Why is this editor so popular?

Why is this editor so popular?

Attached: download.png (186x186, 2K)

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It small, clean and just works.

It's reasonably polished despite being incredibly wasteful.
It also has brand recognition.
People perceive it as quality software being provided for free.

it's piss easy to write feature-rich extensions for it

What is it?

it works out of the box

I'm using it to write screenplays.


visual studio code

I don't know about small and clean, but it's certainly a good and feature filled editor with a well thought out design.

For me only because intellisense on linux. The debugger front end ui is awfull

Because it has intellisense and other lint, a built-in extensions manager, and really easy to set up configurations. Oh and it doesn't require obscure key combinations to use properly though you could set them up.

the main reason:
>1 click extension install that just werks and gives you everything needed such as autocomplete, goto, refactor, etc.

if sublimetext weren't retarded, they would improve their extension system and their monetization system (not sure how for this one though) and a lot of people would switch to it.
I feel vscode is just an "acceptable" temporary solution to a problem that will get solved by a better technology later.

Agains sublime text
It's free and easy extension setup
Agains Vim/emacs
No learning curve and easy plugin installation
Agains Atom
Better support for Web developers and python
Agains Visual Studio / XCode
Multi platform
Agains IntelliJ
Web IDEs of Jetbrains aren't free, good enough for Python agains PyCharm and massive lose agains Java and Android IDE.

But VSC begin the slow and memory hog outside Atom.

Plus Good IDE integration for using Chrome as debugger, plugins for webdev and easy git control.

>a reasonable post on g
Where do you think you are?

>that will get solved by a better technology later.
We have been waiting for more than 50 years now.

The whole thread is ok for now

it's f(reeeeeeee)

Because I'm to lazy to memorize all Emacs shortcuts and commands and vscode is easier to configure

its so popular because idiots are so popular. it is the editor that appeals to the masses of brainlets.

xi editor is a thing in development, its far from being usable for everyday work tho

Why is vscode suddenly for brainlets?

>free software editors exist for decades
>destroyed by commercial closed source company doing first steps into open

what is that?

>>doing first steps into open


vscode is open source faggot

Can you use it with Java.

Almost no one is switching to VSCode from Vim, and there sure as hell aren't any Emacs converts. Most VSCode users are recovering IDEbabs.

This not a sudden conclusion but a long known fact. Vscode if for children and anyone who does not use Vim or Emacs is either very disturbing and/or has mild to severe autism

Along with its rise to popularity there has also been a rise in trannies

Which all means nothing because without resharper it's barely functional

Use VSCodium

It's exactly the opposite. Why waste time fiddling with crappy text editors when you can have an all-in-one package?

vim and emacs only suck if you don't know how to use them. If you do then you'll be massively more productive than in any other editors. I'm not even amazing at using them and it's still much quicker. Watching people that are proficient in them is like watching fucking witchcraft.

if you don't have autocomplete, you're already at a huge disadvantage compared to everyone else and installing autocomplete on vim/emacs is a fucking cancer no one wants to deal with.

Because it's spyware.
Normalfags LOVE spyware.

>falling for Microsoft tricks

back to plebbit, faggot

looks promising. Especially the fact that they separate front and backend.

If none of the frontends do it for you you can easily make you own.

you will never EVER recoup the time spent becoming semi-competent with vim/emacs

I learned how to use it when I was a NEET so it's not like I was doing anything of value with my time anyway.

its definitely not small and the ui is shit but other than that its decent

xray by the atom team is in a similar vein and has the potential to be very good

>installing autocomplete on vim/emacs is a fucking cancer no one wants to deal with
it's literally one copy paste command and done. super easy if you're not a brainlet

>Xray and Atom RIP
Xray is dead since buy Github MS and Atom slower commits by a lot.

Everyone at my company uses VSCode. I still use Atom cause before I got my internship Atom is what I used and after I got hired, Atom is still what I use lol.

I want to make the switch but it will need to be over the weekend so I can configure it and get use to it so I don't waste company time. I also will need to install an Atom theme for it cause I hate the VScode default colors.

Atom has crashed on me around 4 -5 times in the last 9 months. I never lost any work but it's a huge inconvenience to have to reload it and make be scared shitless I didn't lose anything (though I typically save often)

Attached: 588a4ccf528ea3cc60d3c4a5.png (1200x1200, 233K)

>Why is this editor so popular?
It's reasonably powerful without much effort. Sure, Vi and emacs may be arguably more powerful but they require allegiance to an oddball set of rituals and work to turn into an effective IDE.

Attached: 1452571964658.png (353x387, 106K)

It fills a niche that otherwise isn't filled:

A halfway-IDE with a lot of the code generation features you expect from an IDE but without the bloat of full-blown IDEs that are geared towards debuging, profiling, integrating with deployment schemas, etc.

That's why it's particularly popular with web debs who already have a debug toolkit in their browser.

You can't even disable anti aliasing of text. Text editors should be lightweight, and not run a webbrowser to run text editing webb app as if it was a native program.

Becoming competent with them takes no time unless you're a moron.

Pretty much, yes.

>despite being incredibly wasteful.

it's lighter on CPU than any of the Java IDEs (IDEA, Eclipse, Netbeans). I top out at 700MB RAM with two big projects open, which IDEA I was hitting 4GB constantly

>so I don't waste company time
just dewit faggot

Its a nice editor, not my preference but people like it. It works fine and its not as bloated as people are exaggerating but it is bloated and the dark theme gave me a bad initial impression.
Just try it for a a couple of days.

>if you do then you'll be massively more productive than...
No, this bull keeps being repeated. It doesn't give you magical typing powers, they can not do anything any other editor can't do.

Great then it should be easy for someone so smart as you to give the one command. I need python, R, vb.net (incremental with office 2019 macro support) auto complete.

>It doesn't give you magical typing powers
It does, you just don't know how to use it. For example, you can't move text without your mouse in most other editors. In vim you just hit #dd and it will cut the number of lines you specified. Then you can jump ahead or behind any number of lines with #k or #j and paste it with p. You can turn on relative line numbering to make this really easy. And there's a thousand other shortcuts like that. The difference between vim/emacs and normal text editors is that you never need to use a mouse with them. You waste a lot of time fagging about manually selecting text so you can cut and scroll with a mouse.

>Brand recongnition
It's made by microsoft, that means it started with a negative perception especially with older fags. So despite it being made by microsoft developers like it.

Pretty solid reasons itt but don't forget marketing

that's not wasting company time u sound like a slave

I like it second to webstorm, but I don't really want to pay my own non work copy of webstorm.

Idiot children get exposed to it (forced to use it) in school / college, microsoft pays colleges to use their shit, then these xiggers get put into the workforce and want to use what they "learned" rather than learn something else.

>tfw the solution already exists
I feel sad for you, user

Attached: 1200px-Vimlogo.svg.png (1200x1202, 106K)

It doesn't just werks out the box.

Put this with in a .vimrc file, download it with a plugin manager, like vim-plug. Then go to where it was downloaded and compile it. It has built in support for everything except vb in your requirements. It will still be useful, since it has featured that do not depend on any specific language.

Overall, it should be 3 lines of code in the .rc and some setup, that you only do once.

>you can't move text without your mouse in most other editors
I can in every text editor. It is not magic, its just a scriptable text editor like the hundreds (thousands?) of others.
I see it two ways this conversation one of two ways:
A) You're severely lacking in beginner computer knowledge for basic computer usage because of time travel into the future from the 70's. (Welcome time traveler, enjoy the dystopia!)
B) You're not a person, therefore not worth my time.

Sublime having better extensions is a wase of dev hours because no one gives a shit how modular it is. People use it for the JUST WERKZ factor and the flashy visual effects.

>If you do then you'll be massively more productive than in any other editors

I prob have a decade of using it more than you and I can tell you this is false as everyone is different in their workflow. We can code something and see how faster and has better quality in code but you won't do it.

It's pretty based.
>Clean UI
>Easy to understand menus
>non-memeshit impossible to understand source control integration
>good integrated terminal
>easy shortcut keys
>extensions are based
>extensions for what feels like fucking everything
What's not to like?

I prefer navigating through explorer and using notepad++.
Am I Alone here?

no, there are a ton of notepad++ retards, they are extremely common

It's Visual Studio

you can download any jetbrains EAP version anytime you want, it's for 30 days, you can do it over and over endlessly.
couple of minutes a month is not a huge deal
I write mostly in vim, but I use them sometimes for refactoring.

it's not.. ?

man just fucking do it, you're not wasting time

>big dev community

if only Sublime was open source...