Study CS

>study CS
>6 months of spanish
>9 months of writing
>3 months of biology
>3 months of communication
>3 months of health
>12 months of electives like anthropology of native americans

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Dumb animeposter

got to love the broken college system that loads up bullshit on you because you would never take it otherwise.

Yea, that's how universities keep you enrolled and spending money longer. Just do those classes online or over a summer so it's easier/cheaper.

go to a technical school dummy
the only non-programming classes i had to take were a composition class, a human relations class. a public speaking class, and a leadership class
and those are clearly just there to get drooling autists into a state where they can at least function at a basic level in a workplace

>sigue sin entender el español

You need to know how to write and communicate. No matter how leet you think you are one person will never be more useful than a team.

Everything else seems pretty useless thou

>communication is about communicating
literally a worthless degree, 95% of it is shit your parents should have already tought you + common sense

>95% of it is shit your parents should have already tought you
not everybody had that privilege, user

>mandatory 4 semesters of feminist theory
yeah fuck this i'm dropping out

should have done running start in hs then you would have an AA by the time you go to college and they cant force you to take those shit classes

No collaborative efforts are about communication.
And also about programming skill. Stop being a useless shitstir

Unitonically this, Spanish it's the easiest language for a amerimutt to learn

>saying "entender el español" instead of "entender español"
>can't even shitpost properly

both are correct desu retard

if you want to talk like a 90 y/o sure

thank you i knew i was right


Please never change

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Why do third party accreditation like ABET force it then?

Is this fucking university in America? Topkek no wonder we deny all american applications at work.

do you really think that something that accredits colleges wouldn't be in bed with colleges

>programmer autist confronted with the prospect of having to be well-rounded
>has a fit
Wow, very shocking.

just murica, where you are admited to mathematics for being good at baseball and helping cats

You're in a BA program aren't you? lmao

Based universities filtering out the cringelords.

>having to be well rounded
>you dont get a choice
>now learn spanish and gender studies or go hang out at the unemployment office

>falling for the college meme


What kind of third world country is this?

America. And it's a 7th world country.

>12 months of electives
Dude just take things like American history where you can get an A with no work

I can guarantee the school OP goes to offers other languages like french, japanese or even latin. But OP chose to take spanish and complain about it because, as always, OP is a fag.

>not goint to community college and transferring
You avoid all the bullshit. Plus you can often find some local companies to sponsor you.

That's why you go to a community college, friend.

Not op, but my uni only offers spanish and french. German and Russian are on the catalogue, but I've never seen them offered. Also, Mandarin was offered most quarters here but they stopped offering it because the only people taking it were Chinese students who already spoke it, taking it for easy credit.
Thankfully, CS here doesn't require language credits.

It's English you dumb cunt, Comm = English, that language you speak your whole life unless you're an illegal paco. Mutts living up to their mutt reputation
inb4 "but but, I'm a 3rd worlder"


Bring the Muslim hordes MUDDI SAID THEYRE GERMAN

Merkel is not German. She is from Polish descent and probably jewish.

>study CS
>electives like anthropology of native americans
I don't understand
When OP says CS does he mean something other than Computer Science?

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Guess how I know that you are a seething 56%er assblasted about spending ten thousands on a worthless meme degree that won't get you hired outside of your pathetic excuse for a failed state.

He is baiting, but it seems he is on to something:
My CS curriculum was great btw.

t. sudaca

Also Jarvis Johnson is a retard.
I didn't mind because while a retard he seemed like an ok guy.
But after he quit his job for YouTube, I see that he never had any real passion. Bitched about feeling like he was a diversity hire, even printing stupid shirts. Brainlet can't into math so he does Spanish instead.
Yes Jarvis, you were a diversity hire, you have no skills and a meme degree.

What the fuck
Why is he studying non computer science shit like English, Japanese.
Is this really what American education is like?
In my 3 years of studying CS, Ive only had to take one course that wasn't purely CS, and that was a course on how to go from an idea to a start up company in 3 weeks.

>Has a degree and worked at Google
>Doesn't know what Discrete means
Jesus. Maybe if they called it incremental mathematics this brainlet might understand.

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>tfw dropped out after years of putting up with it
I want to vomit
without the meme gen eds you can finish everything in like 2 years, absolute waste of time

My college enforces majors to do a course directly related to their major in your first semester as a freshman so you can know if it is for you or not and gain skill over all 4 years.

>Why is he studying non computer science shit like English, Japanese.
>Is this really what American education is like?
It's called a liberal arts education and it's why Western Civilization has dominated the world for centuries.

My worst course was human computer interaction, and that's not even a stupid topic, but we wasted time with stuff like how the eye works and optical illusions, it was retarded.
Other than that it was only math and about programming languages, algorithms and so on.

I am a first year in CS at an American university and I have taken Comp Sci I and Comp Sci II during my first and second semesters respectively. Aside from my mathematics courses I have had to take several "general education" courses to fulfill university and state guidelines such as multicultural psychology, astronomy and galaxies, Philosophical ethics, global history in the 20th and 21st centuries, United States politics and government along with a mandatory writing course. After this I have to do public speaking course, 3 mandatory writing related courses outside my major and and several courses related to different fields of behavioral/social science course, an art course and a course which is called an "intersection" or "interdisciplinary " course which combine two different fields of study. Overall, a bunch of fucking filler. I believe the idea is to force students to learn outside their major and be more "well-rounded" individuals or something.

I feel sorry for you Amerifriend. germany is fucked in many ways, but at least our CS degrees are not like that.
CS is such a wide and complex field, you probably don't have enough time to learn the actually important CS stuff.

Man, learning about American CS education makes me a lot more secure in my own education and knowledge.
In my first year of CS I took:
A course on general problem solving where the subject changed every week. Going from learning how to program an Arduino to how to compress and uncompress data to cryptanalysis
A course that thought how to use the Linux terminal, how to code in C and compile it and how to decipher and write assembly code
A course that thought how to program in C++, what data structures are and how to use pointers.
A course in Discrete Mathematics
And finally a 3 weeks course where you are put into a team with random people and have to clobber together a program based on some specified conditions.


This doesn't sound too bad, pretty hands on approach but it seems like there was little math?
My uni also taught me Linux and tools like GIt but it was more like
>Here is your assignment about set theory
>push it to GIT when you are done, we have Debian machines in the besement

So far in my first year I felt my Calculus I course and Discrete Math courses were fulfulling, but in terms of Comp Sci I and Comp Sci II all we have learned thus far is the basics of Java, how to do different loops, methods, switch cases, arrays, graphics, and a few other things, and Comp Sci II was basically the same stuff but more complicated assignments by tying the different things together.

>This doesn't sound too bad, pretty hands on approach but it seems like there was little math?
There is about 1 mandatory math course every semester, and more to choose from if you want to have you CS degree a specialization in Math.

We used Mooshak to hand in our projects.

It's for schools to keep you enrolled longer and also so that the worthless humanities professors have jobs.

Sounds like you might want to study some CS on your own outside of courses.
I'd recommend starting by familiarizing yourself with the concept of "Programming INTO a language, not IN a language"

But yeah, my school is very much a hands on one.
Almost all the courses, except for networking, have been more about having people understand, and that you understand best from DOING, rather than memorizing shit.

That sounds allright. I will not lie, I will never be a mathematician and I forgot some of that stuff (I am 31, it was a while) but you will always be able to refresh that knowledge. Sounds like a good degree. Seems it's more practical still but that's not bad, definitelly better than learning psychology.

The good thing is that learning languages really is easier than learning theory. If you are not already doing it, you could start your own side project.

>6 months of spanish
Well, studying foreign languages ain't bad, but really, por que? Onions programmer, no limpiador de baños.
>3 months of biology
This is OK for first year, just in case you would like to change CS meme to medical meme, or whatever chemical.
>9 months of writing
>3 months of communication
>3 months of health
What the actual fuck?
Btw, I have 9 month of PE...
>12 months of electives like anthropology of native americans
pro-tip: select language-related stuff. It is way easier, than history related stuff.

I think the point of learning Mathematics isn't because you'll always remember how to do these things.
An explanation from a professor was:
"You're not learning these things because you need to know how to do them ever day in your future work. You're learning these things so if problems arise in the future, you will know that solutions for these problems do exist and where you can go look for the solutions instead of trying to reinvent the wheel."

That's just what American Universities make you go through

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This looks more like my Gymnasium requirements rather than University ones.

Fellow kraut?

We start Gymnasium at 15/16 for 3 to 4 years then go to university.

I see. Anglos will probably not understand though, because for them it means a gym, a place where you work out your body.

Holy fuck. I'm glad I'm in third world shithole, actually. No wonder pajeets replace everyone in US

>studying tech
>have to take general ed courses like every american college/uni
>college offers specialized programs like networking and web development
>literally going to college for free so no debt

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I am on vacation and only half serious here but one thing that I found to be true in my university: they taught us good stuff, but the exams were always different from the lectures.
For example in math all we did was proofs and then in passing our prof gave us some assignments that involved calculating stuff. So for my first exam I learn how to do all the proofs, in the end the exam was almost only calculation.
I know why they do it, it's easier and they don't want everyone to fail, but in that case I really got the short end of the stick. Still passed, but not a good grade.
Maybe it's different at your uni, but in mine it was important to predict a little bit what will be in the exams and not only how to do it, but how to do it FAST. Now it's always best to learn everything well, but sometimes getting a feeling for what will be in the test can help.

Once I was at a lecture with a good friend and the professor was pretty slow at explaining one algorithm, my friend said: this will never be in the exam, the prof doesn't even understand it himself. And he was right.
University has it's own dynamic, don't be like my friend but if you can get a few extra points, why not.

>not learning poobah to communicate with your fellow street shitters

What I dont understand about Anglo schooling system is the College and University thing
How can they be the same but different at the same time?

Its an anime website, what do you want? No anime? Then go away.

I look abroad in envy. My UK friend told me that colleges and universities are more specialized over there while I have to take some fucking unrelated class like US History.

It's bullshit.

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Here in America, it's more wise to start off at college to finish general education stuff since it's more cheaper and laxer. University is best for the specialized stuff like CS.

Most Americans don't realize that and head into University when they end up getting into a lot of college debt and probably ending up getting a degree that means jackshit. The idea of "Going to uni/college means that you're going to be successful!" spouted from boomers are seriously causing problems here.

If you do research and knowing what you want for your job, you'll save a lot of time and avoiding the hassle of dealing with the shitty aspects of university. There's a reason why some sysadmins don't have a BS degree

literally useless. you should be taking hindu

For someone complainong about English, your Ebglish sucks.

>mandatory 2 years of german

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yeah but high-schoolers have it easy, take that whole year and combine it into 3 months and you'll have to study 2 hours a day to keep up.

>one semester of Greek mythology and end of the world cults
Was fun

>you dont get a choice
It’s called “choosing the right college and analyzing the courses BEFORE you enroll”

>mandatory 2 years of German
Time to practice

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The biology courses are good for you: having a foundational underatanding of the body enables embedded systems design around BME.

I don't have this problem. Gotta love burgers and their for-profit unis, they have good reason to keep you there for as long as possible :')

my cs degree has calc 1&2 algebra 1&2, formal logic and set theory, discrete math all in the first year. i actually dont see how you can do most CS courses without atleast calc 1 and algebra 1