable enough with vim for quick edits on remote servers.


VSC* visual studio code.

Just use ed

I like Vi
it's lightweight and neat

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Nano. I use it because it has every feature a text editor ought to have without a bunch of fluff. Back in the 90s, I used pine for email because it was an excellent email client and pico was what made it so pleasant to use as editing the body of my emails could be done in a sane text editor that didn't require a space cadet keyboard for the keystrokes. So naturally, pico became my editor in general for basically everything. Eventually I moved to nano as it's the successor to pico, and found it to be an excellent continuation of my editor of choice.

I did, however, go through vimtutor and discovered how badass vim is. If nano were abandoned and deprecated tomorrow, I would have no trouble switching to vim, and I even use it in SSH sessions to my servers because it doesn't require any real keybindings that may interfere with WM/DE keybindings or those of whatever terminal emulator I'm using since you don't need to press any modifier keys for vim to function fully. So long as you have access to sending an esc signal, there's nothing you can't do with vim. So it even works well on mobile devices without needing to install additional keyboard or helper apps because you don't need ctrl nor meta keys.

A Plain Text Editor.
That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.

Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.

>nano but for retards
Just why

this aint lit retard

>I wrote a blog post about...
Yes. We know. You just showed us.

>vim separates me from bigots

That's why I use vi*. It's the best writing environment that comes with my computer.
*technically vim.tiny

I love emacs!

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I like how fast I can do things, like use "yi}" to copy everything inside {} braces. It's much faster than using a mouse to highlight things or move the cursor.
Also some nice plugins. With vim-surround, 'S' will wrap a highlighted section in opening and closing div tags.

The Chad way to go about it

Just werkz
Emulates Vim
Layers save the need to get all the packages for a language and configure them
Very sane keybindings. Mnemonic, everything editor related starts with space, everything language related starts with comma.

I use kate since it's what came with my distro
I only use it to write bash shit so I can reencode all the .wmv and other shit format porn I download to h265 while I sleep.
I'm a basic bitch.

me too

Vim because i googled "best text editor for linux" and installed the one that had most top votes.

nano because I've been using that for the past decade. I really love that image, it's so cute

ed is the standard text editor.


>installed yourself
the best part about vim is that you dont even have to do that, it's already installed!

lol no
openwrt only has vi and ed and echo and printf

vim seems kinda pointless ngl

Sublime, it's the tits

I use sublime, but I want to become an Emacs wizard. Can someone show me the path?

install witchmacs

Leafpad when in a window manager, nano when not.

That msdos one, cant remwmber the name. I believe bisqwit uses it. Its so fucking based.

I use Vim but think there is a bit too much mode switching.
I use ^H for deleting a char to the left, and ^W for deleting a word to the left. I have mapped ^L to delete a char to the right, and ^C to delete a word to the right. Huge productivity boost IME.

I use vcode it's the only thing I know and is nice

>using text editors
echo "print('Hello, World')" > main.py

>Which one do you use? what do you like about it?
nvi because it's the only editor doesn't try to "help" me and end up pissing me off with things like auto-indentation and "syntax highlighting"

The redirection operator is a text editor.

I agree with this poster. If coding on Linux, I use Geany.

I also have a vimrc though

>using insert mode to delete text
your average vim user, everyone

vim is an illegitimate vi implementation



If you go any further than just an .exrc then you might as well become an emacs heretic.

enjoy your bloatware

Vim and Emacs would never touch or shame hands with proprietary pig disgusting Sublime Text. Delete your picture before it does harm'

nvi best vi clone

I agree with you my fellow nigger, my .vimrc just has some stuff about tabs being spaces and their size.
I don't understand the plug-in craze, I think vim is not adequate for the stuff people try to make it do.
It shows when you go see how retarded it is to set up youcompleteme.

Otherwise the mode switching takes too long desu

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then stop mode switching.
i don't even consider vi a modal editor because insert mode serves such a simple, specialized purpose. i guess vim is a different story though because it has the a dozen modes (though most of its users only use like three)
it's way quicker if you type everything you're thinking, then go back and make changes.
most of the time anyone spends in a text editor is spent thinking about what the text should be, not writing the text.

emacs > vim

nvi and emacs can be friends

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when people say nvi do they mean nvim? I can't find nvi anywhere

Moved to spacemacs, too lazy to configure my own Emacs/Vim setup

no, nvi. it's the default editor on freebsd and i think openbsd.


vim for quick edits or just a couple files, sublime text when i have a large project and don't want to fiddle-fuck around with 95,000 different key bindings just to copy something to my system keyboard to paste into another file

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clipboard* whoopsies teehhee

also notepad++ on windows

because nano

>not writing software using only one echo call

I see

vi for text editing. vim if I have to do some tedious job that require macros.

Vi. Simplicity. It's every where. Good (default) keybinds.

vs code
it just werks and it's faster than atom, even with electron.

nano, gedit and notepad++

>It shows when you go see how retarded it is to set up youcompleteme.
that was the moment I switched to emacs evil-mode

I am saddened that nobody has mentioned Metapad yet.

this is a good start

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VS Code.


vs code. It does what I want it to do while looking the way I want it to look.
I see no point in unironically making my life more complicated

Please stop posting "Evil Mode: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Emacs". It's woefully out of date, ignoring the other problems with the talk.

Visual studio

sublime for note taking, vim for editing config-type files, vs community for c# and c++ on windows and xcode on mac

I use mg as my daily driver. It just works and is completely bloat free.

too bad it does not support utf8

>Which one do you use?
VSCode or often called just "Code" now
>what do you like about it?
Simple but extremely extensible. I can add support for a new language with a few clicks or commands or get me comfy vim bindings or a whole new theme and it is easily as powerful as its big dad in terms of autocompletion and it comes with git integration and is made in mind with it, which is fantastic since I work on open source software. Oh yeah the editor is open source.

>buh electron
Yes, it's not the best, but I've never had any performance issues, they made it run pretty well. You gotta remember JS these days is much faster than python so it's not the worst choice, it's just the stripped down chromium that's the issue.

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utf8 is bloat
English only USA

not everyone is american or british

I am neither American nor British. But using more than one language is retarded. The quicker other languages die (including mine) the better.

Notepad. Note notepad++, just Notepad

At work all my teammates go through phases (we all have to use Windows).

First it was SublimeText, which I like and still use. Then all of a sudden that wasn't cool anymore and we all had to switch to Webstorm, which IMO is a huge piece of bloated shit. Then VSCode came along and they all fell tripping over themselves to get that one approved for install.

I swear it's like a flavor of the month thing. I'm still plugging away on Sublime, works just fine.

vim with YouCompleteMe.

Mostly vim just because I'm usually already in terminal, but since I don't really know what I'm doing there I usually use SublimeText3

Why would you use nigger-supporting software?

what's that mean then