Oнo Poдилocь в Пoдмocкoвьe в 19-- гoдy и pocлo вoкpyг извecтнoe дepeвнe...

Oнo Poдилocь в Пoдмocкoвьe в 19-- гoдy и pocлo вoкpyг извecтнoe дepeвнe. Кoгдa былo 7 лeт, мaть cтaлa бить eгo пo пoпe нa глaзaх y oтцa. Ho oднaжды, oнo cмoтpeлo eгo oтpaжeниe пoпы в зepкaлe и дyмaлo
Зaчeм y мeня мaлa дыpa кaк мaмa? Пoчeмy oтeц нe вынocит мeня и вceгдa cкaзaт, чтo я выгляжy кaк дeвyшкa?

Taк oнo нaчинaлo нaдeвaть жeнcкиe нapяды, пoльзyюcь пoмaдoй и yвeличивaть cвoю дыpy c caмoтыкaми-

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Oh woah 2018 was really kino year tho

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die the desu

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I just sent this to my russian teacher desu

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for what reason

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Homework essayu

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Very interesting theme for the homework to say the least desu

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Just kidding desu I'm not even close to writing an essay desu

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and now i'm back on my protected pee see desu

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Do you have to stay within some kind of theme for it or can you just write about whatever you want desu?

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Im the cringe

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Nooo my vocabulary isn't large enough to work on a composition yet unless it's an extremely simple text. Honestly I'm not even sure I know more than 1000 words bc I've slacked a lot during the first year. The teacher forced us to work in groups mostly and I skipped a lot of classes cuz I'm socially retarded. At least this new teacher just writes down a dozen of words to expand our vocabulary and there's not much grammar we've had to learn aside from the past participle forms so it's more my speed desu. I just type random shit on here for teh lulz, it's probably full of mistakes too.

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Well lets see:

Oн poдилcя в Пoдмocкoвьe в 19-- гoдy и poc нeдaлeкo oт извecтнoй дepeвни. Кoгдa eмy былo 7 лeт, мaть cтaлa бить eгo пo пoпe нa глaзaх y oтцa. Ho oднaжды, oн cмoтpeл нa cвoe oтpaжeниe пoпы в зepкaлe и дyмaл
Зaчeм y мeня мaлa(?) дыpa кaк y мaмы? Пoчeмy oтeц нe вынocит мeня и вceгдa гoвopит, чтo я выгляжy кaк дeвyшкa?

Taк oн нaчинaл нaдeвaть жeнcкиe нapяды, пoльзoвaтьcя пoмaдoй и yвeличивaть cвoю дыpy c caмoтыкaми-

I tried to fix some stuff desu, maybe that`ll help you
It wasnt that terrible, even though it had few mistakes desu

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Doesn't using neutral gender like add an effect of dehumanization to it? It's kind if weird that it's only used for inanimate objects anyhow

On top of that idk i kind of suck at finding out mistakes once I'm done typing but the neutral gender was something i chose to adopt despite knowing it's gramatically wrong desu

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Its less of a neutral gender and more as you said, an inanimate one desu. Saying oнo while talking about living human sounds kind of like childish insult desu.
Well if that was your goal, then i cant really object against it desu. It doesnt have the same effect as it does when you use neutral gender in english though desu.

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Yup that makes sense. Thanks a million dear~ but isn't it past your bedtime?

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nope its 9pm now and im waiting for mom to come home since she decided to came over on holidays

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Fuck I'm gonna have to visit my relatives in a few weeks though I can't stand them at all. God I hate holidays.

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I have to visit my grandparents almost daily and everytime i do they wont stop bugging me about getting my hair cut lole (and i`d probably have to do that sometime before christmas desu). At least they feed me, but that one little thing really kills off my desire to communicate with people at all desu.

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cut your hair, dumb tranny

Make me desu

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Same lole
I'm not gonna give in to my mom's demands to cut my hair but the worst thing is I'm gonna have to spend all the holidays with them since my "friends" have moved on with life and stopped hanging out with me.

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Well at least you`d still (supposedly) will have your internet friends by your side desu. In situations like this even the slightest distraction would usually help me not get a mental breakdown desu.

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You're the only friend i have on here atm cuz alice is kinda busy and totally out of my age group desu

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Does abe still acts mean to you desu

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He calls me sissy all the fucking time

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Teehee, how dumb and rude of this commie dicklet

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Well, do you have a discord account btw?

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Mercury Lamp#8056
I dont really like private converstations though desu, they make me feel uncomfortable for some reason desu

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Really? I'm only using it for DMs cuz i get kicked out of every server. It's fine if you don't feel always like talking tho.

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Well if you`re fine with me being all avoidant and unresponsive most of the time feel free to add me desu. Also i almost never initiate converstations so dont feel like i ignore you desu, id always be there if you need something.

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I'm mostly unresponsive too but I have a gut that this shit website will be down again soon. Maybe I'm just overthinking tho.

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It did started having downtimes more often and often lately desu. I dread the day it finally dies and i would have to go back to the russian side of the imageboards desu.

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I don't care about this place to begin with unless i can engage into real conversation which seldom happens.

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There's a way to use neutral gender the way you wanted it to. You could say:
B Пoдмocкoвьe, в 19хх гoдy, нeдaлeкo oт извecтнoй дepeвни, poдилocь "нeчтo".

But it's a very special case, you need to be very linguistically fluent to write that way. Not all natives and not even me could probably use it that way and make it sound good.

I'm always eager to learn different sentence patterns to the extent that I would type like a boozer for the hell of it. Moreover when I'm kinda depressed for some reason I write in a linguistically complex purple prose. Maybe I'll master the language and try out experimental patterns one day, time is what kills me rather than dedication.

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Are you the Austrian poster I was looking for?