Convince me not to use Django for upcoming ecommerce web app project

Convince me not to use Django for upcoming ecommerce web app project.

>amateur programmer, shitty entrepreneur
>have been working with Python for the last few months
>automation, scripts, REST APIs mostly
>starting up a new side project, an ecommerce related web app
>need mobile optimized, scalable, manageable for me
>why not Django?

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I can't, Django is good.

What user said OP. No reason not to use Django

lol just use whatever ecommerce platform you can find and set it up. doesn't matter what tech it uses as long as ui is nice.

Django is a bit more bloated than flask.
That's it, otherwise django is just fine IMO

Use Node or Go, they are just as simple but also much much much much faster

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who cares, it's you who is going to gid through giant documentation and plethora of unnecessary features just to set up minimal product

never used django, use node lol

Why not Flask?

Flask is better - plus you aren't stuck with djangos shitty ORM and you can use sqlalchemy

Flask is comfy but I recommend Django, if you want to actually build something then you don't want to spend your energy setting things up in Flask that Django would do for you ootb.

Only bad thing about django is the orm, it's limited compared to sqlalchemy

Also run pypy if you can, then no one can call Python slow

>Also run pypy if you can, then no one can call Python slow
Then you cant even use 3/4 of the Python libraries

False, compatibility is pretty good, like 99% of common ones. Only some that use C extensions won't work but those are rare. Main one for me was the postgres connector but it has a cffi fork and it works great.

SQL alchemy is the worst thing I've ever used in my life, never use it , try to find a suitable alternative

>Only some that use C extensions won't work but those are rare

Isnt that like 90% of Machine Learning libraries

What does that have to do with django?

I am talking about Python in general, PyPy fixes something by breaking everything else

This is a django thread. In general you decide if it's worth it on a case by case basis. ML probably doesn't need it, the slowest part is already in C so pypy wouldn't help much.

use Flask for small projects/apis

OP said he wan't so create a web app project, not become a hipster faggot.

Use Laravel

getting django on a production server is a nightmare desu, so many services need to run

Vert.x > everything else.

Use a language that's not whitespace relevant.

Php + laravel

Care to elaborate ? What services ? Do you have the same problem with flask ?

>amateur programmer, shitty entrepreneur

So you admit that you are garbage at everything you do, ofcourse python is the perfect match for you.

Because nobody uses python for anything serious. Especially if you want scalability you want asp or java use a oop type based language. Node for anything else because it's fast to get something up and running

It sounds like you have carefully evaluated the problem space and the tools available to you, and decided on a suitable solution.

Because we have Asp.NET core and Java spring mvc.

Please, user. The python meme needs to stop.

>Because nobody uses python for anything serious
What is Google, Instagram and Youtube

What this guy said. If you are a brainlet, Laravel is definitely your framework of choice.

Why not? Django is perfect for that purpose.

Django isnt perfect for anything when Node Go and .net-core exist

this, if your server starts becoming slow and you already refactored then split functions into other micro services with node or go, or escalate horizontally and add more django app instances to your container.

Didn't meant actual functions like in views, more like functionalities. It will be a long time until you need to do that though, I've seen some companies escalate Django to millions of users with some or no major issues.

shoo shoo shill. you can't possibly compare the maturity of django/python to fucking core

He can compare the speed tho

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Flask is easier to get into, while still being feature rich

speed doesn't matter in glue code

oh great, a new coin


To do anything non-trivial in these slow as shit languages you basically have to use a distributed task queue. Even things as simple as sending emails should be done via a task queue running in another process. In Python this usually means setting up celery and redis.

In decent languages with decent implementations you can often get away with just using a simple thread pool.

Says the neet. My company makes 500k profit a year with a Flask stack, 25k users.

I've used flask before, it is... hnnnnnggg

I use Express btw. Express is nice and there is a lot of middleware for it! Also there is passport.js which is amazing for auth. The node js ecosystem is second to none! If you're making a test rest api then why not write it in js?

Even though I want to shill you js, it's obvious you're insanely comfortable with python. I say just use Django. Although I've never used it, from what I've seen so far, all web frameworks are the same.