/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:



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On the left is how Dolphin looks when I open it from the app launcher. On the right is how it looks when I open it from a terminal. How do I fix the right one? I am not running it as root

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Sup /g bros, I just installed the Eclipse IDE onto my fresh install of POP!_OS and I keep getting this error;
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option MaxPermSize; support was removed in 8.0
Apparently someone was able to comment out the .ini file that contains the maxpermsize but when I try to do it, it doesn't save and states read have [Read-only]. What do I do?

what desktop environment are you using? are you setting QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME= or XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= in .bashrc or somewhere else?

Something's clearly overriding the normal theme setting when you are opening it from a terminal. Hard to know exactly what without knowing some specifics.

Attached: desktop.png (1024x768, 1.17M)

sudo nano

Sorry, forgot to mention. I am running the newest KDE on arch. There are no suspicious environment variables as far as I can tell. So what am I looking for here? Is KDE changing the qt theme upon using the app laungher?

hi guys, ive been on mac for years but just got a cheap laptop for a project (wanted to keep things separate).
I thought I was gonna give windows 10 a shot but it is utter shit and I feel like my computer has a fatal disease.
I haven't used Linux in years but used to know my way around pretty well. I've tried all the hot distros but that was all over five years ago.
What version of Linux is good these days?


come on man u no wat I meant

You can check what parameters/vars the app launcher is using to open Dolphin.

Made a wallpaper for my guixbros

Attached: GuixSuikaDistribution.png (1920x1080, 610K)

LTS? 4.19

Thank you senpai

Just to be clear since I am a novice to working in the terminal line and linux. I open the .ini file in nano and it was blank. So I copied the entire contents if the .ini file onto the terminal with the line of code I want to comment out and then I don't know how to save/execute this new .ini so any help will be appreciated.

are there any cheap chromebooks where you can completely strip out chromeOS and replace it with something else?

>version of Linux
Still rocking 4.20 because memes

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The app launcher runs "dolphin %u", which I suppose substitutes the current directory? Anyway, the command line options for dolphin are pretty lacking

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What is the best distro for minimal vms?
I want to set a lab for studying tcpdump

How would I install windows without erasing and reinstalling linux? I just want to play a few games without going through the hassle of reinstalling every program I probably forgot I have but use occasionally.

Why do you want to be a girl?

For the past week since switching to arch linux I've been using my evenings to slowly configure it minimally. So far I have a window manager, terminal, and font I'm liking. But holy to get something decent looking especially with font rendering it is a huge headache! I wonder how long until I can be productive on this setup...


That's why you do it all once and then save it so you never have to do it again.
A lot of us like to move the real config files into a single directory that gets backed up and/or synced across other machines, and in their place you put symlinks.

I did that but I used cleartype instead and it's still not up to my standards. I'll see once I install my work tools but I think this'll take a lot of tweaking.
yeah I'm using stow to store on git. I just love bitching about how annoying the configuration is and how bad the state of XORG LINUX DESKTOP is

Guys can you PLEASE FUCKING HELP ME thanks
I am studying networking, but i really need a job, what distro would give me more aplicable knowledge, arch or ubuntu?

Don't quite underatand your situation but here is what you should try.
Go to the directory that has the ini file -> open terminal in this directory and type 'sudo nano ' without quotes and replace with the filename -> copy/type whatever contents you want to have in this file -> on the bottom of the terminal you should see a shortkey to save the file -> save it (You can now because you run with sudo command) -> Start your program, it should run normally.
Also you don't execute ini file, just config it, save, and the program will the rest.

Pick one and only one. Stick with ubuntu/debian and/or centos.

Suggest a distro for me famalam
>Beginner: Been using Mint for a month
>I like comfy GUI
>Using 200$ Walmart laptop atm (need a light distro)

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All the l33t network hackers use justin bieber linux

Oh, you guys talk so much about arch that i tought it was used on companies

You mean kali linux?
No, only retards use that shit.

Not entirely sure why you'd like to move away from the Mint. If you do for some reason then either XUbuntu (Ubuntu's XFCE4 spin) or Fedora 30's XFCE4 spin may be suitable for that $200 Walmart laptop.

Honestly, though.. there's not much difference between Mint and Ubuntu and Fedora. And programs like Chromium and Firefox behave the same way on any distro.

Thanks for the reply user

I just look at the riced desktops and cool hax0r terminals and feel fake + gay with this gui :'(

hey anons, I know the wiki has pretty much everything I'd need in order to install and use a distro properly but my shitty attention span won't let me have any progress with the whole hyperlink thing. is there a more straightforward way to learn about Linux? like a book or a reading of any sort? even a site or a video would do it for me, if they didn't link me two different paths to take every time there is a new concept being introduced. I've actually lost a few weekends trying to learn about Linux well enough to don't have any problems when I go for it but I don't seem to get anywhere honestly

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Hey i saw mr robot using linuxmint is it legit?

>justin bieber linux
holy fugg the instagram of the guy that put this shit together

I found my old box copy of SUSE 9.1. Requires at least a Pentium. Its been too long since I last used it, should it be okay on an old Celeron workstation i dug out to test it on

shrink the linux partition and create a new NTFS partition in the free space to install windows on. you may need to reinstall grub after that

more comfy less buggy and much more support

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they're small and soft. and they smell nice.

9.2 was my favorite SUSE it was the first time I had ever seen custom backgrounds on ttys and it was enabled out of the box and just sexy as heck

are you a trap or just gay

You're pathetic, faggot

I need to reinstall fucking manjaro because I have this bug where the gui doesn't load at the start.
How can I kept all my ricing when I do a reinstall without going through it again?

Please reply to this

>i have short attention span
>pls recommend book
bruh its not that hard

How do I resize a ext4 LUKS LVM partition to make it smaller?

Is there anyway to resize an encrypted LVM partititon without rebooting?

I don't have problems with reading, but the stress of having to keep track of where I am in a certain page to come back at it after having read a page it linked me to is what pushes me away from installing it. I just want something that I can read without worrying about such trivialities

if you press your middle mouse button while hovering over a link it will open in a new tab. once youre done reading that, close the tab and youll be right back where you left off.

sure, but a book would still be better imo. if it's not a thing then I'll have to learn it the regular way, I just was wondering whether there was an alternative that would suit me better

how do i dualboot a usb stick? i want to have tails and gparted and somehow select which one to boot to

File manager I can use with openbox that won't yank a shitload of dependencies?

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pcmanfm? spacefm?

these are both great, ty


I've got an issue with Ubuntu 17.10 (too lazy to upgrade) where my Thinkpad X230 stops charging after a while. The battery light will just blink on and off forever. As a temporary fix, I put the machine into suspend and it fixes itself until it fucks up again (that's why I posted here rather than tpg, in suspend mode charging starts successfully). I've got no clue where I would begin hunting down this issue. It only started pretty recently (~1 month ago) and not much had changed with my system before or after that time. Does anyone have an idea on where to begin?

thank you amigo

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It's pretty comfy for advanced linux users, I wouldn't use it in enterprise or server environments though. We have RHEL or CentOS and Debian for those.

>install screen from distro repos
>screen man (bitch ass command I don't know cuz I'm stupid)
>[^A a] to swap between tty windows
>block an entire Sunday to RTFM and put it to practice

There's not really a "book for linux", it's too broad of a topic. I would instead recommend just installing a distribution and using it at the desktop user level. When you run into issues, learn to search for help using your distro name on the internet, use the terminal for tasks like file management and basic text editing. When you are comfortable with this, look at some basic sysadmin stuff such as init system services, cron jobs and remote access via ssh, learn some bash scripting too, it will save time with menial and easily automated tasks (think cron).
Once you reach this level, you are an official level 3 \G\ freetard. Most low level linux sysadmins will have the same knowledge level as you at this point. You are already beyond the level of a college CS graduate.
Learn to make your system more secure at this point, learn about things such as firewalls and intrusion detection software, learn to operate these remotely via ssh.
This is the way most people learn Linux outside of any educational curriculum.
ps. learn to teach yourself new things, this way you won't have to pay someone to teach you and recommend you sources.

Also call Linux whatever you want, nobody cares outside of autistic online forums.
>inb4 ganoo slash linucks

Tmux is infinitely better than GNU Screen.

I did exactly as you stated. After saving the new ini file I would then try to run Eclipse again and the same error message would pop up even though the "fix" should have taken care of it. Apparently this is a very common issue and this approach was done by someone else online. Not sure why its not working on Pop!_OS.

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So I updated to Fedora 30. I'm running Xfce. The problem is that some text isn't showing. If I do anything to the invisible text such as highlight it or move it it will reappear. I've tried searching for similar situations but nothing. Any body got any ideas?
Another user recommend "How Linux Works: What Every Superuser should know"

How do I re enable the DE on KDE Neon? I removed a secondary user and now when ever I boot I can't get in to the log in manager. I can toggle to the other tty s but not the first one as only my cursor is there. Any ideas?

How do I create a shortcut that can toggle between two states ?
Ex. Turn screen on/off with the same key combination.
I'm on KDE if that matters

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If I change to another terminal and get it to run with startx but not on boot as before. It seems to be mad about /home/user/.Xauthority if I understand it correctly

>install Nvidia drivers
>plugin card
>No video output at all, onboard graphics also stops working despite being enabled in bios
>Unplug card
>everything boots fine
What the fuck is wrong with this nigger

You fucked up hard. Throw that pile of shit out and get a real GPU.

1. white a script or small program that does the toggle. Like reads the state and sets the opposite
2. create a shortcut that links to that script

you can do that on mint as well. Distro doesnt matter


you are supposed to install the drivers AFTER plugging in the card.

I literally can't even get grub up when it's plugged in, surely drivers being installed isnt fucking it this badly?

You shouldn't have to install the proprietary nvidia driver, it should work on the built in nouveau driver. Then after you've plugged it in you can try proprietary nvidia driver.

Sorry, cannot always read in the morning.

1. does the card work in other computers?
2. in BIOS there is an option for "primary video card" what is that set to?
3. in addition IIRC in BIOS you can set integrated to "auto" sometimes which disables it if you have a dedicated one. You can try setting that to just ON/Enabled if possible.

I've extracted icecat to Documents and it runs. What command should I use to make a launcher for it? I tried sudo updatedb but I realise obviously it doesn't work from icecat because I haven't "installed" it like with apt-get. Can someone please help a complete newbie out

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Any links with example ? Couldn't find anything with keywords "shortcut toggle how to" neither on the web nor arch wiki

So did Canonical actually fix Firefox for us Ubuntu users? I'm on stable and xpinstall config flag worked, even though it should only work on dev releases.

Now even that is broken after following some outdated guides. I just want to pass over my browser bookmarks to my next installation then is that possible?

For i3wm users, did you remap jkl; to hjkl in i3, or did the opposite in all programs which use hjkl?

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nevermind I figured it out. now I can't save because of permissions

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please lads this is driving me insane. I've tried purging menulibre and reinstalling

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It says something about permissions
Have you tried doing with sudo or running it as root?

it doesn't let me - it says menulibre isn't supposed to run as root

Is there any distro that has a good support for high dpi ?

I'm on a 14" 3k laptop (2014 was an interesting time) and xubuntu has been fine with the xcfe-hidpi stuff. the only exception is my taskbar atm which is still tiny, but I'm completely new to linux so I'm sure there's a way

Why people hate systemd so much anyway?
Its so fucking convenient

Should I use ibus or fcitx for CJK input?

Why is Icecat such a nightmare to install? I've compiled it twice in the past five hours and I can't figure out how to run it.

I literally just downloaded and extracted it and it runs from the executable, but I can't for the fucking life of me use menulibre to make a launcher

is clamav literally the only av option we have? The UI for this thing is goddam retarded.

why would you have an av?

Josh it's saying you might now have permissions to use the folder, have you tried changing the permissions of the folder you are saving it to maybe?

to scan the 10TB of media I've downloaded before I plug it into my familys windows computers

I've got read + write on everything related to it man, I have no idea what's wrong

What's the problem with Nvidia laptops and linux exactly?

I need a new laptop and I'm planning on using it for games at work but don't want it overly heavy and was looking into the Razer Blade with he Nvidia MX150 - apparently Nvidia and Linux don't play nice in laptops and it fucks up the battery life because it won't ever use the intel card.

>I'm on a 14" 3k laptop (2014 was an interesting time) and xubuntu has been fine with the xcfe-hidpi stuff. the only exception is my taskbar atm which is still tiny, but I'm completely new to linux so I'm sure there's a way

I tried xubuntu and couldn't come to any satisfying result with it. I'me pretty new to linux too as every time I try it I end up with some problem making it poorly usable to my taste that I can't find a fix for.

I installed it in /opt/ then made a symlink in /usr/bin pointing to it which worked for rofi. I also added a profile for it in /usr/share/applications called icecat.desktop so it appears in my start menu - I'm not sure if this is what you mean though.

My question - I've installed icecat and I want it to always start in fullscreen. I'm using xfce. How can I do this?