IRC is the absolute oldest chat protocol used on the internet, runs on a potato computer running FreeDOS...

IRC is the absolute oldest chat protocol used on the internet, runs on a potato computer running FreeDOS, and should not be difficult to implement in TempleOS as long as there is a network stack. Text only, no images, no tripfagging, no private messaging, desktop friendly, no IP visible to other users (safety added if you create a random nick), ircops does not give a fuck. Get in here:

Web client:
Server: ircs://
Channel: !anonymous (yes, no '#')

Attached: ircnet.gif (160x88, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No message persistence means it's going to lose out to awful "modern" chat systems.

Just save whatever pasta you like.

Attached: 1505594092870.png (712x670, 1.17M)

>no private messaging
what is /msg nigger?

That doesn't help if I'm offline.

!anonymous will always appear to be empty, just spotted someone posting.
desu desu desu

You can do that, but someone needs to giveaway their nick first so that can be done.
Set up a box to idle in the channel, personally I never bothered to read on conversations from days past.

>Set up a box to idle in the channel
Yeah, but that has always struck me as a pretty silly workaround.

You're welcome user.
I agree, but considering IRC nowadays is nothing but idling, I am not sure if that is really a requirement, unless you want to address the person directly.

why are the two of them listening to the same string

>and should not be difficult to implement in TempleOS as long as there is a network stack
Too bad because there is no network stack

>someone programmed a web server for templeos implementing a network stack
>there is not network stack

Nice comfy IRC, bumping.

If there isn't already a client for TempleOS I might do it, writing (very barebones) IRC clients is sort of the hello world equivalent for me when trying a new language.

Imagine wanting to install IRC on an OS without networking support

Someone actually slapped that on it. Wouldn't exactly recommend using it because the whole OS isn't designed to be exposed to a network, but yeah, there's basic networking now.



Seems absolutely dead. If this is advertising for your channel I'd advice posting when there's more going on than


Attached: ahahaha_oh_wow.gif (235x320, 2.97M)

My 99.9% complete irc logs since 1997 when I got on internets and irc would like to disagree.

Just so you know, you made me feel bad for a minute because I lost most of my logs over the years. Maybe it's better that way though.

>something something backups
I'm sorry to hear that. It must have felt awful. Actually a huge chunk of mine had to be recovered from a failed sub-1TB drive many years ago, before I had proper redundancy, though actually there were objectively more important things on it that warranted sending it off for recovery (not memecoins).

I backup on tape these days, at least stuff that's really important to me. Liberated a decommissioned drive and several boxes (!) of tapes from my workplace at some point.

Asking the real questions here

Templeos doesn't have a network stack. Some insane ramblings of why networking isn't needed was given once.

Pure TempleOS, no, but some heresy has taken place since Terry's death:

Kids are retarded m8

What IRC channels dou you recommend, user?

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