I am downloading Notepad++ and reading the first lesson of

I am downloading Notepad++ and reading the first lesson of javascript.info/

Am I making it?

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your on the path to mediocrity.
work hard and you can join the rest.


I just want to be able to make around 300 bucks a month from home, is it possible

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Notepad++ is trash. It was good 10 or 12 years ago but there are better editors out there now.

I read atom was good but taxing on old computers and I have a potato so I didn't even bother

You could make that much a week by just being a decent web freelancer

Yes, just keep studying. You can do it. There will be times when you won't understand what's going on, but keep trying. Remember to google things you don't know how to do or understand. Ask questions on stackoverflow or here. Good luck.

I think you are a member of the church of emacs who has written his own lisp dialect and are just trying to b8 Jow Forums with this post.

define "decent"
is average decent

Considering you're coming here for validation before actually getting started...I have my doubts about you sticking it out when grappling with unfamiliar concepts

You never know though. And don't pay attention to the people who shit on JS by default; it has its utility. Good luck user


Ok since the hello world of javascript.info was too hard I went to freecodecamp to learn html

I'm doing it!

Try the MDN guide: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide

Mozilla has the best Javascript documentation.

you should start in backend like php or asp

can one learn typescript without learning javascript beforehand?

might as well kill yourself now

sorry, its theodinproject.com

You can earn that much every couple of day by being a e-whore

>"use strict"


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